May our words be like placid running waters!
Capable of crushing the hardest rocks of worldly schemes and setting ups with their patient, clear and solid content of the right and fundamental convictions they come from in the first place!
So they may be a blessing for the arid and despairing souls and minds, giving new life to the ones drinking them as welcome waters.
May they sweetly get into the thirsting´s lives of the ones needing a vivifying drop to keep on living!
May they sweetly get into the thirsting´s lives of the ones needing a vivifying drop to keep on living!
Let´s not be concerned with those who come and drink!
Let´s just keep on flowing and giving!
Words may turn themselves into a poem, a feisty phrase, an advice, a tale, a compliment or a reflection.
Words may turn themselves into a poem, a feisty phrase, an advice, a tale, a compliment or a reflection.
Even a joke!
Nevertheless they must flow over a loving river-bed to be able to reach those who need them.
But let´s be careful because our words can also be,
But let´s be careful because our words can also be,
in any given moment,
as uncontrolled forceful waters, fast and turbulent, destructive and mortal.
They can make passions overflow, drowning peace and love as they pass.
They can make passions overflow, drowning peace and love as they pass.
The difference resides in the feelings we may harbor
in the moments we utter them and they scatter in the air.
Is not up to us but to the listeners that our words transmit life to them
Is not up to us but to the listeners that our words transmit life to them
or on the contrary destroy their peace and propagate pain and sorrow!
And may our thoughts and words, when negative,
become snow and then ice, and even if beautiful as them:
sterile, static and mute!
And when sharing times come they may become liquid to be used to create and preserve life in full and innerness!
And when sharing times come they may become liquid to be used to create and preserve life in full and innerness!

So our Good God may distribute them, more wisely than us, as living rain,without discrimination.
Blessed be the words that may come from us,
because this would show our hearts are full of love
and in the best hands!
Our God´s ones!

And honor to who honor is due! Thanks “little seeds” ministry, for giving us the starting spiritual kick to embark on such a worthy task and vision.

And honor to who honor is due! Thanks “little seeds” ministry, for giving us the starting spiritual kick to embark on such a worthy task and vision.
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