There is a saying that states that the good we possess is never really appreciated, until is lost. There are other sayings that state that it is necessary to give, freely, abundantly, lovingly, joyfully, but also sacrificially.
It could be easy to understand that of freely, abundantly, lovingly and joyfully when wealth, health and blessings abound. But, can this be possible when giving sacrificially, out of our scarcities and needs? Out of what remains of our wealth, health and blessings as is happening nowadays?
Yes, yes, yes, and one hundred times yes. I have seen it in others. I have also seen it in my personal and our family lives. I will try to summarize, in the future and somehow, some of these living occurrences to humbly give testimony of the real existence of these facts.
We could talk, in general, about the oldest book in the Bible where it is described its main personage JOB’s enjoyed, then lost, and finally recovered life. We could talk about the Good Samaritan deeds. Even if some could try to attribute this to a Christianese jargon, oriented to emotionally proselytize and bring unbelievers to our side.
We could also display the emotive story of the young child who went around hungry and received a glass of milk from an attractive young girl who invited him into her home. And we could also emphasize the gratefulness returned by way of the surgery performed by an extremely skilled surgeon on that same girl many years after.
And yes, you can easily visualize that the surgeon and the girl were the same of the beginning of the beautiful story, when, the hospital bills were presented to the girl, stamped with a rotund “paid with a glass of milk” over the myriad of detailed items used in order to make her health recover.
Nowadays there is an uncoverable, undeniable, ominously pervading crisis of all types and ways. Financially! Morally! You name it. Millions have lost, are losing and will lose their jobs, their homes, their present comfort and seemingly their future and their universally sought material happiness that has been baptized as the utopian American dream.
But this is not the end of the world. It is just the beginning of the new gratefulness filled mornings that lie ahead in the future if we make the necessary changes in beliefs and attitudes toward life. And we can make this future become our present if we accompany the changes with the necessary actions of love given and received.
I will not try to emotively rally potential givers into action. I will only pinpoint what love given and received means and how this circle closes, itself, in a spiraling way bringing us to the higher levels of consciousness, awareness, decisiveness and actions required.
I will try to do it in two ways. One by way of logic based on firm belief on the certitude of the hundred fold returns in what is given to the needier on behalf of the Lord, our God.
The other way will be by leading you to the awareness that others, individually and ministerially have done through the years. And not a few ones but during 132 years up to date!
I hope, sincerely, humbly and resolutely, that you all, the potential readers of this blog, can stop, relax in the midst of your present tribulations and trials, and make this conviction of a better future through present decisive and generous actions, the ruling guide and the guiding light through these darkest hours of despair.
First, I will try to make you all visualize the one hundred fold returns approach. Let´s take for example the basis of giving to others, by donation of funds later matched by other generous donors, or by receiving temporarily in our homes those in need of love, comprehension, acceptance and encouragement.
Let´s visualize our giving a minimum of ten percent of our attention and love. The Lord will give us back one hundred fold returns of our ten percent which means ten times the whole of what we originally received.
To this He would add the one hundred fold return of the ten percent the receiver would give us if grateful and correspondingly generous in relation to what he received.
This means a full return of what we originally received. He, the Lord, will give it to us on behalf of the receiver if he does not react according to the rules of gratefulness and generosity.
Adding both returns we then have eleven times plus ninety percent of the original blessings to feed the expanding cycle of love given and received.
If we then comply with the giving of another ten percent of what we have accumulated, the returns expand in an overwhelming mode.
Ten percent of (11.90) eleven point nine times accumulated blessings means (1.19) one point nineteen times of the original blessings.
The direct from God one hundred fold returns comes to be 119 times the original blessings plus 10.71 times accumulated blessings corresponding to our ninety percent balance.
If we add the one hundred fold returns of the 10% of the 10% given and received by others, this adds to a total of 11.90 times the original blessings.
The grand total of accumulated blessings just at the end of the second cycle of giving and receiving is then 141.61 of the original blessings.

Could you imagine the cumulative results when a lot of people pitch in?
A hundred ones!
A thousand ones!
The cumulative one time givers and or volunteers!
The committed ones!
The once a year givers and or volunteers!
The consistently through the years ones!
Probably not, because happiness and fulfillment usually resides in the realm of the spirit!
And spiritual realm is usually directly opposed to gross and greedy materialist success, showing off or gain, as well as the deeds undertaken because of a sense of guilt and self-appeasement instead of genuine sharing and generous love or compassion.
The blessings returns exist and are effective and true, only our stubborn unbelief could deny it! But if doubts persist, let´s get to the second way we have to convince ourselves of the worthiness of donating funds or time.
Especially when all this is to be matched by other generous donors! As well as deciding to open ourselves and our homes, and volunteering in the causes, ministries and programs worthy to be donated to and volunteered for.
This is what it came to my mind when I perused through the accomplishment of the Fresh Air Fund that has been blessing children since the year of the Lord 1877.
And the calculations were based in only one person. Multiply it by the many who pitched in, yearly, for 132 years. It is s dizzying, unimaginable, wonderfully mesmerizing, and true!
Check the programs! Check the numbers of children served! Check the abundance of activities! Imagine the joy and happiness of both ends of the loving equation! Go to to do it.
A skeptic could say. 132 years? And still asking?
Are statistics true?
Don´t they see the crisis that is making the world go to pieces?
We have to care for ourselves first. Charity starts at home.
Sorry for them, but sorrier for myself.
We need to survive.
The dispirited and pessimistic could say. How could I give even if I wanted to?
I am in a receive, not to give, circumstance.
Jobless! Homeless!
Barely meeting my basic needs!
Visionaries and dreamers would say.
Blessed be the Lord for people like these.
It is true that children numbers have geometrically expanded and abuses and abandonment as well.
But let´s pray and ask the Lord our generosity expands the same, to allow them covering not only what they presently do, but expanding their dream and commitment,
worldwide too.
So we can bless them and be blessed in return.
and this way, live a beautiful life, reaping God´s blessings to share them with the dispossesed and the hurting
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