Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The normal way of life, nowadays, it is just a primeval fear of being rejected, isolated or discarded by the ruling systems. It is also comprised by the primeval desire to belong, wherever and however we can, even if at the cost of compromising our own identity, our own integrity, our own rightful beliefs and values.

And in doing so we become slaves! Slaves of our own fears and desires! Enslaved by life, by circumstances, by others, by ourselves! But this is not what the Lord visualized us to be when He created us.

One thing I learned while young. Sometimes you have to wash with soap and water, more soap than water, the burned layers of our emotional, spiritual or intellectual skins, if you want to see healing and survival, with dignity, honor and rectitude, even if covered by the scars of emotional hurt and pain.

Scars can be a disturbing sight but also can be considered the unavoidable mementos and trophies of life. Because of their wealth of experiences and lessons learned.

But let´s not beat the bushes any more. Let´s get down to business and set up the turning point by addressing, for the last time, as I promised, the pessimistic conclusions that the everyday occurrences bring to our mind, our emotions and spirits.

And I mention the three of them because they are the core of who we are.

Sometimes in life men have to stop and make fundamental decisions. And the most fundamental one is to recognize our undue enslavement and to make the necessary changing decisions to liberate us at all costs, understanding what life is and how to live it. Let´s find out what it is this all about it and how to find the ways out.

What are you “a slave of”?
Of the wounds you received when you were young?
Of your childhood´s traumas?
Of what someone decided you should be?
Of an unsatisfying relationship?
Of an unrewarding job?
Of the boring routine of your life?

Liberate yourself! The time is already overdue!
Throw away the backpack
you carry, filled with resentment, rancor and guilt!
It´s time to stop blaming others and your past
for everything that is not going well in your life.

You have the opportunity to start anew, everyday!
You are born again when you open your eyes, every morning!
You receive, every morning, the opportunity
to change and improve whatever you dislike in your life.

The responsibility is all yours!
Your happiness does not depend on your parents,
your spouse, your friends or your past!
The responsibility is all yours!

Your happiness depends on you, and you, only.
What is it that keeps you paralyzed? Fears?
Rejection´s fears? Fears to succeed? To fail?
To what others think? To criticism?
To make mistakes? To be alone or left alone?

It is time, overdue, to break the chains you, no one else, has put on you!
Break the chains you, no one else, has put on you!

The only thing you must fear is to not to be yourself!
To let life pass by without doing
what you dream inside you would like to do!

What you must only fear is to waste the opportunity
to show others who you are, to say what you think and believe,
to share what of good you have to offer.

You are a part of life, and as everyone else
you can walk with your forehead facing the winds.

The mistakes of the past are already forgotten,
and the errors of the future will also be forgiven.

Realize that no one is keeping track of your failures.
Only you do so!

That judge who reproaches you.
That executioner that punishes you.
That “no friend” who always criticizes you…

Is yourself!

Leave yourself in peace. Forgive yourself.
Only you can achieve it!

When are you going to show your love for your beloved?
Until a few minutes before your final departure?
Or until a few ones before their own?

The love not shown today will be lost forever.
Remember that life is so short and fragile
that we do not have time
to waste in dissentions and stupid divergences.

Today is the day of forgiving past offenses
and of patching up olden quarrels.

Give yourself to those you love without expecting to change them.
Accept them as they are
and respect the most valuable gift they have received:

their freedom.

Enjoy your relationships with no dramatic fuss about it.
If you pretend all to do what you want
or to be as you have decided they should be,
if you pretend to control those around you,
you will only fill your life with conflicts.

Let others make their own decisions
as you will make your own,
trying to achieve the best for all and everyone.
That way you will fill your life with harmony!

And lastly.
What are you waiting for to start enjoying your life?
For all your problems to be fixed?
For all your traumas to be healed?
For your worthiness to be finally recognized?
For the love of your life to arrive? For the gone to be back?
For everything to be like you want?
For the financial crisis to end?
For a miracle to be?
For as in a magician trick everything to become perfect and beautiful?


Life is not what happens when all your plans are accomplished.
Nor what will happen when you get that you so intensely desire.

Life is what is going on at this precise moment!
Your life, this moment, is to read these paragraphs.
Wherever you are reading them.
And within your surrounding circumstances, right now.

Something, right now, that we cannot understand,
is keeping you alive,
and allows you to see, to think, to express yourself, to move, to laugh.
Even to cry, if you want to do so!

Do not take life for granted.
Do not get used to wake up every day
and be bored or grouchy or overly concerned.

Open your eyes and be grateful for all the blessings you can see.
Give thanks for your capacity to hear the birds singing,
to listen to your favorite melodies and the laughter of your children.

Place your hand upon your chest and feel your heart strongly pulsing
and saying to you:

You are alive!

You are alive!

You are alive!

I know that life is not perfect.
And that it is full of difficult situations.
It may be that it is as it is supposed to be.

Maybe it is why you have been given all the tools you need to confront her.
The strength to endure all losses.
The freedom to choose how to react to the things that happen.
The love and support of your beloved ones.

I also know that you are not perfect.
Nobody is!
But, millions of circumstances gathered together to allow you to exist.

You were created according to a marvelous design
and share it with all humanity, with all its virtues and defects.
It is so written in you ADN.
As well as in the ADN of all the human beings
who have existed and will exist upon earth.

If you ask who am I to tell you all this?
I will answer you that I am nobody.
I am just a different version of who you are.
Another human being among thousands of millions
but one who has decided to be free and get back
all the power of his life.

Your passions, your fears, your wounds, your weaknesses,
your secrets and your aggressions
you share them with all your brothers and sisters.

Welcome to the human race!
Those supposed defects are part of your freedom,
part of your humanity.

I hope you also decide to do it!

Taken from the book: The slave

Author: Francisco J. Angel Real

For the continuity of the message keep on reading down below

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