Monday, November 30, 2009

The nonsensical, blinds guiding blinds games of today!

The fleeting fruits and moments of life!

A few days ago I received through the internet email grapevine a message titled “your belongings” in Spanish.

It powerfully called my attention and I translated it adding some comments at the end, starting with a potential scenario in which the man woke up from his slumbering death, as a child resting in “himself adult hands”.

The purpose of this awakening was to be able to profit from the teachings that sometimes or oftentimes require that we die, or that we are taken away from the whirlwind of the dizzying world circumstances we are immersed in.

I had already posted it in my blog, even if I felt that something to be said was missing, but I had not wanted to keep on negatively pounding my thoughts upon the table.

I wanted to send a positive message to my sons and closest friends. I wanted to encourage my grandchildren and their friends.

But this “Sunday November 29th. 2009 Honduran elections”, and the unending and tiring appearance in all types of scenarios by the international players of all types, plus the myriad of television commentaries, have made me change my mind.

It is a blessed circumstance that the internet provides us with a podium where all types of comments are available, and we can express ourselves without restrictions.

I woke up early today to erase my posting, and add this preamble which I know will become the essence of what I wanted to convey in the first place. I hope the odiogo program that allows me to listen to what I write, allows me this time to erase what it was already complemented and change it and replace it with these additional commentaries.

Sometimes, when I embark myself in what totally absorbs my mind and conversations, which is the social behavior and political shenanigans, my wife asks me to be short, precise and concise in my conversations and writings.

She makes me remember my school days teachers, but times have changed, and the instrument and method is to incessantly pound over and over, until the message gets across and minds and wills are changed or manipulated.

Coming back to the Honduran elections, the subtle attitude changes, but still stubborn attempts to impose views and decisions that correspond to the Honduran people, just because they are poor, made me remember a game my four sons played when they were young and seated around the family dining table.

Because what is happening is or could be somehow twisted and used as an excuse by the political players that are so intent nowadays in controlling their peoples, in the name of the uneducated and manipulated masses.

My sons started the game by solemnly uttering a usual absurd opening statement. Then in a fast firing mood every one of them answered or added to the discussion the most absurd, solemn, nonsensical, unrelated reply or additional proposition.

And the game went on, without a pause, without blinking, without smiles, without paying attention to what was already said, until one of them winked, laughed, or started blinking, and this way being taken out of the game.

I usually added my part, until I took them all out of the game, sometimes staring at them, without blinking, without uttering a single word. Other times I did the opposite, quietly laughing and repeating to myself the silliest statements thrown around the table.

That´s what I feel directed to do today. I strongly feel that if every conscious person did the same, quietly laughing at or silently telling these well paid players and commentators to shut up and mind their own personal business, things could be better in all the aspects and levels of society.

But this takes balance, integrity, consciousness about what is right, just, and necessary, as well as the resolve to not let ourselves be oppressed and manipulated by the empty but bold and daring messianic agitators of today.

Because we cannot waste our time! Life is too short and we cannot expect to be given another chance by rebirthing ourselves as a child in our own hands, as I place as a potential scenario in my comments to the message I refer to in the video.


A man suddenly died…

He realized that God was placing a bag by his side.
And telling him: My son, it´s time to leave and start walking!

The man, surprised, replied, why so soon? I had plans and many!
I am sorry, my son, but your time is over!

The man then asked God…
What´s inside the bag that you are carrying?

Your belongings, my son!

My things? My clothes? My money?
Those were never yours.
They belonged to the earth down here.

Are my memories inside?
They are not with you anymore.
They were kept, as his, by the time!

Are my talents inside?
No, my son.
They stayed back with the circumstances!

My family and friends?
They were never yours. They were of the journey!

Well, at least you left me my wife and my children.
They were never yours. They belonged to your heart!

Do you have my body in there?
It was made out of dust and it had to go back to dust!

Then, are you giving me back my soul?
It was never yours. It belonged to me!

Then, the man, fearful,
took the bag away from God and opened it.
He realized, surprised, that it was empty!

With a tear rolling down his cheek, the man asked God…
Did I never have anything?

Yes, my son. You had every moment you lived.
They were all yours to do the best you could while living them!

Life is just a series of breathed moments.
Moments all yours! Enjoy them to the hilt!
Make the most and best, out of them!

Do not let any of the things
you believed yours and weren’t to stop you.

And as a final, short, precise and concise comment as my wife so dearly likes, I want to add, that if we have the opportunity, or hopefully a second chance if we have wasted our first one…

Share them; give them to the ones who need them!
Place your hope and treasure in the heavens!

So, this potential scenario could be possible if God´s grace and mercy allows it.

And the man woke up, again, as a child,
To live life as we should live it!


Nowadays, when there is so much confusion and noise,
Financial madness, vitriolic arguments,
Political Messianism, and violence,
mainly, and basically due to the boldness of the wicked,

Because of the idleness, the faked indifference,
and the feigned opposition of the irresolute and the weaker!

And these nonsensical situations make me remember my grandfather,

When we were noisily fighting and pranking,
Used to, soberly, tell us,
With an admonishing finger tapping over our foreheads…

Behave! What´s the need to jump and holler,
When the floor is flat and even?

Time just fly away!

Keep in mind this question.
Where will everybody be, fifty or a hundred years from now ?

Time just fly away!

Use your time wisely, while you have it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Time to give thanks! And time for giving!

In my last posting I was referring myself to the negative sides of life, and the consequent negative approaches and comments about the ways wrongdoings affect us, and spread confusion, that prevents a positive approach to the challenges, and the possibility of overcoming them.

The paramount feeling was the desire to convey the need to stop blaming others and doing something to find solutions or ways out, ourselves.

I was planning to keep on commenting the derivations of the seven sinful tendencies of the human beings, in an effort to highlight the well intentioned deeds of some ministries, which I will, anyway, point out in the videos that will be included down here.

But, some things happened in a whirl winding way the last two weeks that have somehow highlighted and brought out, to the surface, the real existence and need for hope and trust in the resilience of the younger human beings.

I had to make 2 trips and was able to cross the vertical lines of society. It was a lesson to see from the top down and from down to the top, people living, people enduring, people facing life with resolve.

It was so intimately moving being able to dance in a posh hotel and listen to old and young, concerned with the outcome of a life based on lasting moral values. It was also moving to see them already making plans to be ready to make a difference for themselves and those around them.

It is rewarding to see them in action. It is encouraging being able to sort out the deluge of messages of so many others who will themselves in a daily mood to share the messages I share after making them my own.

It is rewarding to see that in the midst of adversity and disgrace, and as newer leaves and branches, out of the debris rises again the positively ingrained potential and longing of better things and futures that these younger generations will have to nurture and rely upon to be able to keep on walking and leaving a legacy to their children.

We, as humans, are not different from one another. We just feel we are, in the mistaken approach to strengthen up our personalities. We just react differently, and we discriminate our fellows, in the sadly, futile, effort to step upon them to reach what we consider is rightfully ours, being that pedestals of any type and mesmerizing social positions.

And, for not understanding this vital concept, we lose what is most valuable of all. Our sensitivity and the ingrained but innerly suffocated moral values that keep on knocking at the door of our conscience, reminding us that we all are, at least, partners in the journey of life, if we cannot accept the rightful but blistering notion that we are brothers and sisters.

Because this is what we are, brothers and sisters born from different human parents, but with a sole creator who did not created antagonists but complementally beings in order to tackle with the task of stewardship-ing His created nature where He placed us to enjoy and care for.

A myriad of thoughts and feelings have been overwhelming my mind and my spirit. They will give birth to future series of sharing’s and comments under the generic label of “Life question marks” that I will share as they sprout up in my spirit.

For the time being let´s enjoy the messages that are the core of the down here following postings. Meanwhile, let´s give thanks for what of good has happened in our lives.

Thanks, also, for the already overcome trials and the trials to come so we become better people. Thanks for everything, people and things that have been the chisel in the loving hands of God, in order to perfect our beings, as well as the refiner’s fire that has burned down our carnal and spiritual impurities.

And thanks for all those who have dedicated their life to help the dispossessed and the needy.

Life is a garden place, made up of people with myriad of differences!

A child went out strolling over the sidewalks of his neighborhood… And discovered that the trees, the vines and the bushes were or dying or

The vine wanted to be strong and tall as the pine trees! A sickly growing tree was sad because he could not grow grapes as the grapevines. The grapevine was dying because she could not have roses as the rosebuds! And the rose was frustrated because it could not hug the walls as the vines!

But then he found a flower… A carnation blooming fresher than we could think about! The boy asked her… How can you so happily bloom among so many unsatisfied plants and flowers?

The flower answered: It may be because I always thought since I was planted that it was wanted to see carnations! If it has been wanted other flowers or plants, different plants and flowers would have been planted!

So, I said to myself, I will try to be the best of the carnations! And here I am… The best of the best of the carnations!

We are who we are! We live, withering, immersed in our own dissatisfactions, because of our absurd comparisons with the rest of the peoples.

If I were! If I had! If my life were! Always conjugating the uncertain future instead of the concrete present, stubbornly refusing to accept that happiness is a subjective and voluntary issue!

We can choose, today, to be happy with who we are, and with what we have… or to bitterly live because of what we do not have or cannot be! We will only bloom the day we accept we are who we are!

We are unique! And nobody can do what we came to do! Start doing what is necessary! Then, what is possible and suddenly You´ll be doing what is… impossible!

We deserve to give the best coloring to our Life. Many have already done so! But there are some of us who have not done so. We burn ourselves under the sun instead of staying under the shadow.

Human kind, truly, is not evil. Evil is the idea of refusing to let rise up these human feelings! You will wonder why am I wasting my time writing this, if you don´t need it. It is because I feel in my heart some may truly need it!

SHARE IT! RESEND IT! And do not allow that the garden of your life may dry out, for not wanting to listen to the voice that rises up from the bottom depths of the kindness of your heart.

REMEMBER! NONE is more than anyone, only bolder, daring, deceiver or manipulating!

Above all things kept in the inner safe of your being… Safeguard your heart and your own, from the multitude of inciters, profiteers and “live off” Gurus of the confusion, deception, manipulation, violence and chaos.

Think about this… the evil spirits and the puppets of the dark are usually faster and more diligent than the children of the light. But, Discernment, Love and Resolve will make the difference!

It is Madness, Believe Me!

To hate all roses because one´s torns did hurt you.

To quit on dreaming because one did not become real.

To lose faith on prayer because you were not heard one single time.

To desist from trying because some of your efforts failed.

To condemn all your friends because one betrayed you.

Not believing in love because of one´s unfaithfulness.

To walk away from happiness because once you tried and weren´t.

I hope you do not become so crazy while you are walking.

Remember there is always another chance,
another friendship, another love, new strenght.

It´s just a matter of persevering and keep on trying to be happy.
Glory is not to never fall but to raise up again every time.


When feeling that God cannot use you anymore... remember!

Noah used to get drunk! Abraham was very old! Isaac was a dreamer!

Jacob was a liar! Leah was not good looking! Joseph was abused!

Moses stuttered! Gideon was a coward!

Samson had long hair and was a women chaser!

Jeremiah and Timothy were young! David was an adulterer and a murderer!

Isaiah preached while naked! Nohemí was a widow!

Peter denied Christ! The disciples abandoned Him!

Martha worried about everything !

The Samaritan woman was divorced and more than one time!

Zacheus was almost a midget! Paul was a religious zealot!

Timothy had an ulcer! And Lazarus was dead, already !

Even so... GOD helped them all !

So, No more despairing! God can use us at our maximum potential!

Besides, we are not the message. We are only the messengers.

In God´s Love Circuit, He wants to use us, to the fullest extent of our capacities!

But we must understand and remember that God expects deeds borne out of the spirit!

He does not need just religious actions !

Let´s count our blessings and share them with those who need them!

Faith is the ability to visualize God´s plan, His love for all, and His wisdom.

And wisdom is understanding that what is more important for Him is the peoples, and the children specially.

God wants us to stand still until the time comes for action and He let us know the specifics!

Let´s keep on being His Watch and Beacon People...

And keep His light of love and hope... shining!

The rest?

Let´s leave it to God!

He knows best! He will guide us!

For all those who have answered the call to serve Him by serving others,

But specially you, who serve the dispossessed and the forgotten of this world, and His children,

My sincere desire, hope and prayer is that you all flourish,

And make all the people and children cared for, to bloom as the flowers of my garden and my Life.

Just remember to always have the heart pure,
the soul submitted, the spirit purified
and the flesh under control.

Because visions and ministries can change,
die or worst of all stagnate,
if we change, we die inside,
or again, worst of all,
we stagnate!

May God bless you and keep you safe and pure!


About a month ago, as part of a college assignment for my wife, we both had a very singular experience. We visited, with some of her classmates a ministry that distributes more than 500 meals, daily, to people of all ages, as you will see in the adjunct video.

Besides the emotive examples of the people fed and loved, we had quite an experience meeting a young guy, who as a matter of fact, with stolid certitude expressed his hate for society when saying “I hate them more than they hate me”. A defensive reaction against received rejection from people and society as a whole!

There are many like him all around. Maybe, if we stopped just a moment to instill hopes in their souls, we could help them to change, for their own good, and society as well.

It only took some deeply felt encouragement and exhortation words to make his heart to open and glimpse a ray of hope when seeing he was still accepted despite his self defense built up barrier of distrust.

People, children, youngsters, adults and elders as well, need spiritual food even more than the food given to placate their physical hunger. We must be aware and convinced that the Lord will find a way for all of them, but He needs our willing helping hands.

If we cannot solve, wipe out or erase the causes and we are only able to partially palliate some of the consequences, let´s do it in His name!


We have fallen into the habit to hoard useless, and not transcending things, believing that someday (we do not when) we will need them.

We pile up money, not to save it, but just to avoid spending it. Because we fear we´ll lack it in the future. We collect clothes, toys, shoes, furniture, all sort of gadgets, and many other things. Things already and for a long time unused!

And, in within ourselves? We use to keep closeted our feelings, quarrels, resentments, sorrows, fears, peoples.

Don´t do it! It is anti-prosperity! It is necessary to create spaces so new things may be able to become part of our lives. It´s imperative to eliminate what of useless we have in our lives, so prosperity may become a real possibility.

Is the strength of that void what will absorb and attract all that we long for!

As long as we remain materially, or emotionally, attached to the old and the useless, there won´t be any space for the newer opportunities. Goods, chattels and things must be kept in motion.

Let´s clean up the drawers, the closets, our room, the garage and the basement! Let´s give out what we do not use anymore! The attitude of hoarding is what ties us up and immobilizes our lives!

It´s not the kept objects what stagnate life, but the meaning of the keeping for the sake of keeping attitude that pervades our beings. When keeping… the possibility of want and lacking is considered, it’s believed that tomorrow we will not be able to provide for our needs and longings.

That way we send two messages to our brains and lives: 1º No trust in our tomorrows. 2º and believing that new and best are NOT to be ours, because we fret and worry, and keep old and useless things all around us.

Do not just read this and add it to our kept things! Let´s share it and send it to others!

COUNT WITH ME, LORD! because you asked me, Lord.

because you asked me, I tell you, You can count with me. In the midst of the life´s turbulent seas You send me to the brethren to be your Gospel witness; so, among them and for them, I can be the "portioned bread", as you wanted to be present among

Make me a faithful witness of your offered life. My heart, fill it with your love. My eyes, make them a vase for your tenderness. My ears, a conduit for your attentiveness. My feet, those of your diligence. My hands, your supporting ones.

Anticipated thanks, Lord, for the life I could nurture.
And thanks, above everything else, thanks, for the life you made be born within us!
Count with us, Lord, whatever the spiritual group we could be part of, or the living ambience where we could be living in!