Sunday, September 30, 2007


It amazes how the most abused and abandoned children idolize and fantasize about their irresponsible parents! The most abused , the most excuses they make up for their behavior and sometimes the most abusive they become with those who unselfishly take care of them! Emotional self-preservation? Probably! But I believe it is because they refuse to see themselves as unloved children, do not trust that what they receive will last and do not know how to live in a loving environment!

Karla Marie-Jean, the girl we received a few weeks ago, came from one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city. She, her older brother, a 4 years old sister and a 4 months old baby boy abandoned by her father! Most of the times going hungry until mother came back home at midnight or later and then appeasing them with pizzas or any other type of junk food! She, running around with a gang of school age kids skipping classes! Her older brother already had been beaten once trying to defend her from abuse by these kids and other older people! She was wearing a minimal miniskirt when she was brought to our home!

But she tells everybody that her father is away working and her mother works at a Free Zone Clothes factory, and that both of them love them dearly and care for them, and…. and….

But during the weekend I already shared about it she was asking me to approve her something she wanted. It was a kind of testing the limits! I told her to go to my wife as she was the one in charge of dealing with such things. She, then, replied asking me if I was not the boss. I answered back that I was her father while she were with us and my wife was her mother.

She pondered all this for about a minute and then asked me… What a father does? To provide, to love, care and protect, to be present in your life! And she kept on asking… then, a mother… what she does? She loves, cares, protects and teach you how to become a beautiful lady was my answer. Karla then smiled, kissed my cheek and ran to my wife, seating nearby, to kiss her too.

Later on she kept playing happy and chirping as a little bird, but from time to time also kept on coming to hug us with a beautiful smile in her face.

These are the emotional rewards that by the grace of God enrich our lives and make easier the wearing out of the everyday care of the children at the expense of our own rest.

And so, many other seemingly little but important events happen just before our eyes without us paying due attention to what the Lord wants to tell us as when in Habakkuk 2:3 clearly states: “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it: for it will certainly come, it will not delay”.

But everything in His time, not in ours!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


One of these past days a friend was sharing with me that “Sometimes the Lord removes the tent (disrupting our comfort zone) so we can see the stars and get a clearer view of who He is”. And this is a rightful truth many times in our lives!
We keep so busy planning and doing things, and taking pride on what we do and building up our little human kingdoms that we frequently lose sight of what he tells us in Habakkuk 1:5 “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days! You would not believe if you were told!

Wonderful things happen without us realizing it, immersed as we usually are in the toils and the snares of the day. He has recently filled our hearts with joy!

We received the visit from Dalila, the first girl that left our Arms of Love homes after reaching adulthood. The ministry prepared her for adulthood by making her receive training on pastry making. After a while she decided to try life by herself.

Now she came back to visit as she considers us her grandparents (The Abuelitos).
She proudly presented to us and in us to Arms of Love her first born, the little boy Franklin Antonio Chávez-Martínez

She married a refrigeration technician young guy. She is working making cakes to help at home. She is building up her family and is firmly determined to see that her son does not go through the abuse and abandonment she suffered as a child.

Thanks my Lord for allowing us to see the first fruits of the love and sacrifices of all those who make this ministry a real work of God!

Thank you, Lord, for let us see a young life develop and be brave enough to leave the comfortable AOL environment to face life herself.

Dear Lord, bless and protect her and her family! Bless and protect all Those who are being part of many more Christian and positive lives making!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A feast of images and a joyful weekend!

Images are worthier than words and only less than real feelings and love for the children of the Lord!
What a wonderful 4 days weekend!

September the 14th. -15th! “Independence Days” celebration time in Nicaragua! We felt the need to spend them together, all the AOL boys and girls from Managua and Jinotepe. We had 4 nights and 3 days of cool and rainy weather but nothing stopped the fun. On the contrary it enhanced it and made us sing and praise the Lord in the coziness of the big and beautiful house he has given to our children. What a difference with Managua where the temperature is always hot and humid. Understandably the children wanted the few days become weeks but school was waiting and routine even if covered with love was imperative. But more days alike will come!

We ate, played, frolicked, jumped into the pool, danced, and played all day around! But we also went to church, prayed, praised the Lord, and played dramas for the benefit of our spirits so we could be aware of His blessings and keep on being humble and grateful.

We had a feast in all the senses of the word. And grandpa kept on taking pictures. What a feast! Enjoy it! Next time we will continue with more serious thoughts and comments about the vision and the development of this wonderful work of God for the abused and abandoned Nicaraguan children

And all the children gave thanks to God for giving them a place they can call their own surrounded by people who care and protect them with unselfish, faithful and unfailing dedication that only real love to God and the apples of His eyes, the children can provide