Friday, April 4, 2008


We are all missionaries destined to minister wherever we are, however we feel, whenever He wants, without regard to convenience, leisure or desire to forge for ourselves a cozy place and a future, and all this all the while we walk through the twisted paths of this world.
And He surrounds us with people and circumstances for its due accomplishment in our lives. It is up to us to decide to beat the bushes or to cross the forest and the rivers opening paths for all those He has also planned to follow our lead while we follow and obey.
He wants us all to be missionaries in the form of servant leaders in his upside down pyramid of real and godly leadership, where the one who leads most is the one who serves best, without any regard to personal conveniences and circumstances!
And usually He does it placing us in the weirdest and in the human eyes worst scenarios for our personal pride and reputation, Genesis 39: 1-20. He even sends some of us to jail (Genesis 39.21-23) to make the difference among the ones discarded, discriminated or rejected by society, because probably He is so tired of seeing so many just visiting and stopping by to preach, to harangue, to feed for the day, retreating afterwards to their cozy environment with a placid and fully self satisfied smile on their faces.
A few nights ago I was told that one of my dearest was on TV addressing the nation on behalf of many inmates who have been able through his and many others´ efforts to aspire to a college degree on rural development. Could you think of a weirdest purpose or path for any one´s life when you were naturally destined to become a business executive in this world?
I do not know how to feel but humbled because of the need to trust He knows best even if I do not understand God purposes for his life which I know by faith it is not for sure one of being pushed to the darker corners of life. Mathews 5:15, Genesis 40-41.
Definitely, we are all destined to be leaders, wherever the rung in the ladder of society ranks we are standing on at any moment in our lives. We as a family have been given Isaiah 40:31 as a motto and a goal. As eagles! And this makes me remember what my grandfather used to say: “if you are to be an eagle do not let yourself become a rabbit. And it you are to be a bum… Be a 100% bum without blaming anyone for your self-inflicted disgrace.
People tend to think they have to bend to circumstances, positions, financial security as well as likes and dislikes on what they want to do and they ruthlessly follow paths self convincing themselves that is what the Lord wants for their lives.. That´s not what God wants! He wants us to tune in to His voice, not ours, nor the world´s, the devil´s, the surrounding peers and circumstances.
He places us where He feels He needs us to be His hands. If the circumstances outgrow us or if we outgrow them He then provides new ones where He can continue using us at the same time He refines us to mold us into his faithful disciples, friends and servants. He never allows circumstances, tasks, places, ministries, activities, and people, to take His place in our lives.

But more than else he wants us to influence lives around with our dedication and example. He cares more for our interaction with our brethren and especially His children than us pushing papers around, disbursing funds or being bookkeepers, bean counters, bossing people around or just building things for the sake of facilitating material comfort more than personal soothing of scars and healing of emotional and spiritual wounds.

Faces of the people show their inner feelings when confronted with our love and understanding. The joy in them is our spiritual reward. Faces, faces, faces!

What a joy they bring when happy!

What a burden and concern when suffering, giving up or simply walking away from the Grace and Mercy of the Lord, preferring the wider sinful paths of this world.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today, April 2nd. 2008, almost 5 months to the day, we finally made the decision to send our littlest one, Meyling, to Jinotepe, to join the other 5 young girls in our second home there.
It has been a joy to have been able to witness her amazing recovery since November 5th. 2007 when she was entrusted to our care by the Government Children´s Protection Agency “MIFAMILIA”.

Despite her almost miraculous recovery in just a few days, and because of the need to be sure she was completely healthy we had her under close scrutiny and medical care until yesterday we were finally given the green light by the medical specialists who have been monitoring her.

All this time we have rejoiced and have been amazed by her outgoing spirit and joyful attitude towards everything she sees around her now! but she has to join the other children to grow as natural as it can be among children her age and not among the teenagers we have in our girls home in Las Palmas.

With sadness intermixed with Joy we let her go. Mama Mayra, her actual tutor mother will miss her a lot. But the Lord gave us for a time Mama Apolonia, (Mama Polonia) as Meyling calls her for a short time before she was send to take care of the younger girls in Jinotepe.

So, the change will not be as radical as we feared. We will surely miss her here in Las Palmas.

What a change since November! Blessed be the Lord who protects His children!


This month of March has been one of the most interesting months for this ministry. As light cannot exist without darkness, joy cannot be appreciated without struggles, friendships without misunderstandings, protection and provision without despair or abuse and needs!
And surely they came. Encouragement and support in the presence of dedicated people like the many ones I got so used to meet and work with during our already gone missionary years with YWAM.
The Lake Charles team came and instilled in us their energetic pace and their dedication to serve.
They shared with our girls, feasted them with pizza and love and took them to places in Managua as in a big family joyful celebration meeting. Jason Wang, one of our dearest friends came to join them and guide them through all places visited

Then, we took them to Granada to tour the 365 little island on the Cocibolca lake shores, and after a time of ministration at the Central Park in that city to go and stay for another few days sharing and serving our children in our homes in Jinotepe

In our homes in Jinotepe, like little busy bees of love and service, they fixed doors, locks, painted the whole interior walls of our 2 homes that now look as brightly colored shining havens of love.

But they also found the time to share with the children plus giving a day of rejoicing soccer tournament games, trophies, and pizza to more than 80 adolescents from the La Roca Church and the neighboring inhabitants around our homes installations.

Their faithfulness in service, their rejoicing, their energy, made me remember so many YWAMers from the times when I used to say they were holy crazies who could not hear there was an opportunity to serve in Singapore, because it has not been completed the pronunciation of “SINGA… when they were already in PORE!

How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news… Isaiah 52: 7 and blessed are those who listening the voice of the Lord, asking “whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Answer… “Here I am. Send me” Send me to the nations…

Thanks, people of God! Thanks for coming and bringing encouragement, support, love and friendship.