Friday, April 9, 2010

A THREE PARTS REFLECTION ON LIFE! Part one: What the World is going through, nowadays!

The statement, because of its repetitiveness, it sounds almost like a scratched or broken record, going over, and over, the same site description! Manipulation! Confusion! Suffering! Despair!

Friends keep on telling what, apparently, is usually overlooked today, as we go along, trying to keep up with the frantic pace, that is being imposed on us all. That “The Common Sense” has died!

We cannot but, otherwise, agree on the fact
that many people cry today,
because that long standing friend
has gone away!

No one knows how old he was,
because his birthday certificate
has been long lost
in the world´ bureaucracies drawers!

He will be remembered for having taught
such valuable lessons,
as that of having to,
diligently, work to build a home
out of just a house.

As well as learning why the birds
sing so early in the mornings,
and that life is not always fair,
and that, most probably,
we are responsible for it!

“Common Sense” lived
under simple and efficient rules
such as not spending more than what we earn;
or not paying more than what we buy is really worth;

As well as following parental
trustworthy strategies such as…
the adults, not the children,
being the ones in charge!

His health rapidly deteriorated
when society applied,
well intentioned but unreliable rules,
of, collective protection, enforcement.

Instead of promoting healthier,
family and individual values and behavior,
taking away parental rights
under the pretense of children rights protection,
but also their responsibilities!

Allowing some media to,
irresponsibly, meddle, everywhere,
with the inevitable outcome of not solving the problems,
but compounding them,
because the unwise publicity
fosters the scandal,
and the families’ disintegration!

Common sense lost ground
when the parents cave in,
and left the schools in charge
of disciplining their children.

And even more when the schools
also cave in, to social activists forcing God out,
but decided they had the right
to provide contraceptives,
and even abortions
without notifying the parents.

“Common Sense” lost his desire to live,
when the Ten Commandments
became a laughingstock material,
some churches, and preachers
became big businesses, and bigger businessmen;
and criminals started to receive
better treatment than their victims.

The “common sense´s death”
was preceded by that of his parents,
Truth and Trust,
and that of his wife,
his daughter,
and his son,

Left behind are his three stepbrothers:
“I know my rights”!
“it´s somebody else responsibility”!
“I am a victim of society!

Very few went to his funeral,
because everybody was too busy
minding their own business!

And the end result has been living
in a more chaotic world,
plentiful in technological progress,

but void of peace, trust, truth,
responsibility and discernment!
because they have been killed
by the greed, lack of love and solidarity!

Four generations, today,
populate this earth!

One that believed, and took for granted,
and swallowed, what they heard in the radio,
and read, in the books and the newspapers!

The one we told them Superman only flew in the movies
and batman fantasies were good but unreal!

Then the younger, who, I am told,
do not believe what the news try to make them believe,
preferring to live in their own, made believe, virtual world,
their pleasures, and, at any cost… fun!

Affecting the fourth generation of all the children
with callously inflicted abuse,
infant weddings, pedophilia,
unfathomable poverty
and earliest deaths!

The fundamental question and challenge,
has always been, and will always be…
unbelief? Unending violence and chaos?

But I hope that the pendulum of life
will swing to the other end, again!
And some better common sense days
will come to pass again!

The world has not yet come to an end!
The future is of the younger!
And of The Lord, who rescued us all at the cross!

SECOND PART. The sublimest Love Story of them all!

Love above and through suffering, ending on redemption, and mutual need between Creatures and Creator!

Among the many things we overlook or take for granted, is God´s care and loving relationship with the whole of His Creation, not only those for humankind.

Nature follows the rules under they were create, live, flourish and renew itself in an unending harmonious and mesmerizing cycle.

What it could look as a disaster in the eyes of men, it is only the sequence of causes and effects that reign and dictates the living pulse of the Universe.

It is men, lost in, their at times senseless, bragging as the superior entity in the universe, who try, and keep on trying, how to define, manipulate and control, what it is unknown or unexplainable to them.

Scientifically they say, but really and always empirically, as they depend on the error and trial efforts to understand and explain themselves before the expectant audiences.

They try to do it in the material realm, and they are lately bragging about what, childishly, is being labeled as the particle of God, in an effort already lasting many years,

They are, these days, bragging about, inventing a name to define the infinitesimal lapse of the occurrence, while infinite superior clashes, in strength and number, happen every second, as a daily occurrence in the living cycle of what God created.

But more than that, they abuse the freedom to believe, to choose and to decide by challenging all the spiritual parameters, in their frantic effort to rationalize and justify all types of spiritual and sexual deviations.

What men end up doing is setting up contradictory and superimposing moral decrees, taking the stance of judges in relation to what they consider a deviation while justifying others, as wicked and perverse as the ones they attack and holler about.

In doing so, and in the most hypocritical fashion, clothing are torn to pieces, fake indignation gestures and exalted and exaggerating wording are spread over the communication waves of the media.

There is no measure of straightforwardness anymore, as the objectives is to lead the masses into hysterical responses the masses as they well understand the ongoing tendency of being so prone to scandal aggrandizing for the scandal sake.

What is sought for, not because of a concerted, and healthy, effort to straighten up, what has become twisted, perverse and evil, is the promotion of the scandals.

This has become the rule of the game, as an easy, but irresponsible way to climb the ladders of the immaterial ratings of today.

The results are visible everywhere! Copycat violence! Imitated perversity! Apparent righteous and irascible posturing, invalidated by the slightest digging into the inner personalities and behavior, of those who point their accusing fingers on the ones found astray!

Probably and because God loves His Creation and His creatures, is why mankind needed redemption, obtained by the most outrageous suffering of the most innocent of all, God Himself.

And He did what no man even dared to dream to do. To die, being innocent, in the stead of the guiltiest, the wiliest and perverse.

Because we all have been so, one way or another! But as I said at the beginning of this posting, Love is a two people’s dance! It is a dancing together!

It is a needed share of the inner beauty of the spirits! The Spirit of God Himself, and the spirit of the many times, unremorseful man!

What a joy it is to find Him in this way while we wander lost in the rough tracks of life! What a miracle to be grateful for, being redeemed despite our sins and stubbornness of our spirits.

What a blessing to be needed by Him, to complete His everlasting love for His precious prodigal creatures! And what a wonderful fact that we cannot escape needing Him to become, full, wholesome, and sane, for the time being, while on earth, and then, forever!

You needed me! I needed You!

I cried a tear, You wiped it dry!
I was confused, You cleared my mind!
I sold my soul; you bought it back for me,
and held me up, and gave me dignity!

Somehow, You needed me!

You gave me strength to stand alone again,
to face the world, out on my own again.

You put me high upon a pedestal.
So high that I could almost see eternity.

You needed me. You needed me.

And I can't believe it's you.
I can't believe it's true.
I needed you and you were there.

And I'll never leave, why should I leave?
I´d be a fool!
´Cause I´ve finally found someone who really cares!

You held my hand when it was cold.
When I was lost you took me home.

You gave me hope when I was at the end,
and turned my lies back into truth again!

You even called me friend!


Easter has come and gone!
Many filled the streets
in remembrance
of the suffering, death
and resurrection of our Lord!

Others went to the beaches,
in a pagan celebration
of a long weekend!

Some went back to their birth places
and their roots,
and then went back to the cities,
where they constitute
the bulk of the masses.

Blessed those who saw Him
come one day into their lives,
and rejoice in that He has stayed
and never left,
walking alongside them
through the dark paths of life.

Because they have regained hope
and keep on working
to control the human greed
so love and solidarity bloom
and lighten up
all our and our brothers
and sisters’ lives!


It’s almost spring, again!!
Life, surely, has its dark periods.

But there is always a brighter morning
after the most difficult periods in our life.

Sometimes we feel a great deal inside
but have so little to say….

The past exists no more,
the future cannot be predicted,
today is a God given gift!
This we can´t deny!

No one can make the wind
change its course,
but we can always change the sails.

Only through Him we are able to understand

That the most precious, are the things,
that do not have a price to it!

And blessings are like a bouquet of flowers, given us through life.

Happiness is small and temporary,
but enough to keep on striving for it!

Life is a garden filled with flowers
of contentment,
opportunity and blessings!

And we should not forget to appreciate it!

Love is a precious gift!

The grace given by God,
to be loved, is priceless!

Let´s not forget that each blessed day
is like an eternity of happiness!

And that when the heart fails in belief and hope,
then love is the only way to keep on living!
Because the most beautiful things in your life
must be felt in our hearts.

Let´s store nice memories in our thoughts.
Contemplating them in our sleepless nights,
So we will experience unknown new strengths!

If the only place where I could see you, Lord
were in my dreams, I would sleep forever,
until I reach the blessed eternity!

You, the blessed, have a wonderful and blessed day!

I was watching TV while recording this video, as I usually do with the sound off. A movie about a confused girl and an old man conversation about an almost discarded love was unfolding.

A piece of the conversation rendered my spirit. When departing he told her: I wish you a life story with a happy ending, and the wisdom to look for it!

I changed the channel, and another movie conversation between two young men, was going on with a question arising: where does it lie the line between “for real” and “delusional”?

I asked myself that question in terms of ife changing decisions leading to happy endings with the enrichment of wisdom and discernment, so we grasp what is “for real” and not “delusional” and deceptive.

And my spirit quietly whispered, telling me to share it: “The line lies, precisely, at the point where you surrender yourself, give your ego up, and start to believe, to trust, to submit to he Higher One, the only Real One, not the substitutes we are so fond of, and addicted to.

Have a blessed day, you all,
and may the blessings of God outpurs itself upon you,
as a shower of Grace, a river of Healing,
a pond of Peace and the wholeness of the Holy Spirit!