Thursday, November 26, 2009


About a month ago, as part of a college assignment for my wife, we both had a very singular experience. We visited, with some of her classmates a ministry that distributes more than 500 meals, daily, to people of all ages, as you will see in the adjunct video.

Besides the emotive examples of the people fed and loved, we had quite an experience meeting a young guy, who as a matter of fact, with stolid certitude expressed his hate for society when saying “I hate them more than they hate me”. A defensive reaction against received rejection from people and society as a whole!

There are many like him all around. Maybe, if we stopped just a moment to instill hopes in their souls, we could help them to change, for their own good, and society as well.

It only took some deeply felt encouragement and exhortation words to make his heart to open and glimpse a ray of hope when seeing he was still accepted despite his self defense built up barrier of distrust.

People, children, youngsters, adults and elders as well, need spiritual food even more than the food given to placate their physical hunger. We must be aware and convinced that the Lord will find a way for all of them, but He needs our willing helping hands.

If we cannot solve, wipe out or erase the causes and we are only able to partially palliate some of the consequences, let´s do it in His name!

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