Before, and meaning many years ago by this, messages relied heavily in long discourse and words´ detailing of issues, circumstances and events. Logically imagination and hyperboles were the main recourse for the writers.
Nowadays, with the amazing technological tools at our disposal we can easily present these issues, circumstances and events, in a much more mesmerizing way. Nevertheless, copying and imitation, if not overt manipulation of the emotions of the public and people we address is omnipresent.
Wrong or bad taste? Copywriting infringement? I would hesitate to call it so when the purpose and the motivations is to expose what is being offered as the information available, or put on the table as a publicized food and nourishment for the novelty and scandal hungry audiences.
And by doing so to derive and make our own the necessary reflecting upon process that is so necessary to give a real meaning and substance to our lives and actions. The purpose and motivation, then, should be to establish what is has been presented as the original thesis to be argued about it until the logical consequences are evident and clear.
This has come necessary to refer to because of some comments I have received in relation to the two pictures that have been running around in the web email circles. I had included them in my last posting, supposedly taken during the last seconds of the airbus plan crashing incident of recent happening.
I did it so because they motivated me to stop even if for a little while and made me pray for the deceased. At the same time they made me meditate on the follies of what we call human progress and comfort and the inevitability and frailty of human life and destiny.
There was an interesting angle to the claim they were faked and came from a TV show, titled “Lost” that I do not usually watch because of its sophisticated approach to the present fashion and fondness of the esoteric and sci-fictioned.
I was told that they had originated as a response to, this time, not TV showed fake incidents, but to at least two real airplanes crashes. But I pondered. Being TV originated frames do not rob them the appropriateness of the description of what unavoidable happened in all those air crashes.
They aroused in my spirit a feeling of compassion and desire to pray as well of realization of how we are travelling in packs having lost our individuality in living, acting and perceptions.
And I sadly realized the urgency of the necessity to become more aware of what is really going on. Life cannot be left without recourse against the frenetic manipulation of the times.
It is not so weirdly necessary, nowadays, to become such an athlete to even dance and sing repetitive, crass and grossly overly manipulated and distorted feelings.
It is not so inevitable to frenetically be the dumb reacting ones that the marketing strategists has turn us into to make us pavlovianly response to the incessant calling to do this, to do that, to buy this, to buy that.
It is not inevitable, despite the horrendously distorted social pressures, to accept this wicked and perverse behavior and that other wickedest and most perverse one.
To the contrary, it is so vitally necessary to survive and rise up as a responsible individual and society, by preserving and promoting what we know is rational, and profound and logical, even if not compromisingly, politically, socially, or aberrantly considered correct because of the distorted human rights claims of today.
It has been long overdue the reigning in all the audacious, wild gesticulating but cold eyes of the abundant fauna of self-assumed and self-appointed opinion setters, pseudo leaders and minuscule but extremely noisy messiahs of this world, and placing them in the place they deserve or the obscure corners they came from.
But this will inevitably require purity of the hearts, stainless steel making of beliefs, and the strongest and most resolute determination in the spirits, the minds and the souls. Even if isolated, rejected, discriminated, laughed at or ridiculed by the social systems of all types of the present world. Thoughts and words are the battlefield! And stalwart rising up to the battle for the minds, the hearts and the spirit of fellow men is the challenge!
On their side! Jeremiah 9:8. “their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit through the mouth. They all speak friendly words to their neighbors, but inwardly are planning to lay an ambush”. Matthews 12:34. “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.
On our side! Luke 6:45. “The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good…………….. For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks”.
Years ago, back in the early eighties, my spiritual director and leader and I dreamed about such a type of a ministry. We clearly understood the challenge of the battle for the spirits, hearts and minds of the people and the nations.
We visualized the facing up the mountains of the worldly deceits through clear based statements of certitude and truth. We even had the name to carry such words through the radio-waves and the invention of balloons but even if it was a right vision it was not the right timing in God´s plans.
But what was not possible to do then because of patent rights and all related issues now is widerly possible due to the free waves of the internet web communication systems. God knew what was best, and He also knew when and how.
Nowadays, with the amazing technological tools at our disposal we can easily present these issues, circumstances and events, in a much more mesmerizing way. Nevertheless, copying and imitation, if not overt manipulation of the emotions of the public and people we address is omnipresent.
Wrong or bad taste? Copywriting infringement? I would hesitate to call it so when the purpose and the motivations is to expose what is being offered as the information available, or put on the table as a publicized food and nourishment for the novelty and scandal hungry audiences.
And by doing so to derive and make our own the necessary reflecting upon process that is so necessary to give a real meaning and substance to our lives and actions. The purpose and motivation, then, should be to establish what is has been presented as the original thesis to be argued about it until the logical consequences are evident and clear.
This has come necessary to refer to because of some comments I have received in relation to the two pictures that have been running around in the web email circles. I had included them in my last posting, supposedly taken during the last seconds of the airbus plan crashing incident of recent happening.
I did it so because they motivated me to stop even if for a little while and made me pray for the deceased. At the same time they made me meditate on the follies of what we call human progress and comfort and the inevitability and frailty of human life and destiny.
There was an interesting angle to the claim they were faked and came from a TV show, titled “Lost” that I do not usually watch because of its sophisticated approach to the present fashion and fondness of the esoteric and sci-fictioned.
I was told that they had originated as a response to, this time, not TV showed fake incidents, but to at least two real airplanes crashes. But I pondered. Being TV originated frames do not rob them the appropriateness of the description of what unavoidable happened in all those air crashes.
They aroused in my spirit a feeling of compassion and desire to pray as well of realization of how we are travelling in packs having lost our individuality in living, acting and perceptions.
And I sadly realized the urgency of the necessity to become more aware of what is really going on. Life cannot be left without recourse against the frenetic manipulation of the times.
It is not so weirdly necessary, nowadays, to become such an athlete to even dance and sing repetitive, crass and grossly overly manipulated and distorted feelings.
It is not so inevitable to frenetically be the dumb reacting ones that the marketing strategists has turn us into to make us pavlovianly response to the incessant calling to do this, to do that, to buy this, to buy that.
It is not inevitable, despite the horrendously distorted social pressures, to accept this wicked and perverse behavior and that other wickedest and most perverse one.
To the contrary, it is so vitally necessary to survive and rise up as a responsible individual and society, by preserving and promoting what we know is rational, and profound and logical, even if not compromisingly, politically, socially, or aberrantly considered correct because of the distorted human rights claims of today.
It has been long overdue the reigning in all the audacious, wild gesticulating but cold eyes of the abundant fauna of self-assumed and self-appointed opinion setters, pseudo leaders and minuscule but extremely noisy messiahs of this world, and placing them in the place they deserve or the obscure corners they came from.
But this will inevitably require purity of the hearts, stainless steel making of beliefs, and the strongest and most resolute determination in the spirits, the minds and the souls. Even if isolated, rejected, discriminated, laughed at or ridiculed by the social systems of all types of the present world. Thoughts and words are the battlefield! And stalwart rising up to the battle for the minds, the hearts and the spirit of fellow men is the challenge!
On their side! Jeremiah 9:8. “their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit through the mouth. They all speak friendly words to their neighbors, but inwardly are planning to lay an ambush”. Matthews 12:34. “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.
On our side! Luke 6:45. “The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good…………….. For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks”.
Years ago, back in the early eighties, my spiritual director and leader and I dreamed about such a type of a ministry. We clearly understood the challenge of the battle for the spirits, hearts and minds of the people and the nations.
We visualized the facing up the mountains of the worldly deceits through clear based statements of certitude and truth. We even had the name to carry such words through the radio-waves and the invention of balloons but even if it was a right vision it was not the right timing in God´s plans.
But what was not possible to do then because of patent rights and all related issues now is widerly possible due to the free waves of the internet web communication systems. God knew what was best, and He also knew when and how.

Keep on reading down below!
Keep on reading down below!
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