Even if the world is crumbling down to pieces,

One thing is clear. God is in control.

Especially in the area of our personal finances when we straighten up our way of living, controlling our greed, egotism and misdirected individual and collective decisions!

God tests us by taking us to the limit as we humans understand it, but then He acts in a way that leaves us speechless.
Usually we do not pay enough attention to the characteristics and timing of the blessings we enjoy.
As we get older probably you will see ourselves living in a comfortable home and being supported by our own. But it is not uncommon that they as humans could try to make us live the way they understand it.
Without thinking that we probably used to live differently to the “normal grandparents in a rocking chair”! Or expecting us to go out every day, for our own good state of mind, to make a routine living without taking in consideration the rules of the business world ruthless fiefdoms, where middle age is considered an obstacle, or at least a nuisance, despite the savvy of the offered accumulated experience. All people that has been active and somehow independent in their life does not like the idle living way of retired life just watching time keep on ticking away.
Usually we do not pay enough attention to the characteristics and timing of the blessings we enjoy.
As we get older probably you will see ourselves living in a comfortable home and being supported by our own. But it is not uncommon that they as humans could try to make us live the way they understand it.
Without thinking that we probably used to live differently to the “normal grandparents in a rocking chair”! Or expecting us to go out every day, for our own good state of mind, to make a routine living without taking in consideration the rules of the business world ruthless fiefdoms, where middle age is considered an obstacle, or at least a nuisance, despite the savvy of the offered accumulated experience. All people that has been active and somehow independent in their life does not like the idle living way of retired life just watching time keep on ticking away.

They keep on dreaming about having a last challenge to meet and be rewarded for, not solely in terms of salaries, but mainly of recognition of usefulness or desirable wisdom and experience.
It is an ineludible fact that probably this will only remain as a longing, a desire, and acceptance of the realities of life. And more if the financial circumstances are not the ideal ones.
This could easily lead to feelings of uselessness or frustration, even if counting with the unreserved support and love of your own.
It is good for the peace of our spirit and our soul to keep on seeking an active role in life. It would probably be highly profitable for the younger world to pay attention to this reservoir of wisdom and experience and make it its own.
It would be a remarkably smart move instead of keeping on tumbling down the road in the insatiable quest of conquering impossible dreams or reaching always running away clouds and rainbows.
But the attitude of a maturer person and that of a trusting God one should always be: if I get a job, bless the Lord. If I don´t get it, bless the Lord. He knows what I need. He knows what is best for me, at all times.
Because as He has always provided what you needed in the past He will keep on providing in the present and the future according to his love, generosity and riches. But He will do it according to our real spiritual and material needs not our human whims and or desires.
We should never fill compelled to seek ways, at all costs, to get just income instead of trusting the Lord to provide the right alternatives or circumstances to fulfill our destiny and aspirations. They will come at the right time and when we really need it, not just when we impatiently feel the train has left leaving us behind.
Nowadays there is a universal crisis. It is hard to believe and trust when you see all the tenets of your wealth and confidence crumbling to pieces.
If it always has been hard to digest and accept the reality and validity of the Christian concepts of “living by faith” and not by our own human efforts, they are harder to accept when you see that heavens seem to be falling down and over your head.
You can talk about it until you get exhausted. You can cite verses and harangue people while being dressed as a successful talk show host of the international televise networks. But real, humble, simply stated testimonies are what are required to move hearts to start walking on the right direction.
I have good and abundant memories of seeing the hand of God in action. First in allowing us to run trusting our personal strength, because of the giftings He has endowed us with. Then, when we run out of it, or because we do not bend backwards as the world expects, and consequently become rejected outcasts, all doors closed, He comes to our rescue.
He then shows us what it should have been the right paths from the beginning. And it is then, always respecting but improving our personalities and beings, with loving care and even chastisements, mold us to become the real ones that the world was not able to really break down.
And the showering of grace and blessings becomes, no more abundant, but evident. This is what happened to me, and happened to my family, and is continuing to happen as days pass. Please receive with open hearts the intimate testimonies of my former and my present life.
As a self sufficient, chosen one for leadership individual since my early twenties, I knew about the sweet delights that position and available funding can provide to an energetic individual.
I went to the States as a “Student Officer” enjoying as a single young one, the U.S.A Government generous “per diems”, ranging from $33.00 up to $66.00 dollars a day, plus a variety of additional benefits, plus my government salaries, in the sixties.
I got used to paid travel expenses, graduating from their best military training centers, visiting as an official guest, Washington D.C, the State Department, the Pentagon, being lodged, free of charge at the Ambassador Hotel, just a few blocks away from the White House.
I studied hard but enjoyed my time while on the official travels after graduation and in between training courses, listening to the jazz and blues, while visiting the “M” street discos and watching beautiful young and topless girls dancing on the tables, in Washington.
As well as flocking to the theaters to watch the live shows in the rowdy areas of Baltimore, along with the packs of hosts that did cater to us, the foreign officers from around the world.
Money was never an issue. Privileges were a run of the mill daily occurrence. I would have never crossed my mind the idea of how the also run of the mill people had to live.
And less of all how some day I would be not only part of it, but also an individual learning to live by faith while striving to learn how was I loved by God, and how I should be an instrumental for spreading this love to the lesser privileged or the discriminated and abused by the world.
But these testimonies will be part of the second part of these series of postings.
It is an ineludible fact that probably this will only remain as a longing, a desire, and acceptance of the realities of life. And more if the financial circumstances are not the ideal ones.
This could easily lead to feelings of uselessness or frustration, even if counting with the unreserved support and love of your own.
It is good for the peace of our spirit and our soul to keep on seeking an active role in life. It would probably be highly profitable for the younger world to pay attention to this reservoir of wisdom and experience and make it its own.
It would be a remarkably smart move instead of keeping on tumbling down the road in the insatiable quest of conquering impossible dreams or reaching always running away clouds and rainbows.
But the attitude of a maturer person and that of a trusting God one should always be: if I get a job, bless the Lord. If I don´t get it, bless the Lord. He knows what I need. He knows what is best for me, at all times.
Because as He has always provided what you needed in the past He will keep on providing in the present and the future according to his love, generosity and riches. But He will do it according to our real spiritual and material needs not our human whims and or desires.
We should never fill compelled to seek ways, at all costs, to get just income instead of trusting the Lord to provide the right alternatives or circumstances to fulfill our destiny and aspirations. They will come at the right time and when we really need it, not just when we impatiently feel the train has left leaving us behind.
Nowadays there is a universal crisis. It is hard to believe and trust when you see all the tenets of your wealth and confidence crumbling to pieces.
If it always has been hard to digest and accept the reality and validity of the Christian concepts of “living by faith” and not by our own human efforts, they are harder to accept when you see that heavens seem to be falling down and over your head.
You can talk about it until you get exhausted. You can cite verses and harangue people while being dressed as a successful talk show host of the international televise networks. But real, humble, simply stated testimonies are what are required to move hearts to start walking on the right direction.
I have good and abundant memories of seeing the hand of God in action. First in allowing us to run trusting our personal strength, because of the giftings He has endowed us with. Then, when we run out of it, or because we do not bend backwards as the world expects, and consequently become rejected outcasts, all doors closed, He comes to our rescue.
He then shows us what it should have been the right paths from the beginning. And it is then, always respecting but improving our personalities and beings, with loving care and even chastisements, mold us to become the real ones that the world was not able to really break down.
And the showering of grace and blessings becomes, no more abundant, but evident. This is what happened to me, and happened to my family, and is continuing to happen as days pass. Please receive with open hearts the intimate testimonies of my former and my present life.
As a self sufficient, chosen one for leadership individual since my early twenties, I knew about the sweet delights that position and available funding can provide to an energetic individual.
I went to the States as a “Student Officer” enjoying as a single young one, the U.S.A Government generous “per diems”, ranging from $33.00 up to $66.00 dollars a day, plus a variety of additional benefits, plus my government salaries, in the sixties.
I got used to paid travel expenses, graduating from their best military training centers, visiting as an official guest, Washington D.C, the State Department, the Pentagon, being lodged, free of charge at the Ambassador Hotel, just a few blocks away from the White House.
I studied hard but enjoyed my time while on the official travels after graduation and in between training courses, listening to the jazz and blues, while visiting the “M” street discos and watching beautiful young and topless girls dancing on the tables, in Washington.
As well as flocking to the theaters to watch the live shows in the rowdy areas of Baltimore, along with the packs of hosts that did cater to us, the foreign officers from around the world.
Money was never an issue. Privileges were a run of the mill daily occurrence. I would have never crossed my mind the idea of how the also run of the mill people had to live.
And less of all how some day I would be not only part of it, but also an individual learning to live by faith while striving to learn how was I loved by God, and how I should be an instrumental for spreading this love to the lesser privileged or the discriminated and abused by the world.
But these testimonies will be part of the second part of these series of postings.
If you have become interested,
keep on reading, down below.
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