Friday, June 12, 2009

Egypt and the men of faith, Seek God´s face! Part 3


This is what my spiritual mentor recently shared with me. I am sharing it with you all, as God´s truth cannot remain confined within the cozy rooms of the already believers and blessed.

My dear Emilio, Now, there is the man of faith I know!

In our particular case here in the US at this time, the Lord is talking to me about Egypt. This nation has become in many ways like Egypt. (Emilio´s note: and I will say all the nations of the world)

Remember, however, that God separated His people from those who did not honor Him and give Him thanks.

All they had to do was put the blood of the sacrificial lamb over their door posts, and they were protected from the judgment that He was bringing on the rest of the land to bring them to themselves so that they could have the opportunity to honor Him and give Him thanks.

While the rest of Egypt went through the most awful judgment by God, those of Israel who were protected by the blood of the Lamb were totally safe.

The Lord is reminding me that those of us whose finances are not tied to the New York Stock Exchange but rather to "His riches in glory" are totally safe from the terrible financial judgment that He needs to bring on this unrepentant nation at this time.

Remember His words, "The secrets of the Lord are with them that fear (reverence) Him."

God is whispering to us, as our Father always will, as we quiet ourselves to hear Him: "Listen, my children. You and I have a secret that the world system does not know about. I tell you such things as "fret not," "fear not," "be anxious for nothing," etc.

Why? Because this not only would show Me that you do not really trust me as your Father, but also these are the primary causes of stress, which over-acidifies you body so that it is much more susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

For your own good and for Mine, trust in Me. You and I have a secret that is only with you who reverence Me. I don't tell my secrets to anyone else. Just between you and Me, you are perfectly safe at all time in My hands.

"He that dwell is the secret place of the Most High (all authority God) shall abide under the shadow (shelter) of the Almighty (all powerful God). Same Person--Most High and Almighty!

What a place to abide! What a place to dwell! Especially, in times of storm and judgments!

"We are seated with Christ in heavenly places." We are not subject to the terrible judgments of the wicked who according to Romans 1, do not honor God and give Him thanks. We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God where it is safe. They walk proudly promising to "heal" the land by themselves.

God says in II Chronicles 7:14; "If My people who are called by My name will

1) Humble themselves and
2) Pray
3) Seek My face
4) turn from their wicked ways,

Then will I

1) Hear from heaven
2) Forgive their sins
3) Heal their land.

God reserves the healing of the land to Himself. We cannot heal our land. We strive and strive, but we cannot heal our land. He can do it in a minute, when we finally meet His goal for us.

If we will only do the first 4 things He will to the 3 things He promised to do. He always does and He always will. He is God, and we are not.

Oh, how wonderful it is to not have to be our own God with all that responsibility that we are not equipped for. He is ready, willing, and able when we take the posture he has requested for our own good.

Think about it. No stress at all, because, like David, we are not trying to do things outside our domain for which we were never created.

You are a good brother whom I respect for your trust in the Lord. Your friend and brother, Oren II

When reading this I could not but remember that worship song that states the only conclusion and solution left to the hurting and wandering:
“where could I go but to The Lord”


And later on he continued and I continue sharing with you all: My dear Emilio, The best way I can say this is to say that as we "seek God's face," His will is in His face. There is a great practical reason for always seeking His face. Please understand why and then you will know the Lord's leading is clear to those who are seeking His face.

What does it mean to seek God's face? I tell my students not to seek His will but His face and that His will is in His face. What does that mean?

My son finally brought himself to follow that prescription in finding his wife. My youngest daughter brought herself to follow that prescription which miraculously connected her to the man that became her husband. You should hear their miracles stories.

We are not to seek anything but God's face. All good things are in His face. I know this sounds crazy, but I finally discovered why God told us all to do this simple thing. We aim at God's face, and other things come to us. We aim at things, and we get more and more confused.

One more thing: God is our one and only Source of all good in His universe. All other things in whatever category are simply His ways and means to deliver His provision to us.

As we keep our eyes only on Him, He does the practical thing sometimes directly from heaven like manna and sometimes through other people or things.

It is so amazing how we can always be "rested" in our hearts and minds and leave whatever comes of it up to the Lord. We get more done this way than we ever could any other way.

It has taken me so long to really learn this. I hope I remember it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, etc. You know what I mean. There are so many distractions to test us allow upon us by the Lord Himself just to prove us in the face of our enemy and show Himself strong in us.

What amazing grace! Oh, don't let me go on and on. Just thoroughly digest what the Lord has led me to understand and now I share with you. Love always. Oren II

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