Enjoy the excerpts from my spiritual director and leader prayerful writings.
His words come from the abundance of his faithful Christian heart
and the wisdom of his age and experiences.

Thank You for talking to me as I was sleeping. It was so rewarding to find myself actually repeating Your own words back to You as I was waking up.
This is exactly what You were always wanting with me. As a wise Parent, You don’t ask, “Did you hear what I said?” You ask, “Now, what did I say?” Wow! What a great Father You are to me. I got it, and You know that I know that I got it!
You are refreshing to me what You have cause me to meditate on for most of my life, thanks to the great heritage You gave to me through my dear parents on earth.
As you taught me through them when they were here, You have continued to teach me day by day. I am so grateful to be in your eternal family with You as my Father-Teacher.
It was again all about II Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”
As I apply this same ideal formula to any situation with my child (those You have entrusted to my care), it could sound like this. “Son and/or daughter of my own precious family, if you will
{1} humble yourself (honor my necessary God-given position as your parent), and {2} pray (converse with me, both speaking and listening from that trusting position), and {3} seek My face (look at me with respect, giving me your full attention when I am talking with you, being able to tell me back what I am saying, as you see my loving heart for your best in it), and {4} turn from you wicked ways (honestly begin to obey me, showing an attitude of what God calls in Romans, “the obedience of faith and trust);
Then, will I {1} hear from heaven (give attention to your desires, which then will be worthy of consideration) and will {2} forgive your sins (just like I told my family in James that I would heal them as I forgive their disobediences and bad attitudes), and {3} heal your land (give them the very best that that are even better than anything they could have imagined that I have always desired to do for them).
Most battles, if not all, between parent and child are always over conflicting agendas. The parent’s agenda is good attitudes springing from a good parent-child relationship. The child’s agenda is to go straight for the “thing” he wants, even finessing to get it.
Parents are not wise and true parents, if they reward bad behavior before the disobedient child displays a real change of attitude toward the parent. Rewarding bad attitudes and behavior will reinforce the bad attitude making it harder to change in the future.
This would make them as a parent a contributor to the delinquency of a minor, which would in turn expose their disobedience to their own Father God in front of their own child. The parent is caught between obeying His own Father God and pleasing his child.
He has no wise alternative but to obey His Father God in order to display to his own child how a child should display a respectful loving obedient heart to his parent(s).
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3
Only when the child is on the same page with the loving parent should the parent feel free to consider the child’s agenda. Then, the parent should give great attention to the child’s agenda. He/she may have to say a loving “no” or “wait” or “yes” or “we can do it with the following change(s) under these conditions for your highest good”.
But, the parent must see further down the road than the child can even see at this point in his/her development. The parent is obligated under his/her own Father God to do the right thing with all love for his/her child.
We can drag things out with God, but it is better for all concerned that we do not do so.
1) He can always outlast us.
2) We are only delaying the blessing He already has for us.
3) We may be causing hurt to those around us whom we influence.
4) He will do what is best for us by waiting for us to get on the same page with Him.
5) Pouting, stalling, screaming, kicking, anger, outbursts, sneaking, lying, etc., will get the child nowhere with God.
How many more reasons can you think of? And, how many more ways do we try to get our own ways over His until we finally give up in the realization of how simple we could have made it for both God and us?
Remember that our Father God’s agenda with us is to give good things to reward good attitudes in us as His dear and precious children. Our Father God “will not withhold any good thing from those who love Him.”
When our attitude is right before Him, we are ready to apply the following to ourselves: “Seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask what you will, and it shall be done.” “And this is the confidence that we have in Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us; and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.”
Now, applying this back to our nation or any other nation we may be able to recognize Your priority. Our nation is trying to solve its own problems without considering Your agenda.
We as Your people along with the other citizens of this nation greatly desire our own agenda of what we want. We are either trying to solve our problems by ourselves in our own way without displaying real changes in our hearts toward You, God.
We must finally come to see that You as our Father greatly desire the change of attitude in the hearts of Your own children in this nation. This is Your agenda.
We think we are waiting on You, God, to help us, but You are really waiting on us to display the change of attitude in our hearts. Who can outlast whom?
The sooner You as loving Father God see us stop focusing on ourselves trying to bring our own deliverance and blessing our own way and begin to focus on honoring You and giving You thanks (Romans 1), the sooner You have promised to step into our situation as our loving Father God and make a true display of our deliverance and blessing.
I know that I should never think that we can ever heal our own land or help our own situation. Without You, Lord we can do nothing. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they (we) labor in vain who build it.”
But, “I (we) can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (us).” Our Father God, You are in control, but You are waiting for Your own children who are called by Your name, although citizens within this nation, to humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways (disobediences).
As the perfect Model of all parents, You will know as see in our hearts the real attitude change. Then You promise to quickly step into the situation of Your changed children and heal our land in every way. You have allowed us to come to the end of ourselves, so that we can again become as Your children with Your own DNA (in Your own image). Help us again to be “one nation under God”.
Thank You for creation when you made us in Your own image to be and do like You, for Calvary when you redeemed us back to live again by Your Spirit as You originally created us to be and do, and for “Christ in us the hope of glory,” through Whom we are enabled to identify forever with You as children of our loving Father God.
Why would we not be satisfied to be Your children in this wonderful situation both now and forever? All glory and honor and praise to You! Your son, Oren
This is exactly what You were always wanting with me. As a wise Parent, You don’t ask, “Did you hear what I said?” You ask, “Now, what did I say?” Wow! What a great Father You are to me. I got it, and You know that I know that I got it!
You are refreshing to me what You have cause me to meditate on for most of my life, thanks to the great heritage You gave to me through my dear parents on earth.
As you taught me through them when they were here, You have continued to teach me day by day. I am so grateful to be in your eternal family with You as my Father-Teacher.
It was again all about II Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”
As I apply this same ideal formula to any situation with my child (those You have entrusted to my care), it could sound like this. “Son and/or daughter of my own precious family, if you will
{1} humble yourself (honor my necessary God-given position as your parent), and {2} pray (converse with me, both speaking and listening from that trusting position), and {3} seek My face (look at me with respect, giving me your full attention when I am talking with you, being able to tell me back what I am saying, as you see my loving heart for your best in it), and {4} turn from you wicked ways (honestly begin to obey me, showing an attitude of what God calls in Romans, “the obedience of faith and trust);
Then, will I {1} hear from heaven (give attention to your desires, which then will be worthy of consideration) and will {2} forgive your sins (just like I told my family in James that I would heal them as I forgive their disobediences and bad attitudes), and {3} heal your land (give them the very best that that are even better than anything they could have imagined that I have always desired to do for them).
Most battles, if not all, between parent and child are always over conflicting agendas. The parent’s agenda is good attitudes springing from a good parent-child relationship. The child’s agenda is to go straight for the “thing” he wants, even finessing to get it.
Parents are not wise and true parents, if they reward bad behavior before the disobedient child displays a real change of attitude toward the parent. Rewarding bad attitudes and behavior will reinforce the bad attitude making it harder to change in the future.
This would make them as a parent a contributor to the delinquency of a minor, which would in turn expose their disobedience to their own Father God in front of their own child. The parent is caught between obeying His own Father God and pleasing his child.
He has no wise alternative but to obey His Father God in order to display to his own child how a child should display a respectful loving obedient heart to his parent(s).
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3
Only when the child is on the same page with the loving parent should the parent feel free to consider the child’s agenda. Then, the parent should give great attention to the child’s agenda. He/she may have to say a loving “no” or “wait” or “yes” or “we can do it with the following change(s) under these conditions for your highest good”.
But, the parent must see further down the road than the child can even see at this point in his/her development. The parent is obligated under his/her own Father God to do the right thing with all love for his/her child.
We can drag things out with God, but it is better for all concerned that we do not do so.
1) He can always outlast us.
2) We are only delaying the blessing He already has for us.
3) We may be causing hurt to those around us whom we influence.
4) He will do what is best for us by waiting for us to get on the same page with Him.
5) Pouting, stalling, screaming, kicking, anger, outbursts, sneaking, lying, etc., will get the child nowhere with God.
How many more reasons can you think of? And, how many more ways do we try to get our own ways over His until we finally give up in the realization of how simple we could have made it for both God and us?
Remember that our Father God’s agenda with us is to give good things to reward good attitudes in us as His dear and precious children. Our Father God “will not withhold any good thing from those who love Him.”
When our attitude is right before Him, we are ready to apply the following to ourselves: “Seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask what you will, and it shall be done.” “And this is the confidence that we have in Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us; and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.”
Now, applying this back to our nation or any other nation we may be able to recognize Your priority. Our nation is trying to solve its own problems without considering Your agenda.
We as Your people along with the other citizens of this nation greatly desire our own agenda of what we want. We are either trying to solve our problems by ourselves in our own way without displaying real changes in our hearts toward You, God.
We must finally come to see that You as our Father greatly desire the change of attitude in the hearts of Your own children in this nation. This is Your agenda.
We think we are waiting on You, God, to help us, but You are really waiting on us to display the change of attitude in our hearts. Who can outlast whom?
The sooner You as loving Father God see us stop focusing on ourselves trying to bring our own deliverance and blessing our own way and begin to focus on honoring You and giving You thanks (Romans 1), the sooner You have promised to step into our situation as our loving Father God and make a true display of our deliverance and blessing.
I know that I should never think that we can ever heal our own land or help our own situation. Without You, Lord we can do nothing. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they (we) labor in vain who build it.”
But, “I (we) can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (us).” Our Father God, You are in control, but You are waiting for Your own children who are called by Your name, although citizens within this nation, to humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways (disobediences).
As the perfect Model of all parents, You will know as see in our hearts the real attitude change. Then You promise to quickly step into the situation of Your changed children and heal our land in every way. You have allowed us to come to the end of ourselves, so that we can again become as Your children with Your own DNA (in Your own image). Help us again to be “one nation under God”.
Thank You for creation when you made us in Your own image to be and do like You, for Calvary when you redeemed us back to live again by Your Spirit as You originally created us to be and do, and for “Christ in us the hope of glory,” through Whom we are enabled to identify forever with You as children of our loving Father God.
Why would we not be satisfied to be Your children in this wonderful situation both now and forever? All glory and honor and praise to You! Your son, Oren
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