Many times the dislike comes from the feeling that such people are just forcing them to believe they can dissociate from the daily occurrences of life by building up an emotional realm where often times, too, there is a lot o imitation of such a life, apparently disguised as a subliminally higher way of spiritual living.
I have discussed with friends, who are strong and genuine in their beliefs and refuse or reject to belong to such circles of emotionally overcharged people, especially when they see that trials and injustices remain rampant and uncontrolled, and do not see that they are really making a difference, but on the contrary, just hide behind their newly chosen associations, just practically burying their heads under the sand of emotional complacencies.
I have had, a times, to reluctantly agree with such perceptions as these. Especially when I see that a certain type or strands of spiritual pride and naiveté enter into the picture. It is so easy to be moved by the eloquent oratorical and scenic skills of so many of the preachers of today.
Especially when we hear what we love to hear! That we are special! That we will materially prosper! That we must give, and keep on giving to support the continuance of the presence of such skilled speakers of the Word who make us feel so comfortable, cozy and well.
Everything that is said about the change in our lives when we accept Christ and decide to follow him is true. But we can very easily forget that the everlasting Sunday resurrection and victory is preceded by and is a consequence of a painful journey and an excruciating death on the cross on the Friday before with a waiting for Saturday of expectancy, sometimes despair, but always hope in between.
A much respected friend of mine used to tell me that it is so fundamental and necessary for our spiritual well being that that we grasp the whole picture of Christianhood blending in a smooth sequence of the three day occurrences.
The Friday of pain, cross and death to ourselves!

The Saturday of testing and vigil, expectancy and hope!

And then, and only then, the Sunday of Resurrection and Victory, ingrained in our genuine change and witnessing of others of such a change in our lives.

There is a usually ignored fact of life. As well as the defenseless are chained and victimized by the injustice and abuse, the abusers and the enforcers of that abuse are also chained and victimized by the insensitivity required to do so.

All of them, abusers and abused need to be liberated, taken off from their bondage, be cleansed of the filth and grime of their miserly existence and misdeeds, and be encouraged to be free, to emerge from their swallowing swamps of violence, misery and lack of hope.
Let´s remember that as we have to have a personal encounter and relationship with God. Others, when we witness to them about this need, will want to see the reflecting image in us , of that personal, face to face experience we say we have had.
Is up to us to be really convincing and true, through the serenity and the endurance through the trials and vicissitudes of life that we can muster and show! This is not a matter of eloquence and scenic skills. It is a matter of gennuiness, integrity, righteousness and truth!
Let´s remember that as we have to have a personal encounter and relationship with God. Others, when we witness to them about this need, will want to see the reflecting image in us , of that personal, face to face experience we say we have had.
Is up to us to be really convincing and true, through the serenity and the endurance through the trials and vicissitudes of life that we can muster and show! This is not a matter of eloquence and scenic skills. It is a matter of gennuiness, integrity, righteousness and truth!
Only then we will be able to tell all those overwhelmed by suffering, hopelessness and pain…

One little bird was resignedly living on a rotten tree branch in the midst of a swamp.
He had got used to live so because he did not see any way out.
He only had muddy worms to eat and was always filthy, sick, dispirited and worn out.
His wings had been rendered useless by the weight of the filth and the grime.
Until gales and tremors destroyed the feeble branch where he used to hang out.
Until gales and tremors destroyed the feeble branch where he used to hang out.
The rotten tree by the swamp it was swallowed.
And he realized he would also face death if he did nothing about.
Wanting to live he started flapping his wings trying to fly and get out.
And he realized he would also face death if he did nothing about.
Wanting to live he started flapping his wings trying to fly and get out.
It was awfully hard the effort, as he had not flown for so long that he had forgotten how.

Circumstances, peer and social pressures, overwhelming abuse and failings may become a swamp and a swallow, relegating us to hang from the rotten tree branch of the anxiety to belong or the hopelessness to live better and free.
Never is too late! Despite how we have lived! Or the mistakes we have made! Or the opportunities we have missed! Or our age!
We can always say: Enough is enough!
We can always answer the call to seek what is perfect and true!
We can always cleanse ourselves and get rid of the filth and the grime!
We can always fly out and high leaving the swallowing swamps down and behind!
We can always say: Enough is enough!
We can always answer the call to seek what is perfect and true!
We can always cleanse ourselves and get rid of the filth and the grime!
We can always fly out and high leaving the swallowing swamps down and behind!
God will go with you and will help you to free others from swampy pain and suffering
God will go with you and will help you to free others from swampy pain and suffering

This is a vision and a ministry for everyone on this earth. For everyone with a genuine and full heartedness, or even a remnant of such, after freeing himself or herself from this bondage and pain!
Let´s remember that God placed eternity in the hearts of men and women.
In the heart of mankind as a whole. Ecclesiastes 3:11
And everyone deserves to be and live free from bondage, despondency,
slavery of any type or despair.
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