Saturday, June 27, 2009


They just keep on being recycled by the human tendency to stumble over the same stones time and time again.

What has been always in the innerest center of the individual and social struggles have always been, first peace, and then freedom, in all the phases and stages of the real concepts of these words.

It has been repeatedly said, through the ages, that nothing is new under the sun. Everything, even the most tantalizing effects and contrivances of today have been always there, waiting for the right timing to rise up.

Probably the main difference with the developments of the centuries past is the fastness of the appearance and proliferation among the “consumism addicted” hungry masses nowadays.

This difference has two sides, as a coin. A positive and a negative or at least a neutral one, as it can be turn into any of both, and even in a difficult but not hopeless way, a positive one, too.

In the past, news, discoveries, developments, uncovering of hidden scandalous behaviors, and blatant arrogance and display of wickedness, happened at a much slower pace than today.

It gave time to assimilate or better off to fight back and reject, discard or play down the maladies and perversions that have existed always throughout the ages. Nowadays, the accelerated pace of progress gives instant display and boldness to the ongoing incessant effort to impose the ousidedly disguised claim for acceptance and respect for every type of evil and perversions.

There is an increasingly accumulating stress all over. Everything is relative even if disguised as fundamental. Shouting, gesticulating, bad manners, crass misbehavior, blatant arrogance disguising inner dissatisfaction, are everywhere.

Manipulation of the emotions by everyone is the rule and the name of the game. Newscasters, news originators, politicians, actors and actresses, and all the colorful members of the omnipresent media and communications are prime examples of this stressful way of living.

They cater to the stultified audiences masses acting as mimes and clowns, displaying all kinds of mannerisms, eyelids fluttering, double triple meaning words, always calling up the voyeurism and the bantering and jesting at the expense of all decent, simple, sad misfortune, offense and crime born out from logic even if unjustifiable response of the dispossessed of the world.

On the other side, and extremely conscious of this insensitizing process, the violence inflicted upon the daring to protest by the powerful increases hundred fold. It is a vicious but effective cycle where all participate but no one accepts blame or responsibility.

But there are no maladies and evils that last a hundred years. They exhaust the leading role players through stress and lack of inner peace. They only cyclically repeat themselves because we simply allow it by playing along as a willing or unwilling chorus, spectators, victims or whatever else.

This is especially evident in the growing activities of the sex deviated movements. They will never be satisfied by external justification or acceptance because the deepest and gravest dissatisfaction and condemnation resides within them in the first and utmost place. Same with those of the political and financial circus worldwide!

You only have to glance through the pages of the Life Giving Book. Search and read: Psalm 52: 1 to 4. Psalm 53: 1 to 6. Follow up Genesis 18: 20 to 32. Continue with Genesis 19: 1 to 29 to meditate on Sodom and Gomorrah. And then keep on pondering the shameful origin of the subsequent behavior of the descendants of Lot, the Moabites and Ammonites as described in Genesis 19: 30 to 38.

But the hope for peace and freedom is never wiped out. Scattered all over the Bible are the promises for the repentant and decided to change peoples. If circumstances, even at national or world levels seem to have no rational way out let´s keep on trusting that God is in control.

He can solve situations in just one fleeting second. Heart strokes born out of stress are overwhelmingly increasing. And all the despots, political, financial, or whatever type they could be, are subjected to it, even if in their dreams they feel omnipotent and cleverest.

Psalm 1: 4 to 6. “The wicked ….. are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

But He needs our hearts full of peace and hope for freedom. He needs our hands extended up to the heavens in prayers. He needs willing distributors of his mercy, and channels of His Justice.

It is necessary to become one more of the ones who have already decided to struggle for better causes. It is imperative to do so despite the strenuous challenges we will face day in and day out, night in and night out.

Because is the only way to start to walk forward over the paths of reconciliation with ourselves in order to achieve the strengthening stance of real inner peace and resolve.

When doing so we will see that what it seems an impossible task is possible to attain. The task is simple: to tell the truth before the powerful and not to lie to win the applause of the weaker.

No one in this fundamental search will be alone. Isaiah 52: 7 and 8 tell us so: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns”. Listen! Your sentinels lift up their voices, together they sing for joy; for in plain sight they see the return of the Lord to Zion”.

We are already blessed. We just need to start walking and witnessing, without fear of the powerful, nor being tempted by the applause of the weaker.

Let´s stand up and keep going on despite the criticisms, refusal to listen, or blatant rejection or attacks of those who prefer to deceive themselves by all ways of protest, self-justification or peer pressure over the ones who dissent and are resolved to be no more a part of the sheep lured to the abyss by the hypnotizing sounds of the Hamelin flutes of this world.

We are Christians! Committed Christians as we assert!
Let´s not be less than others who have made a difference in their time!
Let´s not be less than others who are making the difference, in our own times!
It does not matter if they do not believe as we do!

Actions more than Words are what counts!
Words supported by Actions set on high by living attitudes of righteousness, conviction and faith!

Let´s make their prayer and their purpose in life our own!

Let´s not allow their existence, words and prayer fall into oblivion because of our hesitancy, cowardice, or worst, our participation in the present wickedness, violence, abuse, discrimination or neglect.

If we do so we will see the evildoers fade consumed by their own stressful living and connivances!
If we do so we will see the deviated and perverse be eaten out by their own inner judgment and lack of freedom and peace!
If we do so we will inherit a better future for our kids!

But if we keep on following the steps of the hordes, the wolves’ packs, or the undecided sheep, we will be like Lot hidden in a cave, begetting shameful and idolaters Moabites and Ammonites with our own daughters. Genesis 19: 30 to 38.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Usually, when you mention the words visions and ministries people tend to associate them with a Christian realm, or a Christianese jargon, consequently discarding them if they do not feel themselves so, or they do not sympathize with the, sometimes, emotionally overcharged behaviors of group peoples that seek to separate themselves from the run of the mill lives of the run of the mill non Christian people.

Many times the dislike comes from the feeling that such people are just forcing them to believe they can dissociate from the daily occurrences of life by building up an emotional realm where often times, too, there is a lot o imitation of such a life, apparently disguised as a subliminally higher way of spiritual living.

I have discussed with friends, who are strong and genuine in their beliefs and refuse or reject to belong to such circles of emotionally overcharged people, especially when they see that trials and injustices remain rampant and uncontrolled, and do not see that they are really making a difference, but on the contrary, just hide behind their newly chosen associations, just practically burying their heads under the sand of emotional complacencies.

I have had, a times, to reluctantly agree with such perceptions as these. Especially when I see that a certain type or strands of spiritual pride and naiveté enter into the picture. It is so easy to be moved by the eloquent oratorical and scenic skills of so many of the preachers of today.

Especially when we hear what we love to hear! That we are special! That we will materially prosper! That we must give, and keep on giving to support the continuance of the presence of such skilled speakers of the Word who make us feel so comfortable, cozy and well.

Everything that is said about the change in our lives when we accept Christ and decide to follow him is true. But we can very easily forget that the everlasting Sunday resurrection and victory is preceded by and is a consequence of a painful journey and an excruciating death on the cross on the Friday before with a waiting for Saturday of expectancy, sometimes despair, but always hope in between.

A much respected friend of mine used to tell me that it is so fundamental and necessary for our spiritual well being that that we grasp the whole picture of Christianhood blending in a smooth sequence of the three day occurrences.
The Friday of pain, cross and death to ourselves!

The Saturday of testing and vigil, expectancy and hope!

And then, and only then, the Sunday of Resurrection and Victory, ingrained in our genuine change and witnessing of others of such a change in our lives.

There is a usually ignored fact of life. As well as the defenseless are chained and victimized by the injustice and abuse, the abusers and the enforcers of that abuse are also chained and victimized by the insensitivity required to do so.

All of them, abusers and abused need to be liberated, taken off from their bondage, be cleansed of the filth and grime of their miserly existence and misdeeds, and be encouraged to be free, to emerge from their swallowing swamps of violence, misery and lack of hope.

Let´s remember that as we have to have a personal encounter and relationship with God. Others, when we witness to them about this need, will want to see the reflecting image in us , of that personal, face to face experience we say we have had.

Is up to us to be really convincing and true, through the serenity and the endurance through the trials and vicissitudes of life that we can muster and show! This is not a matter of eloquence and scenic skills. It is a matter of gennuiness, integrity, righteousness and truth!

Only then we will be able to tell all those overwhelmed by suffering, hopelessness and pain…


One little bird was resignedly living on a rotten tree branch in the midst of a swamp.
He had got used to live so because he did not see any way out.

He only had muddy worms to eat and was always filthy, sick, dispirited and worn out.
His wings had been rendered useless by the weight of the filth and the grime.

Until gales and tremors destroyed the feeble branch where he used to hang out.

The rotten tree by the swamp it was swallowed.
And he realized he would also face death if he did nothing about.

Wanting to live he started flapping his wings trying to fly and get out.
It was awfully hard the effort, as he had not flown for so long that he had forgotten how.

But he confronted its pain until he rose up, flew out and went free through the clouds.

Circumstances, peer and social pressures, overwhelming abuse and failings may become a swamp and a swallow, relegating us to hang from the rotten tree branch of the anxiety to belong or the hopelessness to live better and free.

Never is too late! Despite how we have lived! Or the mistakes we have made! Or the opportunities we have missed! Or our age!

We can always say: Enough is enough!
We can always answer the call to seek what is perfect and true!
We can always cleanse ourselves and get rid of the filth and the grime!
We can always fly out and high leaving the swallowing swamps down and behind!

God will go with you and will help you to free others from swampy pain and suffering

This is a vision and a ministry for everyone on this earth. For everyone with a genuine and full heartedness, or even a remnant of such, after freeing himself or herself from this bondage and pain!

Let´s remember that God placed eternity in the hearts of men and women.

In the heart of mankind as a whole. Ecclesiastes 3:11

And everyone deserves to be and live free from bondage, despondency,
slavery of any type or despair.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Before, and meaning many years ago by this, messages relied heavily in long discourse and words´ detailing of issues, circumstances and events. Logically imagination and hyperboles were the main recourse for the writers.

Nowadays, with the amazing technological tools at our disposal we can easily present these issues, circumstances and events, in a much more mesmerizing way. Nevertheless, copying and imitation, if not overt manipulation of the emotions of the public and people we address is omnipresent.

Wrong or bad taste? Copywriting infringement? I would hesitate to call it so when the purpose and the motivations is to expose what is being offered as the information available, or put on the table as a publicized food and nourishment for the novelty and scandal hungry audiences.

And by doing so to derive and make our own the necessary reflecting upon process that is so necessary to give a real meaning and substance to our lives and actions. The purpose and motivation, then, should be to establish what is has been presented as the original thesis to be argued about it until the logical consequences are evident and clear.

This has come necessary to refer to because of some comments I have received in relation to the two pictures that have been running around in the web email circles. I had included them in my last posting, supposedly taken during the last seconds of the airbus plan crashing incident of recent happening.

I did it so because they motivated me to stop even if for a little while and made me pray for the deceased. At the same time they made me meditate on the follies of what we call human progress and comfort and the inevitability and frailty of human life and destiny.

There was an interesting angle to the claim they were faked and came from a TV show, titled “Lost” that I do not usually watch because of its sophisticated approach to the present fashion and fondness of the esoteric and sci-fictioned.

I was told that they had originated as a response to, this time, not TV showed fake incidents, but to at least two real airplanes crashes. But I pondered. Being TV originated frames do not rob them the appropriateness of the description of what unavoidable happened in all those air crashes.

They aroused in my spirit a feeling of compassion and desire to pray as well of realization of how we are travelling in packs having lost our individuality in living, acting and perceptions.

And I sadly realized the urgency of the necessity to become more aware of what is really going on. Life cannot be left without recourse against the frenetic manipulation of the times.

It is not so weirdly necessary, nowadays, to become such an athlete to even dance and sing repetitive, crass and grossly overly manipulated and distorted feelings.

It is not so inevitable to frenetically be the dumb reacting ones that the marketing strategists has turn us into to make us pavlovianly response to the incessant calling to do this, to do that, to buy this, to buy that.

It is not inevitable, despite the horrendously distorted social pressures, to accept this wicked and perverse behavior and that other wickedest and most perverse one.

To the contrary, it is so vitally necessary to survive and rise up as a responsible individual and society, by preserving and promoting what we know is rational, and profound and logical, even if not compromisingly, politically, socially, or aberrantly considered correct because of the distorted human rights claims of today.

It has been long overdue the reigning in all the audacious, wild gesticulating but cold eyes of the abundant fauna of self-assumed and self-appointed opinion setters, pseudo leaders and minuscule but extremely noisy messiahs of this world, and placing them in the place they deserve or the obscure corners they came from.

But this will inevitably require purity of the hearts, stainless steel making of beliefs, and the strongest and most resolute determination in the spirits, the minds and the souls. Even if isolated, rejected, discriminated, laughed at or ridiculed by the social systems of all types of the present world. Thoughts and words are the battlefield! And stalwart rising up to the battle for the minds, the hearts and the spirit of fellow men is the challenge!

On their side! Jeremiah 9:8. “their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit through the mouth. They all speak friendly words to their neighbors, but inwardly are planning to lay an ambush”. Matthews 12:34. “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.

On our side! Luke 6:45. “The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good…………….. For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks”.

Years ago, back in the early eighties, my spiritual director and leader and I dreamed about such a type of a ministry. We clearly understood the challenge of the battle for the spirits, hearts and minds of the people and the nations.

We visualized the facing up the mountains of the worldly deceits through clear based statements of certitude and truth. We even had the name to carry such words through the radio-waves and the invention of balloons but even if it was a right vision it was not the right timing in God´s plans.

But what was not possible to do then because of patent rights and all related issues now is widerly possible due to the free waves of the internet web communication systems. God knew what was best, and He also knew when and how.






Keep on reading down below!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


May our words be like placid running waters!

Capable of crushing the hardest rocks of worldly schemes and setting ups with their patient, clear and solid content of the right and fundamental convictions they come from in the first place!

Always flowing and patiently opening new pathways!

So they may be a blessing for the arid and despairing souls and minds, giving new life to the ones drinking them as welcome waters.

May they sweetly get into the thirsting´s lives of the ones needing a vivifying drop to keep on living!

Let´s not be concerned with those who come and drink!
Let´s just keep on flowing and giving!

Words may turn themselves into a poem, a feisty phrase, an advice, a tale, a compliment or a reflection.
Even a joke!

Nevertheless they must flow over a loving river-bed to be able to reach those who need them.

But let´s be careful because our words can also be,
in any given moment,
as uncontrolled forceful waters, fast and turbulent, destructive and mortal.

They can make passions overflow, drowning peace and love as they pass.
The difference resides in the feelings we may harbor
in the moments we utter them and they scatter in the air.

Is not up to us but to the listeners that our words transmit life to them
or on the contrary destroy their peace and propagate pain and sorrow!

Let´s transform us as the water does!

And may our thoughts and words, when negative,
become snow and then ice, and even if beautiful as them:

sterile, static and mute!

And when sharing times come they may become liquid to be used to create and preserve life in full and innerness!

And may they also become ascending clouds when wanting to reach the mountain tops of spiritual or earthy life!

So our Good God may distribute them, more wisely than us, as living rain,without discrimination.

Blessed be the words that may come from us,
because this would show our hearts are full of love
and in the best hands!

Our God´s ones!

And honor to who honor is due! Thanks “little seeds” ministry, for giving us the starting spiritual kick to embark on such a worthy task and vision.

Keep on reading down below!

Father (06-16-09) two conflicting agendas resolved

Enjoy the excerpts from my spiritual director and leader prayerful writings.
His words come from the abundance of his faithful Christian heart
and the wisdom of his age and experiences.

Thank You for talking to me as I was sleeping. It was so rewarding to find myself actually repeating Your own words back to You as I was waking up.

This is exactly what You were always wanting with me. As a wise Parent, You don’t ask, “Did you hear what I said?” You ask, “Now, what did I say?” Wow! What a great Father You are to me. I got it, and You know that I know that I got it!

You are refreshing to me what You have cause me to meditate on for most of my life, thanks to the great heritage You gave to me through my dear parents on earth.

As you taught me through them when they were here, You have continued to teach me day by day. I am so grateful to be in your eternal family with You as my Father-Teacher.

It was again all about II Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”

As I apply this same ideal formula to any situation with my child (those You have entrusted to my care), it could sound like this. “Son and/or daughter of my own precious family, if you will

{1} humble yourself (honor my necessary God-given position as your parent), and {2} pray (converse with me, both speaking and listening from that trusting position), and {3} seek My face (look at me with respect, giving me your full attention when I am talking with you, being able to tell me back what I am saying, as you see my loving heart for your best in it), and {4} turn from you wicked ways (honestly begin to obey me, showing an attitude of what God calls in Romans, “the obedience of faith and trust);

Then, will I {1} hear from heaven (give attention to your desires, which then will be worthy of consideration) and will {2} forgive your sins (just like I told my family in James that I would heal them as I forgive their disobediences and bad attitudes), and {3} heal your land (give them the very best that that are even better than anything they could have imagined that I have always desired to do for them).

Most battles, if not all, between parent and child are always over conflicting agendas. The parent’s agenda is good attitudes springing from a good parent-child relationship. The child’s agenda is to go straight for the “thing” he wants, even finessing to get it.

Parents are not wise and true parents, if they reward bad behavior before the disobedient child displays a real change of attitude toward the parent. Rewarding bad attitudes and behavior will reinforce the bad attitude making it harder to change in the future.

This would make them as a parent a contributor to the delinquency of a minor, which would in turn expose their disobedience to their own Father God in front of their own child. The parent is caught between obeying His own Father God and pleasing his child.

He has no wise alternative but to obey His Father God in order to display to his own child how a child should display a respectful loving obedient heart to his parent(s).

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3

Only when the child is on the same page with the loving parent should the parent feel free to consider the child’s agenda. Then, the parent should give great attention to the child’s agenda. He/she may have to say a loving “no” or “wait” or “yes” or “we can do it with the following change(s) under these conditions for your highest good”.

But, the parent must see further down the road than the child can even see at this point in his/her development. The parent is obligated under his/her own Father God to do the right thing with all love for his/her child.

We can drag things out with God, but it is better for all concerned that we do not do so.

1) He can always outlast us.

2) We are only delaying the blessing He already has for us.

3) We may be causing hurt to those around us whom we influence.

4) He will do what is best for us by waiting for us to get on the same page with Him.

5) Pouting, stalling, screaming, kicking, anger, outbursts, sneaking, lying, etc., will get the child nowhere with God.

How many more reasons can you think of? And, how many more ways do we try to get our own ways over His until we finally give up in the realization of how simple we could have made it for both God and us?

Remember that our Father God’s agenda with us is to give good things to reward good attitudes in us as His dear and precious children. Our Father God “will not withhold any good thing from those who love Him.”

When our attitude is right before Him, we are ready to apply the following to ourselves: “Seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask what you will, and it shall be done.” “And this is the confidence that we have in Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us; and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.”

Now, applying this back to our nation or any other nation we may be able to recognize Your priority. Our nation is trying to solve its own problems without considering Your agenda.

We as Your people along with the other citizens of this nation greatly desire our own agenda of what we want. We are either trying to solve our problems by ourselves in our own way without displaying real changes in our hearts toward You, God.

We must finally come to see that You as our Father greatly desire the change of attitude in the hearts of Your own children in this nation. This is Your agenda.

We think we are waiting on You, God, to help us, but You are really waiting on us to display the change of attitude in our hearts. Who can outlast whom?

The sooner You as loving Father God see us stop focusing on ourselves trying to bring our own deliverance and blessing our own way and begin to focus on honoring You and giving You thanks (Romans 1), the sooner You have promised to step into our situation as our loving Father God and make a true display of our deliverance and blessing.

I know that I should never think that we can ever heal our own land or help our own situation. Without You, Lord we can do nothing. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they (we) labor in vain who build it.”

But, “I (we) can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (us).” Our Father God, You are in control, but You are waiting for Your own children who are called by Your name, although citizens within this nation, to humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways (disobediences).

As the perfect Model of all parents, You will know as see in our hearts the real attitude change. Then You promise to quickly step into the situation of Your changed children and heal our land in every way. You have allowed us to come to the end of ourselves, so that we can again become as Your children with Your own DNA (in Your own image). Help us again to be “one nation under God”.

Thank You for creation when you made us in Your own image to be and do like You, for Calvary when you redeemed us back to live again by Your Spirit as You originally created us to be and do, and for “Christ in us the hope of glory,” through Whom we are enabled to identify forever with You as children of our loving Father God.

Why would we not be satisfied to be Your children in this wonderful situation both now and forever? All glory and honor and praise to You! Your son, Oren

Thursday, June 18, 2009


He is not the master of his destiny. Not always the best contrivances assure the expected results and the permanence of human comfort or pleasure. Ecclesiastes 9:11-12.

These reflections arise from the deepest compassion for the victims of the latest state of the art and ultimate expression of human skill, daring and progress. It is amazing to realize to what point of luxury and comfort man has devised for himself, especially when crossing the air as is done in the present times.

I am not a man of the beginnings of air travel at all, but I still vividly remember the rickety rack air journeys, when facing the sudden up and downs of the winds, involved in the cotton white entrails of the clouds over the gulf or the mountains, on my way to the training courses of my youth.

Traveling those days usually made us to pray, and I really mean to pray, entrusting ourselves to the mercy of the Lord. But do you know what? These rickety racking kept us humble on our knees, even while tighten fastened to our seats, and made more enjoyable to reach our destination.

One of my fondest memories, almost already lost in the fog of the sixties, was when expectations were to spend Christmas alone, but my first two children told me that the gift they expected was my presence and not the toys and clothing I had bought for them at the Post Exchange of the military base where I was being trained.

Delta and Pan American were the busiest airlines of those days and my favorite ones. I remember calling Delta on December 20th. to explain why I wanted to fly on Christmas Eve and their solicitous response of willingness to get me in a fly to do so.

On December 22nd. They offered me a seat in what they called the Milkman route, as the only way to connect with Pan American in Miami at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve for the last leg of my journey home.

And believe me, it was a Milkman route. Everybody knows what Christmas rush is all about. I still do not remember how many stops we made changing from one propeller plane to another until reaching Miami. But I knocked at my home front door at 7p.m. that night, when no one were expecting me at all.

What a Christmas Eve. What a family celebration. It was worthy to have gone through all the ups and downs, and all the minimum comfort airlines provided at that time. And God was always present even if I was not a believer but a self-sufficient guy at the time.

But as it always happen, at every turn in the upping and downing of the sudden winds´ bursts, I, and I am sure all my fellow travelers, invoked God in the quiet innerness of our hearts, because that journey was one of the silent’s journeys I have gone through in my life.

I am referring to this due to the sharing of friends who sent me pictures of the almost incredible luxury of the Airbuses of today.

I had just kept them in my files. I am sure many were flying to be with their family and relatives, besides those just involved in business deals and busily isolated in front of their laptops and all the plane´s luxury.

I am also sure it is very difficult to remember God in the midst of such a pleasurable environment as we usually did when inside those planes of before.

It is with the utmost respect, that as a basis of my ending prayer of today, that I realize the justness and the reality of what The Word of God tells us in Ecclesiastes 9: 11-12.

“Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; the time and chance happen to them all. For no one can anticipate the time of disaster. Like fish taken in a cruel net, and like birds caught in a snare, so mortals are snared at a time of calamity, when it suddenly falls upon them”.

I prayed for them, as I remembered my awareness of our futile time and helplessness in the midst of our searching living in my youth. But so many other things crowd our minds and time, and just curiously followed the course of the search and recovery that was going on.

But then, a few days ago, I was shaken up to the marrow of my bones, by the two digital photos taken by a passenger probably at the same instant of his sudden death.

I realized the most crucial and subliminal danger of modern life. The easiest to forget that we are just humans fleeting floating in the air of the material circumstance and progress. The easiest to forget that we can suddenly die without being at least able to have time to try to ask for mercy and forgiveness to God for our misdeeds.

For them all, for those who are now facing the judgment of the Lord, for the loved one so suddenly left behind, for me and my own, who could be facing similar even if not so tragic turn of events, I want to raise my hands and pray this way.

Psalm 8: 3-6 and 9. “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

Yet you have made them a little lower than god, and crowned them with glory and honor. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet,” O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

We know, my Lord, we are just fleeting and feeble light shining on the top of our candle life that can be fizzled out by almost every gust of the winds.

But, when our time comes, slow or suddenly and fast, let us hide under the shadows of your wings of mercy and love, so we can gratefully say:

“He reached down from on high, He took me, He drew me out of mighty waters. He brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me, because He delighted in me”. Psalm 18: 16 and 18.

Let´s keep on praying because nowadays it seems that LIFE´s lessons are mostly and conveniently forgotten or ignored.
The Airbus builders simplistically asserts the worlds financial crisis is soon to end.
They have received a 10 planes request!
But at the same time British Airwaves is asking its employees to work for free,
to face the crisis, at their expense.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Even if the world is crumbling down to pieces,

One thing is clear. God is in control.

Especially in the area of our personal finances when we straighten up our way of living, controlling our greed, egotism and misdirected individual and collective decisions!

God tests us by taking us to the limit as we humans understand it, but then He acts in a way that leaves us speechless.

Usually we do not pay enough attention to the characteristics and timing of the blessings we enjoy.

As we get older probably you will see ourselves living in a comfortable home and being supported by our own. But it is not uncommon that they as humans could try to make us live the way they understand it.

Without thinking that we probably used to live differently to the “normal grandparents in a rocking chair”! Or expecting us to go out every day, for our own good state of mind, to make a routine living without taking in consideration the rules of the business world ruthless fiefdoms, where middle age is considered an obstacle, or at least a nuisance, despite the savvy of the offered accumulated experience. All people that has been active and somehow independent in their life does not like the idle living way of retired life just watching time keep on ticking away.

They keep on dreaming about having a last challenge to meet and be rewarded for, not solely in terms of salaries, but mainly of recognition of usefulness or desirable wisdom and experience.

It is an ineludible fact that probably this will only remain as a longing, a desire, and acceptance of the realities of life. And more if the financial circumstances are not the ideal ones.

This could easily lead to feelings of uselessness or frustration, even if counting with the unreserved support and love of your own.

It is good for the peace of our spirit and our soul to keep on seeking an active role in life. It would probably be highly profitable for the younger world to pay attention to this reservoir of wisdom and experience and make it its own.

It would be a remarkably smart move instead of keeping on tumbling down the road in the insatiable quest of conquering impossible dreams or reaching always running away clouds and rainbows.

But the attitude of a maturer person and that of a trusting God one should always be: if I get a job, bless the Lord. If I don´t get it, bless the Lord. He knows what I need. He knows what is best for me, at all times.

Because as He has always provided what you needed in the past He will keep on providing in the present and the future according to his love, generosity and riches. But He will do it according to our real spiritual and material needs not our human whims and or desires.

We should never fill compelled to seek ways, at all costs, to get just income instead of trusting the Lord to provide the right alternatives or circumstances to fulfill our destiny and aspirations. They will come at the right time and when we really need it, not just when we impatiently feel the train has left leaving us behind.

Nowadays there is a universal crisis. It is hard to believe and trust when you see all the tenets of your wealth and confidence crumbling to pieces.

If it always has been hard to digest and accept the reality and validity of the Christian concepts of “living by faith” and not by our own human efforts, they are harder to accept when you see that heavens seem to be falling down and over your head.

You can talk about it until you get exhausted. You can cite verses and harangue people while being dressed as a successful talk show host of the international televise networks. But real, humble, simply stated testimonies are what are required to move hearts to start walking on the right direction.

I have good and abundant memories of seeing the hand of God in action. First in allowing us to run trusting our personal strength, because of the giftings He has endowed us with. Then, when we run out of it, or because we do not bend backwards as the world expects, and consequently become rejected outcasts, all doors closed, He comes to our rescue.

He then shows us what it should have been the right paths from the beginning. And it is then, always respecting but improving our personalities and beings, with loving care and even chastisements, mold us to become the real ones that the world was not able to really break down.

And the showering of grace and blessings becomes, no more abundant, but evident. This is what happened to me, and happened to my family, and is continuing to happen as days pass. Please receive with open hearts the intimate testimonies of my former and my present life.

As a self sufficient, chosen one for leadership individual since my early twenties, I knew about the sweet delights that position and available funding can provide to an energetic individual.

I went to the States as a “Student Officer” enjoying as a single young one, the U.S.A Government generous “per diems”, ranging from $33.00 up to $66.00 dollars a day, plus a variety of additional benefits, plus my government salaries, in the sixties.

I got used to paid travel expenses, graduating from their best military training centers, visiting as an official guest, Washington D.C, the State Department, the Pentagon, being lodged, free of charge at the Ambassador Hotel, just a few blocks away from the White House.

I studied hard but enjoyed my time while on the official travels after graduation and in between training courses, listening to the jazz and blues, while visiting the “M” street discos and watching beautiful young and topless girls dancing on the tables, in Washington.

As well as flocking to the theaters to watch the live shows in the rowdy areas of Baltimore, along with the packs of hosts that did cater to us, the foreign officers from around the world.

Money was never an issue. Privileges were a run of the mill daily occurrence. I would have never crossed my mind the idea of how the also run of the mill people had to live.

And less of all how some day I would be not only part of it, but also an individual learning to live by faith while striving to learn how was I loved by God, and how I should be an instrumental for spreading this love to the lesser privileged or the discriminated and abused by the world.

But these testimonies will be part of the second part of these series of postings.

If you have become interested,

keep on reading, down below.


One thing I have come to realize through the years, and it has come back as a lightning strike on a darkened afternoon, after I wrote about what it was my former life in the politically privileged circles of this world.

The world, as any structure, living or static one, needs supporting pillars to keep on going despite the abuses and wrongdoings. The world tests the individuals in order to find their breaking points, as well as the developing levels of compromising, complacence, and corruption.

And it uses all those willing ones to bend and sacrifice their integrity and beliefs, for its own benefit and the benefit of the maquiavellan ones who reach the top of the ladder and manipulate the rest of the climbers.

But even the ruthless world, knows well whom to break and destroy, whom to reject and isolate if become definitely non pliable and corrupted. These latter ones are these pillars I am talking about. These latter ones are the potential remnant material that the Scriptures tell us about it.

They are the genuine remnant if they repent from their former wicked or mistaken ways, and decide to change the faked and faking idols of this world for the pure and only real God (not an idol) that they were unconsciously seeking even when they were lost and wandering around.

I had a charismatic leader whom I followed for 23 years of military career. He was what we could say a one eye leader in a land of the blinds. Many times when guarding his back I used to ponder: what would happen if some killed this man? What would happen to the country?

And even if watching what the opportunists and greedy did, and how my leader used them and controlled for his benefit, I could not but accept the lesser, in my eyes, of the so many maladies and miseries around. And I kept on faithfully serving.

What we feared did happen. My country is in an almost unbelievable chaos. And the childish, self deceptive, grossly distorted and delusory justification is to attribute all to the one who is not capable anymore to stand up and talk back.

The petty and irresponsible shouting and insulting ones of today are incapable, or fearful to admit, that they were mistaken or misled, or just greedy hungers for what they could not obtain through their proper ways and means.

They adamantly, and cowardly, refuse to acknowledge that they are the ones responsible for their present woes. In their search for self justification they only have the recourse to insult and disqualify.

They can do no more, they can do no less, after confiscating and fighting for the spoils of the ones who had to leave abandoning all their earthly possessions, not really because they were who they are called to be, but because they simply ended up in the losing side of the struggle that has brought and is bringing more misery and pain than any time before.

I must proudly state that I never was ordered to do wrong or evil, but was given the opportunity to work in communal and national projects that benefited a lot. I served and served well within the social parameters I knew.

But then, once in exile, I finally had to realize that the world and the leaders are just that, a world led by humans, not gods even they consider themselves as such. I had to accept that what they have to offer for your loyalty and your service is no more than copper coins and not gold ones.

It is then when we finally realize the trickery of the world that continually manipulates us into believing it is necessary to follow idols and fashions, and to have more, and more, pricier not worthier, to be a person who has even if he is not.

And the blessings then become, as I said before, no more abundant but evident, not huger but meaningful and vital, shining brighter in the delicate details and colors as the petals of the flowers scattered on the floor of our existence.

This has been the way that the Lord poured His blessings upon us at the most crucial and sensitive times and circumstances, once we decided to serve as full time missionaries, living by faith, and trust in Him in all circumstances and times.

I was at the time a member of the ministries financial committee and was well aware of the financial blessings that so many missionaries in the organization were blessed with.

And we all lived by faith. There were no salaries. And I had only $150.00 as a secure monthly donation from a missionary woman and his family. Could you imagine it was possible to live on that amount, in the United States, serving and traveling back and forth, and for seventeen years? The simplest human logic says no. But we did. Because we were under the shadows of the wings of the Almighty!

We had our immediate needs met, and we had enough left to send back to Guatemala to cover our children living and educational expenses.

They did pitch in, applying themselves in order to keep their well earned college scholarships, up to the point that all graduated with honors and one even became a member of the American Students Honor Society.

But let´s go back to our testimony about God´s grace and blessings!

We were living at a trailer home nearby the house of the Missions organization and at the same time our spiritual director.

One afternoon we only had 2 eggs in the fridge and no money in our pockets, and he suddenly, out of the blue, knocked at our door telling us the Lord had told him to take us shopping for groceries, and he spent around 500 dollars on us.

I also remember the time we were going back to Guatemala on an outreach to get a job to cover the throat plastic surgery my son Omar needed for his scar.

I had an offer to work as an assistant hospital administrator at a military hospital in Guatemala, offered by its Medical Director, a former friend of mine who knew I had graduated in a Master Program sponsored by the U.S.A. Defense Department and the Texas Baylor University.

I had 500 dollars and I wanted to buy me a nice sound system, but a student girl who was waiting for her family to send her that amount of money, was crying because they could not do so, and then I decided, silently, to place my 500 dollars in her mailbox.

While going out of the dining room, one of the leaders, who knew about the reasons why we were leaving, was running up the hill from the white wooden offices house and told me that he had decided to call a lady in Houston, and she decided to send five thousand dollars to take care of the expenses.

We left Omar at the missions place and we went on the road 2 days after with more than 50 enthusiast missionary students, down from Arkansas, through Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, in those well remembered buses we had for this type of outreaches.

Omar was waiting for us in Guatemala when we arrived there almost two months later, and we were told the plastic surgeon did not charged for his services when he knew what all was about. I mention all this, because I am thinking that the amount of $500.00 is and has been a token and significant figure so many times in our lives. As it could be in the lives of so many around!

Not so much to become used to unnecessary abundance, not so little so we despaired without seeing why and how God provided the daily manna to his people, enough for the day, renewed every morning.

At this moment I feel certain He will provide, soon and in due time, all our needs, everybody´s needs, in the amounts needed, not necessarily the desired. And this could happen, and this will happen, not only to the American people who are wandering through the desert of the actual crisis, misfortunes and loss, but to all the people of the world, If they close their ears to the false prophets who want to replace the U.S.A. sponsors of the false American dream,

When this dream is not based on God´s truth and accepted sovereignty over us!

This conviction, shared for so many years with my former Missions Director, and our always present spiritual director and friends, elicited the responses that I cannot resist to share with all the potential internet readers who could be painfully walking under the stressful adversities of the present days

But this will be the content of the 3rd. part of this series of postings,

keep on reading down below.

Egypt and the men of faith, Seek God´s face! Part 3


This is what my spiritual mentor recently shared with me. I am sharing it with you all, as God´s truth cannot remain confined within the cozy rooms of the already believers and blessed.

My dear Emilio, Now, there is the man of faith I know!

In our particular case here in the US at this time, the Lord is talking to me about Egypt. This nation has become in many ways like Egypt. (Emilio´s note: and I will say all the nations of the world)

Remember, however, that God separated His people from those who did not honor Him and give Him thanks.

All they had to do was put the blood of the sacrificial lamb over their door posts, and they were protected from the judgment that He was bringing on the rest of the land to bring them to themselves so that they could have the opportunity to honor Him and give Him thanks.

While the rest of Egypt went through the most awful judgment by God, those of Israel who were protected by the blood of the Lamb were totally safe.

The Lord is reminding me that those of us whose finances are not tied to the New York Stock Exchange but rather to "His riches in glory" are totally safe from the terrible financial judgment that He needs to bring on this unrepentant nation at this time.

Remember His words, "The secrets of the Lord are with them that fear (reverence) Him."

God is whispering to us, as our Father always will, as we quiet ourselves to hear Him: "Listen, my children. You and I have a secret that the world system does not know about. I tell you such things as "fret not," "fear not," "be anxious for nothing," etc.

Why? Because this not only would show Me that you do not really trust me as your Father, but also these are the primary causes of stress, which over-acidifies you body so that it is much more susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

For your own good and for Mine, trust in Me. You and I have a secret that is only with you who reverence Me. I don't tell my secrets to anyone else. Just between you and Me, you are perfectly safe at all time in My hands.

"He that dwell is the secret place of the Most High (all authority God) shall abide under the shadow (shelter) of the Almighty (all powerful God). Same Person--Most High and Almighty!

What a place to abide! What a place to dwell! Especially, in times of storm and judgments!

"We are seated with Christ in heavenly places." We are not subject to the terrible judgments of the wicked who according to Romans 1, do not honor God and give Him thanks. We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God where it is safe. They walk proudly promising to "heal" the land by themselves.

God says in II Chronicles 7:14; "If My people who are called by My name will

1) Humble themselves and
2) Pray
3) Seek My face
4) turn from their wicked ways,

Then will I

1) Hear from heaven
2) Forgive their sins
3) Heal their land.

God reserves the healing of the land to Himself. We cannot heal our land. We strive and strive, but we cannot heal our land. He can do it in a minute, when we finally meet His goal for us.

If we will only do the first 4 things He will to the 3 things He promised to do. He always does and He always will. He is God, and we are not.

Oh, how wonderful it is to not have to be our own God with all that responsibility that we are not equipped for. He is ready, willing, and able when we take the posture he has requested for our own good.

Think about it. No stress at all, because, like David, we are not trying to do things outside our domain for which we were never created.

You are a good brother whom I respect for your trust in the Lord. Your friend and brother, Oren II

When reading this I could not but remember that worship song that states the only conclusion and solution left to the hurting and wandering:
“where could I go but to The Lord”


And later on he continued and I continue sharing with you all: My dear Emilio, The best way I can say this is to say that as we "seek God's face," His will is in His face. There is a great practical reason for always seeking His face. Please understand why and then you will know the Lord's leading is clear to those who are seeking His face.

What does it mean to seek God's face? I tell my students not to seek His will but His face and that His will is in His face. What does that mean?

My son finally brought himself to follow that prescription in finding his wife. My youngest daughter brought herself to follow that prescription which miraculously connected her to the man that became her husband. You should hear their miracles stories.

We are not to seek anything but God's face. All good things are in His face. I know this sounds crazy, but I finally discovered why God told us all to do this simple thing. We aim at God's face, and other things come to us. We aim at things, and we get more and more confused.

One more thing: God is our one and only Source of all good in His universe. All other things in whatever category are simply His ways and means to deliver His provision to us.

As we keep our eyes only on Him, He does the practical thing sometimes directly from heaven like manna and sometimes through other people or things.

It is so amazing how we can always be "rested" in our hearts and minds and leave whatever comes of it up to the Lord. We get more done this way than we ever could any other way.

It has taken me so long to really learn this. I hope I remember it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, etc. You know what I mean. There are so many distractions to test us allow upon us by the Lord Himself just to prove us in the face of our enemy and show Himself strong in us.

What amazing grace! Oh, don't let me go on and on. Just thoroughly digest what the Lord has led me to understand and now I share with you. Love always. Oren II

Friday, June 5, 2009


Through God´s given love I have recently had the opportunity to retell, not a Narnia unending tale, but a real and proven unending story of love given, love received, love given back to others, and love and blessings added, received back one hundred fold.

There is a saying that states that the good we possess is never really appreciated, until is lost. There are other sayings that state that it is necessary to give, freely, abundantly, lovingly, joyfully, but also sacrificially.

It could be easy to understand that of freely, abundantly, lovingly and joyfully when wealth, health and blessings abound. But, can this be possible when giving sacrificially, out of our scarcities and needs? Out of what remains of our wealth, health and blessings as is happening nowadays?

Yes, yes, yes, and one hundred times yes. I have seen it in others. I have also seen it in my personal and our family lives. I will try to summarize, in the future and somehow, some of these living occurrences to humbly give testimony of the real existence of these facts.

We could talk, in general, about the oldest book in the Bible where it is described its main personage JOB’s enjoyed, then lost, and finally recovered life. We could talk about the Good Samaritan deeds. Even if some could try to attribute this to a Christianese jargon, oriented to emotionally proselytize and bring unbelievers to our side.

We could also display the emotive story of the young child who went around hungry and received a glass of milk from an attractive young girl who invited him into her home. And we could also emphasize the gratefulness returned by way of the surgery performed by an extremely skilled surgeon on that same girl many years after.

And yes, you can easily visualize that the surgeon and the girl were the same of the beginning of the beautiful story, when, the hospital bills were presented to the girl, stamped with a rotund “paid with a glass of milk” over the myriad of detailed items used in order to make her health recover.

Nowadays there is an uncoverable, undeniable, ominously pervading crisis of all types and ways. Financially! Morally! You name it. Millions have lost, are losing and will lose their jobs, their homes, their present comfort and seemingly their future and their universally sought material happiness that has been baptized as the utopian American dream.

But this is not the end of the world. It is just the beginning of the new gratefulness filled mornings that lie ahead in the future if we make the necessary changes in beliefs and attitudes toward life. And we can make this future become our present if we accompany the changes with the necessary actions of love given and received.

I will not try to emotively rally potential givers into action. I will only pinpoint what love given and received means and how this circle closes, itself, in a spiraling way bringing us to the higher levels of consciousness, awareness, decisiveness and actions required.

I will try to do it in two ways. One by way of logic based on firm belief on the certitude of the hundred fold returns in what is given to the needier on behalf of the Lord, our God.

The other way will be by leading you to the awareness that others, individually and ministerially have done through the years. And not a few ones but during 132 years up to date!

I hope, sincerely, humbly and resolutely, that you all, the potential readers of this blog, can stop, relax in the midst of your present tribulations and trials, and make this conviction of a better future through present decisive and generous actions, the ruling guide and the guiding light through these darkest hours of despair.

First, I will try to make you all visualize the one hundred fold returns approach. Let´s take for example the basis of giving to others, by donation of funds later matched by other generous donors, or by receiving temporarily in our homes those in need of love, comprehension, acceptance and encouragement.

Let´s visualize our giving a minimum of ten percent of our attention and love. The Lord will give us back one hundred fold returns of our ten percent which means ten times the whole of what we originally received.

To this He would add the one hundred fold return of the ten percent the receiver would give us if grateful and correspondingly generous in relation to what he received.

This means a full return of what we originally received. He, the Lord, will give it to us on behalf of the receiver if he does not react according to the rules of gratefulness and generosity.

Adding both returns we then have eleven times plus ninety percent of the original blessings to feed the expanding cycle of love given and received.

If we then comply with the giving of another ten percent of what we have accumulated, the returns expand in an overwhelming mode.

Ten percent of (11.90) eleven point nine times accumulated blessings means (1.19) one point nineteen times of the original blessings.

The direct from God one hundred fold returns comes to be 119 times the original blessings plus 10.71 times accumulated blessings corresponding to our ninety percent balance.

If we add the one hundred fold returns of the 10% of the 10% given and received by others, this adds to a total of 11.90 times the original blessings.

The grand total of accumulated blessings just at the end of the second cycle of giving and receiving is then 141.61 of the original blessings.


Could you have imagined these incredible accumulated returns? And the example covers only a two times giving and receiving! And by one person only!

Could you imagine the cumulative results when a lot of people pitch in?
A hundred ones!
A thousand ones!
The cumulative one time givers and or volunteers!
The committed ones!
The once a year givers and or volunteers!
The consistently through the years ones!

Probably not, because happiness and fulfillment usually resides in the realm of the spirit!

And spiritual realm is usually directly opposed to gross and greedy materialist success, showing off or gain, as well as the deeds undertaken because of a sense of guilt and self-appeasement instead of genuine sharing and generous love or compassion.

The blessings returns exist and are effective and true, only our stubborn unbelief could deny it! But if doubts persist, let´s get to the second way we have to convince ourselves of the worthiness of donating funds or time.

Especially when all this is to be matched by other generous donors! As well as deciding to open ourselves and our homes, and volunteering in the causes, ministries and programs worthy to be donated to and volunteered for.

This is what it came to my mind when I perused through the accomplishment of the Fresh Air Fund that has been blessing children since the year of the Lord 1877.

And the calculations were based in only one person. Multiply it by the many who pitched in, yearly, for 132 years. It is s dizzying, unimaginable, wonderfully mesmerizing, and true!

Check the programs! Check the numbers of children served! Check the abundance of activities! Imagine the joy and happiness of both ends of the loving equation! Go to to do it.

A skeptic could say. 132 years? And still asking?

Are statistics true?

Don´t they see the crisis that is making the world go to pieces?

We have to care for ourselves first. Charity starts at home.
Sorry for them, but sorrier for myself.
We need to survive.

The dispirited and pessimistic could say. How could I give even if I wanted to?
I am in a receive, not to give, circumstance.
Jobless! Homeless!
Barely meeting my basic needs!

Visionaries and dreamers would say.
Blessed be the Lord for people like these.
It is true that children numbers have geometrically expanded and abuses and abandonment as well.

But let´s pray and ask the Lord our generosity expands the same, to allow them covering not only what they presently do, but expanding their dream and commitment,
worldwide too.

So we can bless them and be blessed in return.

and this way, live a beautiful life, reaping God´s blessings to share them with the dispossesed and the hurting

Thursday, June 4, 2009


A very dear friend when I asked her for input on how to make my writings more accessible or interest´s worth to many of the hurried bystanders of this life, so busily immersed in creating for themselves a comfortable niche in this world answered me to write a sort of summary or pinpoint subjects to make it easier for them to pick what they liked most.

I am extremely grateful for this advice as it shows the predominant tendency of the peoples of today. We are so busy that we cannot spend time in digesting the whole lot of digressions that could, in time, form a solid foundation for our rightful understanding of life as a whole.

We want to get at a first glance what it could be digested just that, at a glance. If we like it in less than a few seconds, probably we will extend our attention span a little bit and add more to our reading, consideration, analysis or pleasure.

If not, we can erase what we found unattractive, probably because of challenging, at a glance, with a swipe of our hand, or a click or our mouse. This way we won´t feel regrets for not getting involved in the development of our inner fabrics of thoughts and discernment.

This is the natural consequence of the incessant pounding of the publicity techniques that pervade our society today. It has robbed us our capacity for reflection and analysis. We have got so used to the external appearance and the pitch calls to react NOW! Now! NOW! Know! CALLING! Buying! GETTING! Without any real regard to usefulness, need, or capacity to buy within our real means.

We later, after buying, and trying a few times to make the acquisition work according to the promises made, become frustrated, putting the gadget aside, and getting ready for the next advertising pitch, and urgent call to keep on buying, for the benefit of the greedy manipulators, disguised as the pillars of progress and collective comfort.

But at the same time, considering always the positive side of this generational way of seeing and doing, we could make them, by chance maybe, or because the omnipresent inner spiritual nagging keeps knocking at the door of the sub-consciousness, get people involved in the wider analysis palpitating within the series of digressions presented to them.

The main objective, summarizing or not, is to allow them to consider at length, but with lesser hard experiences costs, what, as I have already stated, is, in the long term, the whole and interesting, as well as necessary, inner building up of not just an individual, but hopefully a collective fabrics of thoughts and discernment so vital for the real development of the real values of this present world.

Let´s try to pinpoint the main subjects which are the focus of this present series of blog postings.

They are, from up down below, and from the latest posting to the first, the following ones, if you start reading the next posting after this:

(1) Turning points and alternatives in life! Life can be as a Chinese checkers game.

(2) We must not despair or believe that what happens is unavoidable. What are you “a slave of”? Wake up, brother! Wake up, sister! Life is as it is!

(3) Some decisions to make are precisely if to face life, pessimistically or optimistically. Let´s define what we should understand when referring to both. And let´s understand, clearly, who we are: wayfaring strangers.

(4) We can approach life as a Christian, as mentioned above, or as a highly motivated secular individual, as it is shown below. What is required is to understand what optimism is, because the answer is flowing in the wind.

Let´s stop here for the time being. In the next series of postings I will present to you another way to face the challenges.

The one that has developed inside of my whole set of experiences, grasping of facts, perceptions, utopias and realities of my life.

The one that has become the foundation of my practicing Christianism as I have seen it growing and strengthening my whole being!