It has been repeatedly said, through the ages, that nothing is new under the sun. Everything, even the most tantalizing effects and contrivances of today have been always there, waiting for the right timing to rise up.
Probably the main difference with the developments of the centuries past is the fastness of the appearance and proliferation among the “consumism addicted” hungry masses nowadays.
This difference has two sides, as a coin. A positive and a negative or at least a neutral one, as it can be turn into any of both, and even in a difficult but not hopeless way, a positive one, too.
In the past, news, discoveries, developments, uncovering of hidden scandalous behaviors, and blatant arrogance and display of wickedness, happened at a much slower pace than today.
It gave time to assimilate or better off to fight back and reject, discard or play down the maladies and perversions that have existed always throughout the ages. Nowadays, the accelerated pace of progress gives instant display and boldness to the ongoing incessant effort to impose the ousidedly disguised claim for acceptance and respect for every type of evil and perversions.
There is an increasingly accumulating stress all over. Everything is relative even if disguised as fundamental. Shouting, gesticulating, bad manners, crass misbehavior, blatant arrogance disguising inner dissatisfaction, are everywhere.
Manipulation of the emotions by everyone is the rule and the name of the game. Newscasters, news originators, politicians, actors and actresses, and all the colorful members of the omnipresent media and communications are prime examples of this stressful way of living.
They cater to the stultified audiences masses acting as mimes and clowns, displaying all kinds of mannerisms, eyelids fluttering, double triple meaning words, always calling up the voyeurism and the bantering and jesting at the expense of all decent, simple, sad misfortune, offense and crime born out from logic even if unjustifiable response of the dispossessed of the world.
On the other side, and extremely conscious of this insensitizing process, the violence inflicted upon the daring to protest by the powerful increases hundred fold. It is a vicious but effective cycle where all participate but no one accepts blame or responsibility.
But there are no maladies and evils that last a hundred years. They exhaust the leading role players through stress and lack of inner peace. They only cyclically repeat themselves because we simply allow it by playing along as a willing or unwilling chorus, spectators, victims or whatever else.
This is especially evident in the growing activities of the sex deviated movements. They will never be satisfied by external justification or acceptance because the deepest and gravest dissatisfaction and condemnation resides within them in the first and utmost place. Same with those of the political and financial circus worldwide!
You only have to glance through the pages of the Life Giving Book. Search and read: Psalm 52: 1 to 4. Psalm 53: 1 to 6. Follow up Genesis 18: 20 to 32. Continue with Genesis 19: 1 to 29 to meditate on Sodom and Gomorrah. And then keep on pondering the shameful origin of the subsequent behavior of the descendants of Lot, the Moabites and Ammonites as described in Genesis 19: 30 to 38.
But the hope for peace and freedom is never wiped out. Scattered all over the Bible are the promises for the repentant and decided to change peoples. If circumstances, even at national or world levels seem to have no rational way out let´s keep on trusting that God is in control.
He can solve situations in just one fleeting second. Heart strokes born out of stress are overwhelmingly increasing. And all the despots, political, financial, or whatever type they could be, are subjected to it, even if in their dreams they feel omnipotent and cleverest.
Psalm 1: 4 to 6. “The wicked ….. are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
But He needs our hearts full of peace and hope for freedom. He needs our hands extended up to the heavens in prayers. He needs willing distributors of his mercy, and channels of His Justice.
It is necessary to become one more of the ones who have already decided to struggle for better causes. It is imperative to do so despite the strenuous challenges we will face day in and day out, night in and night out.
Because is the only way to start to walk forward over the paths of reconciliation with ourselves in order to achieve the strengthening stance of real inner peace and resolve.
When doing so we will see that what it seems an impossible task is possible to attain. The task is simple: to tell the truth before the powerful and not to lie to win the applause of the weaker.

We are already blessed. We just need to start walking and witnessing, without fear of the powerful, nor being tempted by the applause of the weaker.
Let´s stand up and keep going on despite the criticisms, refusal to listen, or blatant rejection or attacks of those who prefer to deceive themselves by all ways of protest, self-justification or peer pressure over the ones who dissent and are resolved to be no more a part of the sheep lured to the abyss by the hypnotizing sounds of the Hamelin flutes of this world.

Let´s not be less than others who have made a difference in their time!
Let´s not be less than others who are making the difference, in our own times!
It does not matter if they do not believe as we do!
Actions more than Words are what counts!
Words supported by Actions set on high by living attitudes of righteousness, conviction and faith!
If we do so we will see the evildoers fade consumed by their own stressful living and connivances!
If we do so we will see the deviated and perverse be eaten out by their own inner judgment and lack of freedom and peace!
If we do so we will inherit a better future for our kids!
But if we keep on following the steps of the hordes, the wolves’ packs, or the undecided sheep, we will be like Lot hidden in a cave, begetting shameful and idolaters Moabites and Ammonites with our own daughters. Genesis 19: 30 to 38.