I had no way out for the sake of my peace of mind than to clarify my thoughts remembering the wise counsels of my late grandfather who used to tell us when encouraging excellence and steadfastness as the pillars of our lives….
Go to the core of everything!
Immutables and absolutes never change!
They are always simple and clear in themselves!
Human beings are the ones who muddy the waters of logic, righteousness and understanding!
Never give up because of outside pressure or manipulation!
Never give out your integrity by compromising!
It is better to walk alone than submitting to the pettiness and anonymity of the yelling crowds!
Loneliness, when due to righteousness, is spiritually rewarding!
Wait always for the better times, and you will see the new generations sprout as new leaves and flowers in the wilderness and the spring of newer circumstances!
Innocence lost can become wisdom and discernment!
Never give up on mankind because it is a precious creation of an omniscient God!
Be a good man even if you are rejected by your peers. They do not stand seeing themselves lacking what they see in others the verticality of the rightful convictions!
Love the children and dogs! They never hide their feelings and their up righteousness! If they love you back you are a winner because they see in you one innocent and faithful being!
Adults when abusing are just showing their weaknesses and inability to love themselves and others, by corrupting and hurting the defenseless and innocent!
Immutables and absolutes never change!
They are always simple and clear in themselves!
Human beings are the ones who muddy the waters of logic, righteousness and understanding!
Never give up because of outside pressure or manipulation!
Never give out your integrity by compromising!
It is better to walk alone than submitting to the pettiness and anonymity of the yelling crowds!
Loneliness, when due to righteousness, is spiritually rewarding!
Wait always for the better times, and you will see the new generations sprout as new leaves and flowers in the wilderness and the spring of newer circumstances!
Innocence lost can become wisdom and discernment!
Never give up on mankind because it is a precious creation of an omniscient God!
Be a good man even if you are rejected by your peers. They do not stand seeing themselves lacking what they see in others the verticality of the rightful convictions!
Love the children and dogs! They never hide their feelings and their up righteousness! If they love you back you are a winner because they see in you one innocent and faithful being!
Adults when abusing are just showing their weaknesses and inability to love themselves and others, by corrupting and hurting the defenseless and innocent!
It is interesting how innocence shines and prevails in every generation until it is broken to pieces. Children are so acute, simple and direct when defining love as they understand it and see it.
It is also such a contrasting reality in relation to the heartbreaking abuse and pain inflicted upon women and children by way of neglect, abuse, abandonment, war victimizing, genocides and rampant death being spread around as an uncontrollable plague or tsunami.
The time has come to realize that is necessary to turn the tides back to the center of righteousness and justice to give everyone, and starting with ourselves, a chance to become again the caretakers and protectors of our own species and the creation that we were created for and entrusted with.
It is also such a contrasting reality in relation to the heartbreaking abuse and pain inflicted upon women and children by way of neglect, abuse, abandonment, war victimizing, genocides and rampant death being spread around as an uncontrollable plague or tsunami.
The time has come to realize that is necessary to turn the tides back to the center of righteousness and justice to give everyone, and starting with ourselves, a chance to become again the caretakers and protectors of our own species and the creation that we were created for and entrusted with.

So the children see the sun in a glorious morning light and not only on the dark argillaceous walls of despair
And the adolescents be able to dream without fearing their illusions torn and flown away to oblivion

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