It is extremely interesting to observe the youthful collective tendency to merge in the anonymity of the masses in their pursuit of their need to belong and consequently be recognized and accepted by the crowds.
They, at the same time, also feel the need to find an identity uniquely their own. In this contradicting quest it is usual their resorting to an exuberance that can easily distort itself into a superficial behavior and artificial sophistication.
Unfortunately this can find an echo in their elders if they are also immersed in this present explosion of technological gadgetry that adds to the ever present compulsion of parents to give their offspring what they lacked or desired when growing.
Youngsters in their existential searching of their own horizons usually exaggerate attitudes and gestures adopted or required by the crowd they mingle with.
They very often confuse originality with extravagances and rejection of anything that could be considered or smell as discipline or reflection imposed by their elders, whom they consider obsoletes or at least “not groovy”, if not misfits or prehistoric.
Other times, and increasingly disturbing and disquieting, nowadays, some of them adopt ali
enating attitudes that range from “up nose” peevish subliminal reactions to the gravest ones of self-destructive
They, at the same time, also feel the need to find an identity uniquely their own. In this contradicting quest it is usual their resorting to an exuberance that can easily distort itself into a superficial behavior and artificial sophistication.
Unfortunately this can find an echo in their elders if they are also immersed in this present explosion of technological gadgetry that adds to the ever present compulsion of parents to give their offspring what they lacked or desired when growing.
Youngsters in their existential searching of their own horizons usually exaggerate attitudes and gestures adopted or required by the crowd they mingle with.
They very often confuse originality with extravagances and rejection of anything that could be considered or smell as discipline or reflection imposed by their elders, whom they consider obsoletes or at least “not groovy”, if not misfits or prehistoric.
Other times, and increasingly disturbing and disquieting, nowadays, some of them adopt ali

Nevertheless, it encourages seeing that, in the midst of such dire disconnection with what the reality of life should be, there is always a stubbornly positive resurgence of longings for a genuine and worthy living experience.
Even if and when the adolescents do not usually find another way to express it but through rebellious or diffidently rejecting attitudes!
Somewhere, somehow they will find the right way ahead because life is not stagnation but an ongoing process where in a jiffy children become adolescents, young adults, then hopefully maturer ones until they reach the age from which we are presently trying to orient and guide them.
Laws of Nature! Laws of Life! Let´s hope that their present exuberance, apparent superficiality and artifice become a joyful hymn celebrating life as life should be
Let´s remember we were as young and restless as they are now, thankfully with lesser pressures from the crowds and the technological processes of today.
This will make us understand that is also logical to see life from different angles than them, sometimes pessimistically, but only because of our scarring experiences that influences saying with Louis Armstrong…. Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen.
But this is just another stage or phase in life, even if one of the closer ones to the end of our journey.
Meanwhile, let´s keep encouraging them by understanding and leading them to greener pastures than the one they are presently, even if subliminally and unseemly, starving today.
Let´s tell them as I told one of the girls I got to love and protect for a few years.
Scarleth: for you who tend to see life with a frown and a distrustful attitude. Face life and your tomorrows with optimism, being aware that your past gave you this present so you could dream with a tomorrow
Keep yourself active and eager! The new challenges? Confront them! Dare to be positively different! Do not hesitate to renew your understanding of new ideas
Take care of your physical appearance! Do not waste any opportunity to learn a new language and about new cultures and ways of living.
The problems? Try to smile and forget them. But more important than anything else… reconcile yourself with the life and the people. Grow spiritually because some day you will fall in love with someone.
Learn to fully enjoy the beauty of Nature. Do not be afraid to make friends and those you already have… make them your best friends forever.
Learn new things! Dream and enjoy the simple things that life provides! Humbly accept and receive… thanking God for His blessings.
Pay attention to your elders! Do not hesitate to laugh but more than else… laugh when life tries to test you.
When singing… sing with all the joyfulness of your heart! Rest protected by the Love of Our Lord! You are the apple of His eyes!
Go through life as you were to enjoy a soapy bath in a tin pail. Be curious and develop your initiative. Try to have a good time whenever and wherever.
Do not challenge life just for the sake of emotions. Send e-mails to your friends and to those who really love you.
Relax and enjoy but do never forget you must not unconsciously give your innocence to anyone.
I truly desire for you to make a reality of your dreams in the span of time that life will provide you. May God bless you and protect you!
Even if and when the adolescents do not usually find another way to express it but through rebellious or diffidently rejecting attitudes!
Somewhere, somehow they will find the right way ahead because life is not stagnation but an ongoing process where in a jiffy children become adolescents, young adults, then hopefully maturer ones until they reach the age from which we are presently trying to orient and guide them.
Laws of Nature! Laws of Life! Let´s hope that their present exuberance, apparent superficiality and artifice become a joyful hymn celebrating life as life should be
Let´s remember we were as young and restless as they are now, thankfully with lesser pressures from the crowds and the technological processes of today.
This will make us understand that is also logical to see life from different angles than them, sometimes pessimistically, but only because of our scarring experiences that influences saying with Louis Armstrong…. Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen.
But this is just another stage or phase in life, even if one of the closer ones to the end of our journey.
Meanwhile, let´s keep encouraging them by understanding and leading them to greener pastures than the one they are presently, even if subliminally and unseemly, starving today.
Let´s tell them as I told one of the girls I got to love and protect for a few years.
Scarleth: for you who tend to see life with a frown and a distrustful attitude. Face life and your tomorrows with optimism, being aware that your past gave you this present so you could dream with a tomorrow
Keep yourself active and eager! The new challenges? Confront them! Dare to be positively different! Do not hesitate to renew your understanding of new ideas
Take care of your physical appearance! Do not waste any opportunity to learn a new language and about new cultures and ways of living.
The problems? Try to smile and forget them. But more important than anything else… reconcile yourself with the life and the people. Grow spiritually because some day you will fall in love with someone.
Learn to fully enjoy the beauty of Nature. Do not be afraid to make friends and those you already have… make them your best friends forever.
Learn new things! Dream and enjoy the simple things that life provides! Humbly accept and receive… thanking God for His blessings.
Pay attention to your elders! Do not hesitate to laugh but more than else… laugh when life tries to test you.
When singing… sing with all the joyfulness of your heart! Rest protected by the Love of Our Lord! You are the apple of His eyes!
Go through life as you were to enjoy a soapy bath in a tin pail. Be curious and develop your initiative. Try to have a good time whenever and wherever.
Do not challenge life just for the sake of emotions. Send e-mails to your friends and to those who really love you.
Relax and enjoy but do never forget you must not unconsciously give your innocence to anyone.
I truly desire for you to make a reality of your dreams in the span of time that life will provide you. May God bless you and protect you!
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