Sunday, March 15, 2009


A few days ago one of my dilect friends sent me a series of messages, where the thoughts and feelings of so many people, who long for a better world, were so deeply felt displayed.

Lately, in an everyday, unavoidable, negative fashion, we witness the sudden, uncontrollable explosions of violence and intolerance, of those, who, very euphemistically, are labeled as the mobs or the masses.

Mobs or masses manipulated because of their ignorance, and lack of skills, and resources to get for themselves a place, or a decent position in life.

We are even witnesses to the innumerable, untiring, unending rationalizations, so easy to justify, while we sit back, happily sprawled, in the love seats of our abundant or relative material comfort, merited or unmerited, which is not the core of the case.

Meanwhile we have come to accept as a normal thing seeing our children consumed by an incessant “I want”. I want this. I want that, as they observe the world through a distorting prism, where there is no room for the hungry and the dispossessed of this world.

We tend to accept as an undeniable truth the assertions, of otherwise respected thinkers, who dare to say that goodness, kindness, kind-hearted people, or whatever adjective or name you could pile up, are more numerous than the evil and fewer, abusers, manipulators, homicidal or suicidal people.

And with the utmost brazenness, impudence, or to say the least, indifference, they continue asserting that the only, in their eyes only, difference is that goodness is silent, and that the sound, of a gun, resounds higher, than a myriad loving caresses, that illuminate life.

All this has made me recall the message, of the empty waiting place, in hell, that remains reserved for, precisely, those who having had the potential of doing something, or to make a difference, preferred to just be, an uninvolved witness, refusing to intervene in the fracas of the challenge, or the solution, or the defeat, the victory or the failure.

I will, in the near future, address the other message received, where a dying African child, rested in the arms of a young, first world, girl, for the last fifteen minutes of his pain filled life.

I will try to convey the profound reflection of the attending nun, who, seeing the anguish of helplessness in the face of the young girl, comforted her, reasserting with the deepest conviction, the unusual privilege she had, having been the instrument for the fifteen minutes advancement of a heaven, that was impatient to receive that child, to take him into the final and never ending joy and rest of the afterlife.

All this ruminating thoughts take me to the profound realm of the conviction, that, what affects most this world, is the absence of felt and asserted love.

And that it is an stupidity to waste or dilapidate the opportunity to feel it, to give it, to receive it, to share it, to offer it, even if it is not understood, even if it is misunderstood, even if it is rejected, because of the thoughtlessness, of the unawareness, the blindness, and the omnipresent egotism of these times.

To Marilandia, whoever the gracious person you are, thanks for having compiled this message, that I have turn into a video, to be able to spread it around, through the ethereal waves of the internet.

Waves that are not only the vehicle for the dissemination of evil, glibness, pornography, manipulation of all types, and violent harangues that lead to more confusion and pain.

Marilandia. With you and people like you, intent on not being a useless and non-transcending member of mankind.

With you and people like, all together, holding hands and united, let´s raise our voice to take the message of love, to those who love.

To those who love but probably are still unaware of the fact that love is at the same time passionate and tender.

To those who love but have not yet understood that love is at the same time a placid and shaded pond and an overflowing and over flooding torrent. To those who love but do not know yet how to express it or share it, or receive it, or spread it around!

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