Monday, March 30, 2009

You are not depressed! You are distracted!

A few weeks ago I received a message, resent to me by one of my most faithful and dilect friend.

A message that, once and once again, at the most unexpected moments, has made me ponder about the profoundness of life, and the decisions we make, all along our walking along its different paths and detours.

Having as a basic premise that every time that we let our thoughts out, we do it to become, what the Lord commands us to be, catalyzers of new perceptions, the salt and light of this world, His testimonies and witnesses.

Without waiting for, because this would be unreal and ridiculous to expect, our opinions to be, totally, partially, definitely or temporarily, accepted, ignored, rejected or made fun of.

For all real effects, the arena of the thoughts is an open field for everyone. It is wise to accept and assimilate what is offered to us, without regard to how small, challenging, pestering, annoying, and uncomfortable, it could be.

It is wise to do it if it is real, correct, encouraging, motivating, and fundamental in the life experiences of the vulnerable expositors of their most intimate feelings and beliefs.

It is wiser, even more, to submit what is offered to us, to the analysis in accordance to our particular understanding, if is unbiased, and hopefully influenced, and sublimated, by the eternal light of the Eternal Verb, acting upon our spirit and mind.

Because is for the sillier, and the stupider, and unfortunately they seem to be so many, and to proliferate so much, to thoughtlessly, and fanatically, accept and make their own the harangues, and the exhortations that court our uncontrolled emotions, and shortcomings, of every imaginable type.

And they, emotions and shortcomings, unfortunately, too, it seems is more abundant than polluted waters in this world.

Now, after this, I hope, not too long and not too boring preamble, I present to you, in its written format, and in the voice of its author, Facundo Cabral, as well as in the adapted for the internet video, the message I have been making these so repeated referencing.

You are not depressed! You are distracted!

Distracted from the life that pulsates within you! You have a heart, a brain, a soul and a spirit. So, how can you feel as a pauper and a wretch?

Distracted from the life that surrounds you! Dolphins, forests, oceans, mountains, rivers!

Do not fall into what your brother fell! Suffering for a single human being when there are fifty six hundred millions in the world!

Besides, it is not so bad to live alone. I have a good time decided, every second, to be the one I want to be. Thanks to solitude I know myself, something fundamental for living.

Do not fall into what your father fell, feeling old just because he has turn into the seventies, forgetting that Moses was leading the Exodus, in the eighties, and Rubinstein interpreted, as no one else, the music from Chopin. Just to mention two well known cases.

You are not depressed! You are distracted! For this reason you believe you have lost something. But this is impossible, because everything has been given to you. You have not made a single hair strand on your head. Consequently, you cannot be the owner of anything.

Besides, life does not take away things. It liberates you from things. It lightens you so you can fly higher, so you can reach plenitude.

From the cradle to the tomb it is an school: for this reason, what you call problems are just lessons.

And life is dynamic! Por this reason it is in a constant movement. Because of it you only must be attentive to the present.

Because of it my mother used to say: I take care of the present. The future is God´s business. Because of it Jesus used to say: tomorrow does not interests, it will bring new experience. Every day has enough with its own toils.

You have not lost anyone: the dead only went ahead because we all are on the way there. Besides, the better of the dead one, love, is still in your heart. Who could say that Jesus is dead? There is no death! Just a moving on beyond!

And on the other side wonderful people are waiting for you. Gandhi, Michelangelo, Whitman, Saint Augustine, Mother Teresa, your grandfather and my mother, who believed that poverty lies nearer to love, because money distracts us with too many things and separate us, because it makes us distrustful.

You do not find happiness, and it is so easy. You only have to listen to your heart, before your head intervenes. Because it is controlled by your memory, and complicates everything with old times past things, with prejudices that sicken you, that chain you. The head that divides, in other words, impoverishes. The head that does not accept that life it is as it is, not as it should be.

Do only what you love and you will be happy. The one who does what he or she loves, is blessedly condemned to success, that will come when it must come. Because what is to be, will be, and will naturally come!

Do not do anything out of obligation or compromise, but out of love. Then, there will be plenitude, and in that plenitude everything is possible and effortless. Because it moves you on the natural force of life! The life that raised me up when the plane with my wife and daughter crashed! The life that kept me alive when doctors diagnosed I would not live more than three or four months more.

God entrusted a human being to your care and that one is yourself. You must make yourself free and happy! Afterwards, you will be able to share the real life with those around you. Remember Jesus: love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

Reconcile yourself with yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and think that that creature you see is God´s making. And decide, right at that moment, to be happy. Because happiness is to be conquered! It is not something that will come to you from outside.

Besides, happiness is not a right but a duty. Because if you are not happy you are messing up, embittering all those around!

Just one man who did not have nor talent nor courage to live, ordered six millions of Jewish brothers to be killed!

There are so many things to enjoy and our passing through earth is so short, that suffering is a waste of time.

We have for our joyness, the wintery snow and the spring flowers, the chocolate from Perusa, the French baguettes, the Mexican tacos, the Chilean wine, the oceans and the rivers, the Brazilian football.

The thousands and one night tales, the Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, the Manzanero bolero songs, Whitman´s poetry, Mahler´s music, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven. The Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Picasso and Tamayo paintings, among so many marvels and wonders!

And if you get Cancer or Aids, two things can happen and the two of them are good. If it defeats you, it liberates you from the so bothersome body. I am hungry! I am cold! I am sleepy! I want! I am right! I doubt!

And if you overcome it, you will be humbler, more grateful. Consequently, easily happy! Free from the cumbersome burden of guilt, responsibility and vanity. Ready to live intensely, every moment, as it should be.

You are not depressed! You are idle! Help the child who needs you! That child will be your children´s partner. Help the older ones than you, and the younger ones will help you when you become the older.

Besides, service is an assured happiness. As it is enjoying nature and caring for her for the ones who will come behind you.

Give without measure and you will be given without measure. Love until you become the loved. Even more, until you become Love.

And do not allow yourself to be confused by some scarce homicidal and suicidal. Goodness is majority. But it is not noted because is silent.

A bomb is noisier than a caress. But for every bomb that destroys there are millions of caresses that feed life.

Goodness feeds from itself. Evilness destroys itself. If the evil ones knew what a good business is to be good, they would be good, if only for business.

You are not depressed! You are distracted!

Realism? Tolerance? Wisdom? Acceptance? ¿Escapism?

The venomous asp of the relativism, rationalization, distortion and self-deception, can hide in the midst of the exuberance, the perfume and taste of the apples, and the beauty of the universe.

It must never be forgotten that the absolute realities and values, by God´s design, are immutable. And besides, for our benefit and profit, He has placed the idea of the infinite in our heads and the eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Humans are fallible, and, per se, are not capable to understand the amplitude of God´s designs, but again, for our benefit, He has impressed, imprescriptibly, the desire to seek and search what´s certain, righteous and correct.

Within this spiritual ambience, and because of this supreme need, let´s analyze whatever that could lead us to the deceitful relativism, distortion and self-deception in the midst of the truths, and the beauties, of the messages from well, or best intentioned journey partners, who travel alongside us, in this temporal and finite span of life.

Let´s analyze not only what is obviously optimistic, up to the point, or correct, but, also, everything that could be open to accommodate our limited perspectives, or egotistical perceptions, of the essential and supreme, not the virtual, reality of our lives and its purpose.

Let´s analyze the route, the opportune warnings, the life{s road signposts, and define the destination, the speed and the distance, within the infallible parameters of the design, the purpose and plans of God for every human being.

Eclesiastés 3:11. The idea of the infinite in the mind and the eternity in the hearts of men!

Mathew 25: 14:30. Talents distributed in correspondence with everyone´s potential. The lazy and the uninvolved will see them taken away and given to the one who used the, in a wiser way. But? What if the one who received more behaves as the laziest one? Or. What if he ignores the lesser ones having the opportunity to support, to help, and assist?

Mathew 6:19-20 and Luke 12:33-34. Riches treasured in heaven.

Mathew 6: 23-23 and Luke 11:34-36. The body as a lamp.

Mathew 6:24 and Luke 16:13. No one can serve 2 masters. To God and the riches of this world (money, social position, convenience, privileges, luxuriousness, indifference or insensitivity towards misery and poverty around). Because this leads and ends up in depression and anxiety for what is wanted and still not possessed. ((You are not depressed! You are distracted! (Unfocused))

Mathew 6:33. Distraction, wrong focusing or concentration upon. “But seek first His Kingdom and Hils righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you”

Based on all this let´s analyze, spiritually, the true concept of the following text, referenced in the beautiful message we are referring to.

(You are distracted. Besides, life does not take away things. It liberates you from things. It lightens you so you can fly higher, so you can reach plenitude
From the cradle to the tomb it is a school: for this reason, what you call problems are just lessons. And life is dynamic! Por this reason it is in a constant movement. Because of it you only must be attentive to the present.
Because of it my mother used to say: I take care of the present. The future is God´s business. Because of it Jesus used to say: tomorrow does not interests, it will bring new experience. Every day has enough with its own toils.

Beware! We have to have in mind the whole concept and content, not only what attracts us or can it our limited perception or convenience.

Mathew 6:34. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow. (Anxiety, concern, depression, desperation for. But anything of this means lack of interest, at all)

For tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (in the correct sense and meaning of taking care of, pay attention to, do what is required to be done, without getting anticipatedly, unnecessarily, anxious for it).

(because what it is done or taken care of, today, will have an influence upon tomorrow, and if we give, today, our expectations to the Lord, this surrendering or ours will be the base of the solution for tomorrow)

For our edification and guidance, let´s keep on keeping upon us the same spiritual perspective, shown by the Word of God in its different parables, in relation to the reason to be, and the understanding of the wrong or right human behavior.

Happiness! Pain! Sadness! Suffering! Mind! Heart! Spirit! Emotions and feelings! What is… and what it should be!

(You do not find happiness, and it is so easy. You only have to listen to your heart, before your head intervenes.

Because it is controlled by your memory, and complicates everything with old times past things, with prejudices that sicken you, that chain you.

The head that divides, in other words, impoverishes. The head that does not accept that life it is as it is, not as it should be.)
Do only what you love and you will be happy. The one who does what he or she loves, is blessedly condemned to success, that will come when it must come. Because what is to be, will be, and will naturally come!

Do not do anything out of obligation or compromise, but out of love. Then, there will be plenitude, and in that plenitude everything is possible and effortless.
God entrusted a human being to your care and that one is yourself. You must make yourself free and happy! Afterwards, you will be able to share the real life with those around you. Remember Jesus: love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

Reconcile yourself with yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and think that that creature you see is God´s making. And decide, right at that moment, to be happy. Because happiness is to be conquered! It is not something that will come to you from outside.
Besides, happiness is not a right but a duty. Because if you are not happy you are messing up, embittering all those around!
There are so many things to enjoy and our passing through earth is so short, that suffering is a waste of time.

Waste of time?

Can we avoid suffering? Can we deny suffering? Can we make pain disappear? Can we insulate ourselves from our own and others ´pain and suffering? Or, can we, for love, through love, because of love, transform that suffering and pain?

If we only focus ourselves in the temporary delights and distractions offered by nature, as well as by the human imagination and inventive, can we naively, insensitively, live in the midst of pleasures, alongside the consuming suffering, and the real, not the virtual or imagined, negative and painful, we, widespreadly, see around?

We have for our joyness, the wintery snow and the spring flowers, the chocolate from Perusa, the French baguettes, the Mexican tacos, the Chilean wine, the oceans and the rivers, the Brazilian football.

The thousands and one night tales, the Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, the Manzanero bolero songs, Whitman´s poetry, Mahler´s music, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven. The Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Picasso and Tamayo paintings, among so many marvels and wonders!

but what about?

And if you get Cancer or Aids, two things can happen and the two of them are good.

If it defeats you, it liberates you from the so bothersome body. I am hungry! I am cold! I am sleepy! I want! I am right! I doubt!

And if you overcome it, you will be humbler, more grateful. Consequently, easily happy! Free from the cumbersome burden of guilt, responsibility and vanity. Ready to live intensely, every moment, as it should be.

And do not allow yourself to be confused by some scarce homicidal and suicidal. Goodness is majority. But it is not noted because is silent.

A bomb is noisier than a caress. But for every bomb that destroys there are millions of caresses that feed life.

Goodness feeds from itself. Evilness destroys itself. If the evil ones knew what a good business is to be good, they would be good, if only for business.
You are not depressed! You are distracted!

For all of that. For all that has been stated before. For all that you prefer to listen or accept. For all that attracts your interest or convenience. For everything said or could have been said. For all that I have left in my inkwell.

I just want, my dear friend, to remind you the ineffable gifts poured upon us by God´s infinite munificence.

The immutable idea of the infinite, in our minds!
The eternity impressed on the deepest of our hearts!
And the free will to decide individually, for better or worse, of ourselves and those who live in our sphere of influence.
For better or worse of those who expect from us solidarity, love, understanding, help, encouragement and support.


If we ever understand that by God´s grace we are not those given talents slaves but the chosen and accepted children and friends who share His love and His concern for His people.

If we ever understand the privilege of being channels of His Love and Care and decide to be His pliant hands and instruments to soothe the pains, the abuses and the ailments of this world.

If we ever decide to leave the egotistical platitude of chasing the rainbows of happiness as the world understands it.

If we ever decide to give out of love, not only what abounds in our baskets, and is received without real merit, but it is sorely needed by others who despair about getting.

If we ever decide to give not until it hurts because this means up to the limit of our plenitude, but even if it hurts because this means we are giving out of ourselves and our scarcity and need.

Then, and only then, we will be able to pray, sincerely, genuinely, spiritually more than emotionally, and from the bottom of our hearts, asking Him for the following blessings of our senses which are the basic and intrinsic part of our human being.

Bless my hands, Lord, so they become sensitive ones, knowing how to take but never grasp and retain, so they know how to give without calculating purpose, having the strength to bless and soothe.

Bless my eyes, Lord, so they know how to perceive needs not forgetting ever what does not dazzle anyone; so they see under the surface, so others may feel happier through my way of seeing them.

Bless my ears, Lord, so they know how to listen to your voice and very clearly perceive the silent shouts of the afflicted; so they become deaf to the useless noise and windbaging, but not to the voices that call and ask to be heard and understood, even if they disturb my placid comfort.

Bless my lips, Lord, so I can testify about you, and do not say anything that hurts or destroys; so they only utter pain alleviating words; so I never betray shared confidence and secrets; so I may raise hopeful smiles in the stressed out people.

Bless my heart, Lord, so it can be a living temple of Your Spirit; so it may give warmth and refuge; so it can be generously forgiving and understanding; so it learns to share pain and joy through overflowing love.
So, my God, you can make use of me with everything I am, with everything I posses

Sunday, March 15, 2009


A few days ago one of my dilect friends sent me a series of messages, where the thoughts and feelings of so many people, who long for a better world, were so deeply felt displayed.

Lately, in an everyday, unavoidable, negative fashion, we witness the sudden, uncontrollable explosions of violence and intolerance, of those, who, very euphemistically, are labeled as the mobs or the masses.

Mobs or masses manipulated because of their ignorance, and lack of skills, and resources to get for themselves a place, or a decent position in life.

We are even witnesses to the innumerable, untiring, unending rationalizations, so easy to justify, while we sit back, happily sprawled, in the love seats of our abundant or relative material comfort, merited or unmerited, which is not the core of the case.

Meanwhile we have come to accept as a normal thing seeing our children consumed by an incessant “I want”. I want this. I want that, as they observe the world through a distorting prism, where there is no room for the hungry and the dispossessed of this world.

We tend to accept as an undeniable truth the assertions, of otherwise respected thinkers, who dare to say that goodness, kindness, kind-hearted people, or whatever adjective or name you could pile up, are more numerous than the evil and fewer, abusers, manipulators, homicidal or suicidal people.

And with the utmost brazenness, impudence, or to say the least, indifference, they continue asserting that the only, in their eyes only, difference is that goodness is silent, and that the sound, of a gun, resounds higher, than a myriad loving caresses, that illuminate life.

All this has made me recall the message, of the empty waiting place, in hell, that remains reserved for, precisely, those who having had the potential of doing something, or to make a difference, preferred to just be, an uninvolved witness, refusing to intervene in the fracas of the challenge, or the solution, or the defeat, the victory or the failure.

I will, in the near future, address the other message received, where a dying African child, rested in the arms of a young, first world, girl, for the last fifteen minutes of his pain filled life.

I will try to convey the profound reflection of the attending nun, who, seeing the anguish of helplessness in the face of the young girl, comforted her, reasserting with the deepest conviction, the unusual privilege she had, having been the instrument for the fifteen minutes advancement of a heaven, that was impatient to receive that child, to take him into the final and never ending joy and rest of the afterlife.

All this ruminating thoughts take me to the profound realm of the conviction, that, what affects most this world, is the absence of felt and asserted love.

And that it is an stupidity to waste or dilapidate the opportunity to feel it, to give it, to receive it, to share it, to offer it, even if it is not understood, even if it is misunderstood, even if it is rejected, because of the thoughtlessness, of the unawareness, the blindness, and the omnipresent egotism of these times.

To Marilandia, whoever the gracious person you are, thanks for having compiled this message, that I have turn into a video, to be able to spread it around, through the ethereal waves of the internet.

Waves that are not only the vehicle for the dissemination of evil, glibness, pornography, manipulation of all types, and violent harangues that lead to more confusion and pain.

Marilandia. With you and people like you, intent on not being a useless and non-transcending member of mankind.

With you and people like, all together, holding hands and united, let´s raise our voice to take the message of love, to those who love.

To those who love but probably are still unaware of the fact that love is at the same time passionate and tender.

To those who love but have not yet understood that love is at the same time a placid and shaded pond and an overflowing and over flooding torrent. To those who love but do not know yet how to express it or share it, or receive it, or spread it around!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We realize it is impossible to walk through without a botched job, soured friendships, maladies and pain…

Without a love leaving us, without a family failure, defeat, crisis or death…

Nevertheless we grow when there is no vacuum of hopes, debilitated will or loss of faith…

We grow when we accept realities and resolve to live to the fullest extent… when we accept our failures but will ourselves to change.

We grow when we assimilate what we have to leave behind…building up what lies ahead and projecting what the future could be.

We grow when we transcend valuing what we are ourselves, and leave fruitful deeds along the path we walk by…

We grow when we open road, leaving lasting footsteps behind assimilating experiences, planting seeds for roots to grow from…

We grow when we define our goals without regard to negative opinions, prejudices, opposition or discord…

We grow when we become examples to follow without regard to mockery, rejection or disdain if we know we are giving one hundred percent of ourselves.

We grow when we are strong because of character, sustained by exercise and training, sensitive by temperament… and human by birth and will.

We grow when we are facing winters even if the cost is to lose leaves while we do so. when we pick up flowers despite their thorns, and when we keep on walking despite the dark and the dust.

We grow when we are capable of standing firm when only traces of illusions sustain… when we are capable of scenting our paths with just scraps of torn scattered petals and lighten up ourselves when just a love´s flicker remains

We grow by helping others… daring to know what we really are… giving life more than what she gives us.

We grow when we stand up firm without backing, out of doubt, weakness and pain.

When we resist as an eagle and do not stop flying… when we anchor ourselves in righteousness…and light up, with our resolve, the darkness of adversities…
It is only then when we grow! We grow when we believe, trust, wait and rest on our Creator and Lord!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Just a few hours ago I had gone back to the assertion that dreams can be and must be turn into realities. I had had some errors in attaching the sound to the similar posting I had placed at the beginning of this month.

I do not believe in coincidences. With due respect to the free will God has endowed us with, He… lovingly leads our steps unto the right tracks for our living!

This is just what life is all about! Steps! Tracks! Paths! Walking! Journeys! Living! Until the final rest come.

It is a biological fact that men are built for strength and surges of the stamina required to get what´s needed for his and his family, nucleus support. And generalizing we can state that mankind is built for its collective societies at large.

Females, on their part, are built for endurance, stubborn and timely assertion of their role as nourishers and protectors as well. And with their uncanny perception they hit right on target on what is missing, lacking, distorted or abused.

Where we men try to solve by the force of our strength, or despair if we see it waning into the twilight of our final steps on this earth, they stand up and state what the fundamental is and where we are missing the points.

Thanks, grandma, for your steadfastness and resolve. Thanks for your reminder of what absolute values are and what relativistic values we adopt. Thanks, for your asking back for Consideration, Love and Respect.

I want to be “a person” again! I was raised in a morally oriented home. In my childhood thieves looked like what they were… Thieves!

Our main concern was to be kicked out for pounding the floor with our feet for not playing our music before the start of the Sunday movie matinee.

It was unconceivable to argue back with teachers, cops, elders or authorities.

Relatives… Neighbors… all deserved and expected Consideration and Respect! The nearer to us or older than us… more affection and love!

We trusted adults because all were fathers and mothers of all the boys, all the girls from our street, our neighborhood and town.

We just feared the dark, the frogs, the horror movies, not the news and abuse of today.

Today I am utterly sad for all that we have lost. For all my grandchildren will fear or will have to endure some day.

Unlimited rights for the criminals and responsibilities for the honest ones. To pay on time is for idiots but not the acquitting of the crooks. To not take advantage of everything is to be foolish.

What has happened to us? White collar thieves, angel faced killers, white haired pedophiles! What has happened to us? Starvation dying kids!
What type of values are these?


I want to be happy again! What type of values are these?
Cars considered more valuable than hugs!
Children thinking they deserve them just for barely passing a grade!
Cell phones and IPods in the backpacks of recently weaned ones!
TVs. DVDs. Videogames…

What will you want in exchange of a kiss, my son?

An Armani suit is more valuable than a graduation certificate!
A huge flat plasma TV than conversing at home!
A make up session than a shared ice cream!
What type of homes are these?
Running around youngsters, absentminded parents!

What is that?

Omnipresent drugs? A tree, a hen, a flower, a star?

When it was when everything that was good disappeared or became a laughingstock?
When it was when I isolated myself?
When it was that I forgot my neighbor´s name?
When it was that I looked without fear that one who asked me for food, for clothing and shoes?

I want my dignity and peace back!
I want law and order back!
I want to be free and secure again!
I do not want iron bars that prevent me from caressing the flowers on my windowsills!
I want to sit at my porch or at the patio without fear!
I want my doors open on the summer nights!
I want honesty to be an honor badge again!
I want solidarity and self-respect to reign again!

Down with that of “having to have”!
Cheers to “the need to be”!
I loved my simple and common world.

Could we be real people again?
To be able to reject the absurdity of today?

I want a better world where people respect others without regard to color, creed, position or belief!
And people who do not step on others with manipulation and lies to get power and control!

It is possible if you and me, together, do our part “contaminating” others with our quest!
It is possible if those we reach “contaminate” more people, and the cycle goes on and on!

Let´s start by passing this message on!


Yes, it can be, it must be! Not only to dream, but also to turn the dreams into realities!

Just a few days ago I received one of the most profound messages that went right into the innermost recesses of my spirit.

It raised it up to a new and higher level the thoughts´ whirlwind that has been my mind since my last retirement from ministerial deeds related to the care and protection of abandoned, abused and neglected girls, boys and children

And this message has been so up to the point because of the last 6 years experiences, having been immersed as we were in their so deep and painful circumstances.

It was especially heart rendering getting to know the scarring experiences of the girls who were deprived from their maternal protection, due to the ongoing and rampant wiping out of all family moral values.

This moral bankruptcy left them trapped in their sickening codependency from abusive and violent males, who have become the direst example of the opposite abuser, irresponsible and family protector

It is an undeniable and plainly visible the tragic situation of women in our present generations.

Their individual and collective degrading, originating in their insecurity and the wickedness of their peers, have been propitiated by the absorbing relativity of the rationalizations and justification of the increasing and rampant social aberrations.

The victimized females, since their earliest years of their stolen innocence, have become everyday´s news in the present modern individual and collective perverted behavior

It is also undeniable that this social chaos affects both males and females, without any restriction of social, cultural or economic level, as well as the need to adequately face these both genders social and spiritual maladies.

But this challenging and confronting of the social moral dissolutions must have its goals and existing resources well defined and precise in the analysis of their potential success.

As well as the pondering of their victims opening themselves to and accepting as inevitable or normal their grave problems origins and causes, and their reluctance or unwillingness to seek ways out from their personal negative situations.

This must also be specially analyzed with and adamantly focused in respect to the males counterparts, emphasizing their responsibility through their rightful understanding of what real manhood is.

It is absolutely necessary to make them understand their obligation to become, instead of irresponsible abusers, the natural protectors and loving companions of their partners to be.

This lack of understanding, conviction and commitment to act as real men has derived into the insensitive violence we see in the course of their living circumstances.

And this keep spreading out and over within the complicated and complex spiraling materialistic progress of today and its pervading influence over every type of human behavior

I strongly believe, in relation to the females, that the focus must inevitable be, and consequently the corresponding emphasis, the dire need of their self-esteem and the conviction that as God made them generating reservoirs of life.

We must bring home the message that in the same manner He has given them the nobility and fortitude to defend their offspring as well as themselves.

Because when these rights and obligations are infringed by any one of both sides of the human equation, it is when the children of God, entrusted to their love, protection and care, are victimized, abused, abandoned or neglected

Because the fundamental mission of the transmission, preservation and promoting of a healthy, positive and transcending generation cannot be renounced to, abdicated from!

It cannot be mutilated or relegated to only one of what I already have said are the extremes of the human equation, linked by love and united in their children´ lives, existence and behavior

There is a mutual responsibility that cannot be ignored even if the women are the depositories of hope and fortitude while men are of the thrust, the fulfillment, the provision and the protection of the human circle that came out into existence by their male-female enduring relationship

This is why I was so moved by the sequence of the message, being the first part related to the mother´s heart and love in relation to her sons.

It is especially relevant because of the reflection on the nature and the existing premises for the present and future generations of parents within this conflictive, distorted and confusing modern generational situation.

Everybody should give due recognition to the originators and compilers of the message and to those that so generously took upon themselves its distribution without regard to potential apprehension, rejection or discomfort of its reception.

I could not resist the impulse of turning it into a video to disseminate it through the electronic waves for the benefit of any one in the unknown and undetermined internet audiences.

My hope is this unknown one could be nagged to exhaustion by their conscience or its spirit up to the point that there is no other recourse for them but to pursue the meaningful understanding of life and behavior.


Once, a mother was asked… Who was her preferred child? The one she loved most. And she, letting a smile get through, answered: anything is more variable than a mother´s heart!

And she said: as a mother I answer: the dilect child… the one I dedicate myself most to, with all my being is…
My sick one… until healthy! The one departed… until back home again!
The tired one… until rested! The hungry one… until fed! The thirsty one… until satiated!
The studying one… until learning! the naked one… until dressed!
The unemployed one… until a job is got!
The one in love… until married! The married one… until harmoniously living!
The parenting one… until protecting and raising their own!
The promising one… until promises are fulfilled!
The one in debt… until payment is done!
The crying one… until tears and pain subside!

And then, smile gone, and sober, she ended:
the one who already left me… until we get together.


Enjoy the content of the first one (the preferred child) and analyze it. Meditate on the transcendence of its contained reflections.

And, at the same time, become transmitting links of its beauty and deepness of the feelings and realities of modern living for the benefit of any one in need of exhortation and example.

Monday, March 9, 2009


It is a fact, and an unavoidable one! We cannot close our eyes to the dark realities that we were part of or witnessed while walking along the paths of life in our ongoing journey.

It has been repeatedly said that never before through the ages men have seen so many fast developing events, showing the best and the worst in the electrifying crescendo of progress, confusion and abuse.

The proliferating ways to communicate has been the road and the means for manipulation and gullibility.

We have, despairing, seen how the popping up operators of all types and gender have made of the manipulation of the emotions of the crowds the infallible tool to obliterate every conscious attempt of the individuals for impartiality and balance.

It has come as a logical temptation the impulse to let things go by taking refuge in the melancholic and pessimistic stance of a witness with no conviction of the feasibility that their willful advice would receive the merest and lessest consideration by the busiest ants of the human collective behavior.

I have not been the exception in this challenging game.

Age keeps piling up so many contradictions and growing lack of love and respect among my peers and all over the world and its conflicting societies.

I have, at times, found myself humming the words and the music of the moving song that serves as the background music of these ruminating thoughts, especially when news of departures of my classmates and friends reach the ivory tower of my retirement years.

Let´s be honest and keep on analyzing and defining what afflicts all mankind in general and our collective surroundings in particular.

It is not a shame to expose our inner convictions and weaknesses and despair. It is a shame to cover them up and act nonchalantly as if nothing has happened or if did does not affect us and our immediate circle of people we care for.

Let´s vent our despair with the lyrics and the music of that song that so clearly states our experiences and longings for the immediate future, to sit back and relax.

And then with new gathered strength and determination keep on walking on, keep on leading on, keep on warning and showing the potential solutions to the social maladies of today. Because the Lord will not allow us to drop out from the race!

He called His most significant leaders when they had already reached their presumably very old age.

And then He used them to break the bondage and release His people from the yoke of the tyrants of this world.

Because concern, experience, human weakness but divinely inspired wisdom are required to be the instruments of the care and love of the Lord for His failing, ailing and suffering people.

Let´s, without shame, recognize that what we know, what we have witnessed, what it makes us despair and long for an early departure to a well earned place of rest.

Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen! Nobody knows but Jesus. Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen! Glory! Hallelujah!

Sometimes I´m up! Sometimes I´m down! Oh, yes, Lord! Sometimes I´m almost to the ground! Oh, yes, Lord!

Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen! Nobody knows but Jesus. If everybody knows the trouble I´ve seen Glory! Hallelujah!

If you get there before I do… Oh, yes, Lord! Tell all my friends I´m coming too… Oh, yes, Lord!

Although you see me going lonesome, Oh, yes, Lord! I have my trials well below… Oh, yes, Lord! If everybody knows the trouble I´ve seen, Glory! Hallelujah!

If you get there before I do… Oh, yes, Lord! Tell all my friends I´m coming too… Oh, yes, Lord! Nobody knows! Nobody knows! Amen.


It is extremely interesting to observe the youthful collective tendency to merge in the anonymity of the masses in their pursuit of their need to belong and consequently be recognized and accepted by the crowds.

They, at the same time, also feel the need to find an identity uniquely their own. In this contradicting quest it is usual their resorting to an exuberance that can easily distort itself into a superficial behavior and artificial sophistication.

Unfortunately this can find an echo in their elders if they are also immersed in this present explosion of technological gadgetry that adds to the ever present compulsion of parents to give their offspring what they lacked or desired when growing.

Youngsters in their existential searching of their own horizons usually exaggerate attitudes and gestures adopted or required by the crowd they mingle with.

They very often confuse originality with extravagances and rejection of anything that could be considered or smell as discipline or reflection imposed by their elders, whom they consider obsoletes or at least “not groovy”, if not misfits or prehistoric.

Other times, and increasingly disturbing and disquieting, nowadays, some of them adopt alienating attitudes that range from “up nose” peevish subliminal reactions to the gravest ones of self-destructive
and utterly pessimistic moods, ending some times in anorexic and physical lacerations bouts

Nevertheless, it encourages seeing that, in the midst of such dire disconnection with what the reality of life should be, there is always a stubbornly positive resurgence of longings for a genuine and worthy living experience.

Even if and when the adolescents do not usually find another way to express it but through rebellious or diffidently rejecting attitudes!

Somewhere, somehow they will find the right way ahead because life is not stagnation but an ongoing process where in a jiffy children become adolescents, young adults, then hopefully maturer ones until they reach the age from which we are presently trying to orient and guide them.

Laws of Nature! Laws of Life! Let´s hope that their present exuberance, apparent superficiality and artifice become a joyful hymn celebrating life as life should be

Let´s remember we were as young and restless as they are now, thankfully with lesser pressures from the crowds and the technological processes of today.

This will make us understand that is also logical to see life from different angles than them, sometimes pessimistically, but only because of our scarring experiences that influences saying with Louis Armstrong…. Nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen.

But this is just another stage or phase in life, even if one of the closer ones to the end of our journey.

Meanwhile, let´s keep encouraging them by understanding and leading them to greener pastures than the one they are presently, even if subliminally and unseemly, starving today.

Let´s tell them as I told one of the girls I got to love and protect for a few years.

Scarleth: for you who tend to see life with a frown and a distrustful attitude. Face life and your tomorrows with optimism, being aware that your past gave you this present so you could dream with a tomorrow

Keep yourself active and eager! The new challenges? Confront them! Dare to be positively different! Do not hesitate to renew your understanding of new ideas

Take care of your physical appearance! Do not waste any opportunity to learn a new language and about new cultures and ways of living.

The problems? Try to smile and forget them. But more important than anything else… reconcile yourself with the life and the people. Grow spiritually because some day you will fall in love with someone.

Learn to fully enjoy the beauty of Nature. Do not be afraid to make friends and those you already have… make them your best friends forever.

Learn new things! Dream and enjoy the simple things that life provides! Humbly accept and receive… thanking God for His blessings.

Pay attention to your elders! Do not hesitate to laugh but more than else… laugh when life tries to test you.

When singing… sing with all the joyfulness of your heart! Rest protected by the Love of Our Lord! You are the apple of His eyes!

Go through life as you were to enjoy a soapy bath in a tin pail. Be curious and develop your initiative. Try to have a good time whenever and wherever.

Do not challenge life just for the sake of emotions. Send e-mails to your friends and to those who really love you.

Relax and enjoy but do never forget you must not unconsciously give your innocence to anyone.

I truly desire for you to make a reality of your dreams in the span of time that life will provide you. May God bless you and protect you!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I have just partially watched again on the TV the movie I consider is the most compelling one in order to make us stop and shake ourselves out of any complacent, indifferent or cowardly faint-hearted rationalization of evil in this world

The movie on the Rwanda’s one million lives genocide, titled “Every year in April” showing us the painful, the ruthless, unbelievable, indescribable, uncontrolled hate and prejudice, shook me out of myself utterly saddening the deepest feelings of my heart.

I have been often joked about by one of my sons for my tendency to pile at least three adjectives to every concept I consider fundamental.

It has been a tendency based on the awareness that because of their fundamentality there are never single projections that could expose their essence, their context and their relationship with what shakes the almost infinite egotism and self-centeredness of human kind

But this time I almost ran out of speech and thoughts! And I had to come back to my ivory cell to ruminate and try to find again the essential spiritual balance to keep going on.

I had left running on the recording of the message I wanted to convey in relation to the abuse of the children everywhere and the dire consequences to all of us, the abusers and the abused, the manipulators and the gullible, the wicked operators and the indifferent bystanders that populate this earth.

But as I said in my latest posting in my remembrance of the counsels of my beloved grandfather, we first must determine and define the illness, and the weakness, and the maladies that afflict and destroy.

And then, we must look ahead and trust the omniscience of the Lord and the stamina and resilience of the children who will rule and live in the future ambience of their world.

Supposedly everybody loves a child but also many abuse them, kill them and destroy. What a dire example is the Rwandan genocide, where thousands of Tutsis babies, boys and men, girls and women were killed, raped and hurt!

Just because the Hutus felt they were different! Just because they thought they threatened their way of living and greed of power and control!

And that is the core of the message context in the video you will see. Meditate on its images and words, and then, meditate on the wording of the background song that I translate at the end.
Let´s ask ourselves… are we a Hutu, a Tutsi, or what else?

Here is the context of the video-message!

“Hello my friends…! Aren´t the children sweet little ones…? Yep, we can all agree on that! Aren´t they beautiful…? Isn´t that so…? Of course… they could not be softer than they are!!

But… ¿do you realize? That there are “different” children than the ones you, in here, see?

Somewhere right at this moment on earth… a child is hurt, abused… and who knows? Dying too!

Are there differences between them? For God´s Sake…!No! In their hearts and their minds they have the same dream!

But, Are these kids really different at all? Sadly, Yes! Some of them are sure their parents will bring them candies when back from work!

But, others? They only have in mind one thing… ONLY ONE…! TO SURVIVE! DO WE SEE NOW THE DIFFERENCES?

This is the world we live in…! It is the system our procrastinating silence has fed! But, Let´s not worry at all!When this presentation is over… we will forget! AS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE…! But, really…? CAN WE FORGET IT?

Dear friends. Let´s stop here and turn over the negative side of the coin of the injustice and the pain!

Let´s see the positive side of it. Let´s raise our hands and pray and trust that the children of tomorrow will rein back and control and erase those injustices and pain and will make themselves a better and graceful world!

Let’s listen and sing with the children the background song!


Let the children sing, let them raise their voice, so they force the world to listen.

Let them join their voices and reach the sun. In them resides the truth!

Let the children sing, the ones who live in peace and those who are enduring pain.

Let them sing for those who will not sing because their voice has been shot

I sing so I am let live! I sing so my mama can smile!

I sing so the sky can be blue! I sing for the sea not to be soiled!

I sing for those who have no bread! I sing so the flower can be left alone!
I sing for the world to be happy! I sing so I do not listen the guns!

Let the children sing, let them raise their voice, so they force the world to listen.

Let them join their voices and reach the sun. In them resides the truth!

Let the children sing, the ones who live in peace and those who are enduring pain.

Let them sing for those who will not sing because their voice has been shot

I sing for the garden to be green! I sing so no one switch off my sun!

I sing for the one who has not learnt to write! I sing for the one who write poems of love!
I sing so my voice can be heard! I sing to see if I lead them to think!

I sing because I want a happy world! I sing just in case someone wants to hear!

Let the children sing, let them raise their voice, so they force the world to listen.

Let them join their voices and reach the sun. In them resides the truth!

Let the children sing, the ones who live in peace and those who are enduring pain.
Let them sing for those who will not sing because their voice has been shot


The flood of disquieting news, information, opinionated statements, thoughts and concerns, displayed in all types of media sources and shared by the growing circles of bystanders trying to figure out how to make a difference of their own, has been overwhelming all these flash passing days.
I had no way out for the sake of my peace of mind than to clarify my thoughts remembering the wise counsels of my late grandfather who used to tell us when encouraging excellence and steadfastness as the pillars of our lives….

Go to the core of everything!

Immutables and absolutes never change!

They are always simple and clear in themselves!

Human beings are the ones who muddy the waters of logic, righteousness and understanding!

Never give up because of outside pressure or manipulation!

Never give out your integrity by compromising!

It is better to walk alone than submitting to the pettiness and anonymity of the yelling crowds!

Loneliness, when due to righteousness, is spiritually rewarding!

Wait always for the better times, and you will see the new generations sprout as new leaves and flowers in the wilderness and the spring of newer circumstances!

Innocence lost can become wisdom and discernment!

Never give up on mankind because it is a precious creation of an omniscient God!

Be a good man even if you are rejected by your peers. They do not stand seeing themselves lacking what they see in others the verticality of the rightful convictions!

Love the children and dogs! They never hide their feelings and their up righteousness! If they love you back you are a winner because they see in you one innocent and faithful being!

Adults when abusing are just showing their weaknesses and inability to love themselves and others, by corrupting and hurting the defenseless and innocent!

It is interesting how innocence shines and prevails in every generation until it is broken to pieces. Children are so acute, simple and direct when defining love as they understand it and see it.

It is also such a contrasting reality in relation to the heartbreaking abuse and pain inflicted upon women and children by way of neglect, abuse, abandonment, war victimizing, genocides and rampant death being spread around as an uncontrollable plague or tsunami.

The time has come to realize that is necessary to turn the tides back to the center of righteousness and justice to give everyone, and starting with ourselves, a chance to become again the caretakers and protectors of our own species and the creation that we were created for and entrusted with.

So the children see the sun in a glorious morning light and not only on the dark argillaceous walls of despair

And the adolescents be able to dream without fearing their illusions torn and flown away to oblivion
And our women, child, adolescent or young ones, be able to face life knowing that they will be loved and appreciated, and their promised children will not be condemned to violence and death, and that this is not just an utopian dream or an unreal and unreachable hope or illusion.


Yesterday, I reaffirmed my conviction that if we are responsible people and people enriched by the cumulative experience of an up and down life full of special circumstances, we have a moral responsibility of staying put and firm so the new generations cannot argue the lack of illuminating guideposts when failing.
The awareness of this remaining endeavor justified my children´s statements when trying to encourage us not to give up to the temptation of a placid passivity.

Because it is a fact that we have not reached the mental and emotional retirement age of giving everything up for the sake of resting and becoming just speculating but disinterested witnesses in the twilight times of our lives.

Because we still have a lot to give and share with the less experienced people!

It came about that I decided to translate from Spanish into English a message that had come to my laptop through the expanding cycle of commentaries in the internet.

Commentaries that many of my friends who reside all over the world but keep united by way of this wonderful modern communication tool have taken upon themselves as their responsibility of disseminating for the enlightenment of the younger generations.

It is so rewarding to see how our children, the next in line generation, meditate on the conflicting and confusing pressures they find while trying to raise their own children in what I consider a sound basis for analysis and decision making ground.

It is encouraging and leads us to pitch in with our timely advice when we see them trying to realize the seriousness and deepness of the challenges in place and do something about it.

Because of the importance of the issues placed on the table I turned it into an AVI video to share with you all at the same time that you read it and listen to its concepts. Meditate on their concepts!

We are of the first generations of parents decidedly intent on not repeating the same probable mistakes made by our parents. And in our efforts to abolish the abuses of the past we are now the most dedicated and understanding ones, but at the same time the weakest and most insecure in history.

The grave most issue is that we are dealing with the “most feeling equal to”, belligerent and powerful children than never before. It seems that our efforts to become the parents we wanted to have, we have gone from one end of the equation to the opposite one, ending up with being the last children reprimanded by their parents and the first parents reprimanded by our own children.

The last ones to fear our parents and the first ones to fear our sons! The last ones growing under our parents control and the first ones to live under our children´s yoke! And worst than else… the last ones who respected our parents and the first ones accepting disrespect from our children.

Before… parents were considered good ones when children were well behaved, obeyed and showed respect to their parents! And good children, those who were formal and venerated their parents!

But today, as the hierarchical frontiers evanesced… good parents are those who get their children to love them even if they do not respect them much. And now the children are the ones demanding respect from their parents, understanding as such, not meddling with their preferences, behavior and ways of acting and living.

And besides… their “in their eyes due and obliged” generous financing so they are able to satisfy their exigencies, whims and cravings.

As someone could say… roles are upside down. Now the parents have to please their children to win them over, and not the other way, as in past times. This explains why so many parents today try even more than their best to be their children best friends, as this looks “very cool”

It has been said that extremes touch themselves by bending, and if the past authoritarianism filled the children with fear towards their parents, the present weakness does also fill the children with fear and disdain when seeing parents so weak and lost as they see themselves.

Children need to see their parents as capable leaders to rein them back when uncontrolled and guide them when lost and uncertain of the path they are choosing.

If authoritarianism crushes down, permissiveness suffocates! Only a firm and respectful attitude will allow them to trust our capacity to rule them while young and learning so they understand and accept that we are leading them and not carrying them on our backs, surrendered to their will and their fancies.

Only by acting this way we will avoid the new generations being suffocated by the lack of control and disdain of commitment where society is being drawn looking as lost and wandering…
No parameters! No control! No destination!
What do you think? Does it hits home?

Friday, March 6, 2009


During my already lived seventy two years I have seen the significant changes in the generational cycles of our societies.

A recurrent and easily discerned circumstance is the cyclical occurrence of trends shifting from one end to the other of the living equation

From Puritanism to liberalism! Always tending to excess and extravagancies! From hippies to yuppies! From baby booming to pro-choice and selfish control and decisions!

From Gayness meaning happiness to aberrant sexual ways of living! From Fundamentalism to esoteric confusions! From austerity to uncontrolled consumism and greed leading to the logical consequence of the present international financial crisis!

Thanks God all this has generated an expanding basis of conceptual understandings. If we err or if we inadvertently or purposely deceive ourselves, is not because of lack of rightful parameters but because of willful rationalizations and egotistical decisions.

We are not isolated islands deprived of opportunities for the betterment of our living. We are all capable of discerning the best in everything we face, even if many times we choose what it seems easier and pleasanter even if hurtful and wrong at the end of the day.

Nowadays it is easy to complain and easier to evade the issues if they do not affect our personal and family well-being. Even easier than all this is to hide behind our retirement age when deciding to see the parade comfortably seated along the sidewalks of life.

It is necessary to pinpoint and define what afflicts our younger generations. It is not an easy task for our children and extremely detrimental the collective pressure of the present technological developments on the natural cravings of our growing grandchildren.

A few days ago my wife and I, sitting at a cozy park bench, shared the wonderful but at the same time explosion of so many gadgets that crowd the span of attention and desires of possession of our present generations.

And we decided that we, the already going out generation cannot just stay idle and passive, but with a gentle quietness and steadfastness must stay as the beacons of light that warn about the limiting cliffs along the highways of our offspring’s living.

In relation to this there is a growing awareness of this need among the golden agers. Just twenty hours before I had received a message I turned into the video you will see at the end. The message text that follows, very adequately, describe our feelings and our intended purposes until we are finally called to rest. Analyze and meditate on these concepts as everyone will sooner than later reach our age and will face the same dilemma

“That because of my age I should not stay involved in controversies just to stay faithful to what I always believed and stood for? Why not!

I´m as old as I feel and want to be! The age when I can, unfearfully, shout what I think! Do what I want even if I fail! And calmly face the uncertain and unknown! Because I have the experience of my lived years and the strength of my convictions and desires

Who cares how old I am! I do not want to even think about it! Because some say I am too old! But others? That I am at the “apogee of my life!

My age is neither what matters nor what the people say… But what my heart feels and my brain dictates

I am old enough to shout what I think, to do what I want, to acknowledge my mistakes, to rectify my paths and to treasure new accomplished goals.

Now, no one can tell me that I am too young, and will not make it, nor that I am too old and will not also make it!

I have the age when things are calmly seen but as interested as always. I have the age when dreams are still caressed with our fingers and longings still remain as potential hopefuls. I have the age when love is still a flare up, impatient to consume itself in the passion it longs for… and other times is a peaceful pond, or a seashore sunset

So… what about how old am I? I do not need a number, nor remember how many… because my fulfilled longings, my victories, the tears poured over illusory hopes and visions… Are a lot worthier!

Who cares if I am already in the forties, the fifties, in within the seventies or almost reaching the nineties? What it really matters is… not how old… but how mature I feel! My age is that I need to live free of bondage and fears. To eagerly follow the present paths, with my baggage of accumulated experiences and the strength of my yearnings!

Who cares how old I am, what I possess or what I wait for if with the years I learnt to only want the necessary and to take only the good I found?

If you don´t think the same or somewhat alike… Is up to you! Anyway! You are you! And your Life is your Life! Me? I am as old as I feel and I want To be !

And you all old timers as we, do not allow yourselves to be taken away from this wonderful site in life and perspectives about it. Live as superior and unselfish minded people for the benefit of the newer generations and even those mediocre thinking ones who despise being shaken out of their froggy swimming in the ponds of greed, egotism, ambitions and pervasive compromisin
