A few weeks ago I received a message, resent to me by one of my most faithful and dilect friend.
A message that, once and once again, at the most unexpected moments, has made me ponder about the profoundness of life, and the decisions we make, all along our walking along its different paths and detours.
Having as a basic premise that every time that we let our thoughts out, we do it to become, what the Lord commands us to be, catalyzers of new perceptions, the salt and light of this world, His testimonies and witnesses.
Without waiting for, because this would be unreal and ridiculous to expect, our opinions to be, totally, partially, definitely or temporarily, accepted, ignored, rejected or made fun of.
For all real effects, the arena of the thoughts is an open field for everyone. It is wise to accept and assimilate what is offered to us, without regard to how small, challenging, pestering, annoying, and uncomfortable, it could be.
It is wise to do it if it is real, correct, encouraging, motivating, and fundamental in the life experiences of the vulnerable expositors of their most intimate feelings and beliefs.
It is wiser, even more, to submit what is offered to us, to the analysis in accordance to our particular understanding, if is unbiased, and hopefully influenced, and sublimated, by the eternal light of the Eternal Verb, acting upon our spirit and mind.
Because is for the sillier, and the stupider, and unfortunately they seem to be so many, and to proliferate so much, to thoughtlessly, and fanatically, accept and make their own the harangues, and the exhortations that court our uncontrolled emotions, and shortcomings, of every imaginable type.
And they, emotions and shortcomings, unfortunately, too, it seems is more abundant than polluted waters in this world.
Now, after this, I hope, not too long and not too boring preamble, I present to you, in its written format, and in the voice of its author, Facundo Cabral, as well as in the adapted for the internet video, the message I have been making these so repeated referencing.
You are not depressed! You are distracted!
Distracted from the life that pulsates within you! You have a heart, a brain, a soul and a spirit. So, how can you feel as a pauper and a wretch?
Distracted from the life that surrounds you! Dolphins, forests, oceans, mountains, rivers!
Do not fall into what your brother fell! Suffering for a single human being when there are fifty six hundred millions in the world!
Besides, it is not so bad to live alone. I have a good time decided, every second, to be the one I want to be. Thanks to solitude I know myself, something fundamental for living.
Do not fall into what your father fell, feeling old just because he has turn into the seventies, forgetting that Moses was leading the Exodus, in the eighties, and Rubinstein interpreted, as no one else, the music from Chopin. Just to mention two well known cases.
You are not depressed! You are distracted! For this reason you believe you have lost something. But this is impossible, because everything has been given to you. You have not made a single hair strand on your head. Consequently, you cannot be the owner of anything.
Besides, life does not take away things. It liberates you from things. It lightens you so you can fly higher, so you can reach plenitude.
From the cradle to the tomb it is an school: for this reason, what you call problems are just lessons.
And life is dynamic! Por this reason it is in a constant movement. Because of it you only must be attentive to the present.
Because of it my mother used to say: I take care of the present. The future is God´s business. Because of it Jesus used to say: tomorrow does not interests, it will bring new experience. Every day has enough with its own toils.
You have not lost anyone: the dead only went ahead because we all are on the way there. Besides, the better of the dead one, love, is still in your heart. Who could say that Jesus is dead? There is no death! Just a moving on beyond!
And on the other side wonderful people are waiting for you. Gandhi, Michelangelo, Whitman, Saint Augustine, Mother Teresa, your grandfather and my mother, who believed that poverty lies nearer to love, because money distracts us with too many things and separate us, because it makes us distrustful.
You do not find happiness, and it is so easy. You only have to listen to your heart, before your head intervenes. Because it is controlled by your memory, and complicates everything with old times past things, with prejudices that sicken you, that chain you. The head that divides, in other words, impoverishes. The head that does not accept that life it is as it is, not as it should be.
Do only what you love and you will be happy. The one who does what he or she loves, is blessedly condemned to success, that will come when it must come. Because what is to be, will be, and will naturally come!
Do not do anything out of obligation or compromise, but out of love. Then, there will be plenitude, and in that plenitude everything is possible and effortless. Because it moves you on the natural force of life! The life that raised me up when the plane with my wife and daughter crashed! The life that kept me alive when doctors diagnosed I would not live more than three or four months more.
God entrusted a human being to your care and that one is yourself. You must make yourself free and happy! Afterwards, you will be able to share the real life with those around you. Remember Jesus: love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Reconcile yourself with yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and think that that creature you see is God´s making. And decide, right at that moment, to be happy. Because happiness is to be conquered! It is not something that will come to you from outside.
Besides, happiness is not a right but a duty. Because if you are not happy you are messing up, embittering all those around!
Just one man who did not have nor talent nor courage to live, ordered six millions of Jewish brothers to be killed!
There are so many things to enjoy and our passing through earth is so short, that suffering is a waste of time.
We have for our joyness, the wintery snow and the spring flowers, the chocolate from Perusa, the French baguettes, the Mexican tacos, the Chilean wine, the oceans and the rivers, the Brazilian football.
The thousands and one night tales, the Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, the Manzanero bolero songs, Whitman´s poetry, Mahler´s music, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven. The Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Picasso and Tamayo paintings, among so many marvels and wonders!
And if you get Cancer or Aids, two things can happen and the two of them are good. If it defeats you, it liberates you from the so bothersome body. I am hungry! I am cold! I am sleepy! I want! I am right! I doubt!
And if you overcome it, you will be humbler, more grateful. Consequently, easily happy! Free from the cumbersome burden of guilt, responsibility and vanity. Ready to live intensely, every moment, as it should be.
You are not depressed! You are idle! Help the child who needs you! That child will be your children´s partner. Help the older ones than you, and the younger ones will help you when you become the older.
Besides, service is an assured happiness. As it is enjoying nature and caring for her for the ones who will come behind you.
Give without measure and you will be given without measure. Love until you become the loved. Even more, until you become Love.
And do not allow yourself to be confused by some scarce homicidal and suicidal. Goodness is majority. But it is not noted because is silent.
A bomb is noisier than a caress. But for every bomb that destroys there are millions of caresses that feed life.
Goodness feeds from itself. Evilness destroys itself. If the evil ones knew what a good business is to be good, they would be good, if only for business.
You are not depressed! You are distracted!