I have had delightful moments reading and adapting the messages texting and images to turn them into videos to keep on sharing them with friends and readers of my blog pages.
I have wondered about the timing for it, and in doing so they were accumulating in my files. Some of them appealed the most to my feelings. Some others to my imagination! Some to my spiritual awareness!
Usually Christmas time brings me a subtle feeling of wanting something more than the already overwhelming merchandised mood of today. It is not that I do not enjoy the merriment of the season, especially those songs like “it´s beginning to look like Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer”. And "Silent Night" never sounded so quiet and soothing as when my wife and I spent Christmas night in the company of an old rural pastor and his wife in a small chapel lost in the cold wilderness of rural Arkansas.
I have never been extremely fond of the fatty red dressed guy because his laugh kind of sounds to me too artificial and hollow, as a sample of some not so real situation or at least one reserved for a few lucky ones.
I have come to this conclusion when comparing the advertised joy that comes from the overextended spending in gifts of all types, that do not assure real enjoyment, as I have always seen more natural smiles with so little to be grateful for, among the humbler ranks of people I have met during my journeys through, the entire world around.
And then came the message from my friend Sarah Wilson, from “The Fresh Air Fund” that relates to Christmas, their funding needs and their search for the fundamental pillars of their ministry, their supporters and volunteers, people like you and me, dispersed all around the varied ways of life and places.
One of the messages I received adapted so aptly to the spiritual environment that I believe is necessary to exist in order to be sensitive to the needs and the plies of, specially, the children of this world.
Consequently, I did not resist blending it with the images of the children they care for.
Enjoy it here, as well as the original message posted at the end. IF SOMEONE COMES TO YOU…!

If someone comes to you…
and if you have the opportunity
to share your blessings with…
it is because you are
one special human being!
If someone, freezing, approaches you...
It´s because you can offer warmth and comfort.
If someone comes to you when crying...
It is because expects from you, consolation.
If your are offered their verses...
it is because you have the music.
If they share with you their sorrows... it is because they wait you will hand over the remedy.
If they come sharing their feelings...
it is because you understand and listen.
If they come to you when hungry...
it is because they know you can feed them.
If they come with kisses...
it is because you have the sweetness.
If you are trusted with their doubts...
it is because you can show them the way out.
If with orchestras.. it is because you have the music.
If downhearted...
because you know how to encourage them.
If with fantasies...
because you see their realities.
if with desperation...
because they find in you
support and stability.
If with enthusiasm... because they do not doubt you will vibrate with their hopes and expectations!
When they share with you their secrets...
It is because they are sure about
your silence and discretion.
When someone, restlessly,
comes to you...
it is because you infuse
serenity in their life.
When they place in you their trust... it is because they find strenght while you help them.
When you are told their fears...
it is because of your poise and stability.
No one, ramdomly, comes to you.
Every encounter is one of God´s projects.
The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and the dariness to live up to their dreams.
Dreams of believing a loving world is possible, and the dariness to make the difference by sharing our dearest blessings with the ones who need them.
If you feel called to be one of these special people, support the ones and the ministries whose call is also to care for and to provide for those children who need it.
Check http://freshairfundseason.com
And also enjoy the original message I was telling you about it.