Monday, August 30, 2010

3. A poem for my friends!

At this moment in time, and as the series of posting seem to be stretching along, a logical question arises. Who is this guy who is placing these types of thoughts on the table? What credentials does he claims to have so we feel prone to pay attention to whatever he says? What is his supposed expertise to address these societal incidents? And why he feels he is entitled to discuss them as if he had personal knowledge of what is going on?

For people like me, in other words, those who have reached the golden years of our autumn seasons, the lived and left behind experiences give us the authority to say, hey boys, if you keep on going where you are going, you will hit, head front, the walls I did hit many years ago.

You could probably say, what do you care for? It is my life and I can live it however I choose to live it! Mind your own business, you, prehistoric as you are, because you will never be able to understand the vitality of our present generations.

Some time ago I received an email with what I feel it was a somewhat grossly expressed joke about the generational clashes of today. An arrogant young fellow was precisely saying to an elder one what I referred to two paragraphs above, bragging about all the technological devices they are so apt in using, while we, the older ones, are barely able to deal with the simplest models of the computer world and phones, to mention some of them.

And the elder guy answered the disrespectful brat, that we had been part of the beginning of such a technological progress, if not the actual inventors, or developers, of the devices they are so proud about. And continued asking the brat what was what he was doing for the generations he would beget, and the rest of generations to come.

I do not want to react like the guy I am referring to, because his reaction was born out of hurt feelings and a defensive mood. I want to address these issues, as I have been addressing all along, out of love and caring for the ones who are still unborn, and will have to live with the consequences of our selfishness and mistakes.

Because of this, I want to convey to all of you the poem, and its message, that I transcribe below. Because I consider you my friends, known or unknown yet, already met or soon to meet. You all, fellow travelers in this wonderful journey that life is for every one!

A Poem to my friends!

I cannot give you solutions for all the problems in this life,
nor I have all the answers to your doubts or fears,
but I can listen and share my past experiences with you!

I cannot change your past or your future.
But I will be there when you need me, if you need me at all.

I cannot prevent you from stumbling.
I can only offer you my hand for you to hold it,
and not falling down!

Your joyfulness, your triumphs and accomplishments
are not mine.
But I sincerely enjoy it when I see you happy.

I do not judge the decisions you make in life.
I limit myself to support you, to encourage you,
and to help you, if you ask me to do so.

I cannot force on you the parameters
for you to act within them, but, yes,
but I can offer you the necessary space
for you to grow in within.

I cannot prevent your suffering
when some sorrow breaks your heart.
But I can cry with you and pick up the fragments
to piece it back together.

I cannot tell you who you are,
nor who, you should be.
I can only love you as you are
and be your friend!

These past days I was thinking about my friends.
You were neither on top nor down,
nor in the middle of the list.

You did not start nor ended the list!
You were neither the number one
nor the final one on that list!

To sleep blissfully!
To spread out love vibrations!
To know we are just passers-by down here!

To improve our relationships!
To profitably use the opportunities!
To listen to our hearts!
To do credit to our lives!

I do not, at all, pretend to be the first,
the second or the third on your list.
For me is enough that you want me to be your friend.

Jorge Luis Borges.

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