There is something intangible but fundamental when you live a lot, not only in years but in experiences, pains, joys, love given and received, shared and given again.
It is intangible and fundamental because it blends, indissolubly with you, becoming part of your intrinsic being, and giving you the fortitude and stamina to face the remaining days of your life with a peaceful attitude and desires to leave behind the best of what you have gathered along.
It is so comforting seeing all your family gathering around you when the feasts, the holidays, the anniversaries, the birthdays, especially yours, and knowing that life is going on and you have been able to give the best that is being reproduced in their lives.
There is always the opportunity to keep on giving. Giving out of what is dearest to you. It could be a framed picture that you have taken yourself. It could be a memento or an electronic game or toy that you gathered a long time before.
It is intangible and fundamental because it blends, indissolubly with you, becoming part of your intrinsic being, and giving you the fortitude and stamina to face the remaining days of your life with a peaceful attitude and desires to leave behind the best of what you have gathered along.
It is so comforting seeing all your family gathering around you when the feasts, the holidays, the anniversaries, the birthdays, especially yours, and knowing that life is going on and you have been able to give the best that is being reproduced in their lives.
There is always the opportunity to keep on giving. Giving out of what is dearest to you. It could be a framed picture that you have taken yourself. It could be a memento or an electronic game or toy that you gathered a long time before.

It could be one of the dolls collected by my wife through the years or some pieces of your treasured silverware that will continue gracing the tables of the homes of your children, as a joyful repetition of the grace they showed in your own.
The same thing happens with your memories, your readings, your reflections, the comments shared when cozily seated in your living room or your dining table, you are able to bring back, alive as if they just happening today, the remembrances that will serve as a reference parameter to their younger lives.
Because, as the celebrated writer, whose thoughts I transcribe below, the greatest occurrence in life is that we can still stand tall, and say with a well earned pride tingling in our voice, even if it is not as strong as before: I still stand, and will stand tall until the last day of my life.
The same thing happens with your memories, your readings, your reflections, the comments shared when cozily seated in your living room or your dining table, you are able to bring back, alive as if they just happening today, the remembrances that will serve as a reference parameter to their younger lives.
Because, as the celebrated writer, whose thoughts I transcribe below, the greatest occurrence in life is that we can still stand tall, and say with a well earned pride tingling in our voice, even if it is not as strong as before: I still stand, and will stand tall until the last day of my life.
I still stand!
Excerpts from a great man words!
Jorge Luis Borges
I feel, at this moment in life, almost the same
as when I was much younger.
I'm far from placing my happiness on material things,
still enjoying what I have without despair
because of what I have not!
I´m fortunate in knowing how to appreciate
and correctly define what surrounds me,
and I live in harmony with what
I generate through my daily efforts.
I keep on, daily, gaining the love and respect
of my family, friends and fellows,
because Love stays and grow in the light of devotion
and care they are given,
and it´s good to frequently water them
with water from the heart.
I keep my loves alive… the past and present ones,
because they keep me walking.
I treasure my friends´ affection
in the inner refuge I built up,
for each one of them, through the years,
and protect it as a space that, rightfully,
and perpetually, belongs to them.
I am especially grateful to all those
who generously gave me
a piece of their soul and heart,
contributing to make me what I am today
and who I will be tomorrow.
I use, as the purest energy, the confidence on me,
had, and being had, by those who helped me to become
what I have become;
Those who were beside me
in my childhood, teenhood and adulthood,
And, together, prepared me, I hope, to fully live
the, already coming, or arrived, golden years.
The ones before me are always present
and alive in my heart and mind.
Those who raised and shouldered me
so my feet could start walking,
and cared for my legs to be strong enough
to support the ones I have begotten.
I do my best to keep my feet, firm and grounded,
even if, frequently my imagination gives herself
the luxury of flying and dreaming
with an harmonious today,
and a much better tomorrow.
When I am cold, because of my remoteness,
disagreements and conflicts with my fellows,
I call on the heart´s fires to strengthen me,
and be given the courage to assume my faults and
ask to be forgiven.
And when I receive, in any circumstance, an apology
I try to be ready to forgive and forget the offenses.
Penance enough pays the one who assumes his fault,
and is abusive to commit the excess of making forgiveness
more difficult to be received.
I try lo live in peace with myself
Excerpts from a great man words!
Jorge Luis Borges
I feel, at this moment in life, almost the same
as when I was much younger.
I'm far from placing my happiness on material things,
still enjoying what I have without despair
because of what I have not!
I´m fortunate in knowing how to appreciate
and correctly define what surrounds me,
and I live in harmony with what
I generate through my daily efforts.
I keep on, daily, gaining the love and respect
of my family, friends and fellows,
because Love stays and grow in the light of devotion
and care they are given,
and it´s good to frequently water them
with water from the heart.
I keep my loves alive… the past and present ones,
because they keep me walking.
I treasure my friends´ affection
in the inner refuge I built up,
for each one of them, through the years,
and protect it as a space that, rightfully,
and perpetually, belongs to them.
I am especially grateful to all those
who generously gave me
a piece of their soul and heart,
contributing to make me what I am today
and who I will be tomorrow.
I use, as the purest energy, the confidence on me,
had, and being had, by those who helped me to become
what I have become;
Those who were beside me
in my childhood, teenhood and adulthood,
And, together, prepared me, I hope, to fully live
the, already coming, or arrived, golden years.
The ones before me are always present
and alive in my heart and mind.
Those who raised and shouldered me
so my feet could start walking,
and cared for my legs to be strong enough
to support the ones I have begotten.
I do my best to keep my feet, firm and grounded,
even if, frequently my imagination gives herself
the luxury of flying and dreaming
with an harmonious today,
and a much better tomorrow.
When I am cold, because of my remoteness,
disagreements and conflicts with my fellows,
I call on the heart´s fires to strengthen me,
and be given the courage to assume my faults and
ask to be forgiven.
And when I receive, in any circumstance, an apology
I try to be ready to forgive and forget the offenses.
Penance enough pays the one who assumes his fault,
and is abusive to commit the excess of making forgiveness
more difficult to be received.
I try lo live in peace with myself
because I know we cannot offer it
when we do not have it ourselves.
I know that flying only requires giving strength
to our imagination to enroute itself
towards the horizons where still nothing exists.
I dream with and old age where my wife´s hand is my guide
and my hand is her comfort and support.
I want to repeat myself in every action of those
who seek a dignified way of living,
and in their efforts to impregnate my soul ,
for me to keep striving ahead,
and living as God wants us to live.
I want to have, someday, the privilege to reach the highest,
where the spirit has its fortress and our faith its reason.
This is a message to be shared, and in its flight may reach
wherever it should reach.
when we do not have it ourselves.
I know that flying only requires giving strength
to our imagination to enroute itself
towards the horizons where still nothing exists.
I dream with and old age where my wife´s hand is my guide
and my hand is her comfort and support.
I want to repeat myself in every action of those
who seek a dignified way of living,
and in their efforts to impregnate my soul ,
for me to keep striving ahead,
and living as God wants us to live.
I want to have, someday, the privilege to reach the highest,
where the spirit has its fortress and our faith its reason.
This is a message to be shared, and in its flight may reach
wherever it should reach.
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