Monday, February 1, 2010


During the last weeks I have been deluged by a flood of emails, as well as myriads of news, and televised comments on the world crisis, demises, miseries, and efforts to alleviate the victims.

At the same time I have been analyzing the claims of many, who disagree with their nations´ rulers’ motivations and actions. I see their points, as I myself have mine and very personal ones that make me, passionately, disagree with some of them.

But, not always all the fault and responsibility fall upon their shoulders. I kind of remember a statement of a presidential candidate when he affirmed: “it´s the economy”, as he tried to point out what was it the central and paramount point of all issues.

I kind of agree with this statement, with a little digression on it. It is not really the economy, the money, the wealth, per se, but the way we see it, we seek it, we pursue it, we compromise to get it, we abuse it, what is bringing down the world into this voráginal chaos.

In the course of my life I have seen people creating wealth the honest way, with daring, vision and resolve.

I have also seen people, crushed and destroyed by the insensitivity of other people, colluded with, and accomplice to, the most cynical and corrupted schemes. I have seen them acting without any care, fear or remorse, in their search for wealth and gain at any cost, and without any consideration for those they trample upon, destroying hopes and futures.

But most pitiful than anything else, is the friends and acquaintances faked indifference, and their subtle distancing themselves from those unfortunate, who fatten the ranks of the victimized and dispossessed, fearing to be counted among those masses. So, I can understand the victims grievances, their pain, their anger and resentment, their violent responses. but. is this the only way out? the only way to challenge the injustice and abuses? is this what will be the way of living in the future?

All this, and as an emotional response to those, who try to finger point the whys and hows that cause the present overwhelming confusion, hate, violence and unending crisis, all this has made me wonder, and ponder, what is going on, what is causing it, what is what we have to do to face it, to challenge it, and to overcome it, for the sake of our peace, present and future.

I tried to record my thoughts in the most secluded and silent environment, to, in my mind, be able to address the issues, at the deepest possible way, but life taught me that this would be an sterile intellectual exercise if isolated from the recurring noises of the crisis.

Cars accelerating while passing by the windows of my studio, taught me better. So, I stopped and let their noise become part of the background of my inner thinking, when pondering what it is that is going on, all around.


Not hearing, nor seeing and being silent
When the powerful abuse….
What is it?

Pure and simple!
Hypocrisy, cowardice and complicity!

Same with finding excuses to close our eyes
And do not act against all the voracious predators!

What is it?
To purposely dismiss
The rulers and speculators´ responsibility
For transgressions resulting in the stealing of life,
Potential wealth and freedom,
Under false premises of the indispensable
And imperative need to preserve…
The Leaders? Privileges? And Status Quo?

To do so is to become
The willing and co-responsible
Witnesses and partners
Of the dark night of the disguised
Slavery and oppression!

Running in a proboscidian stampede
In support of the menaced
Abusing rulers
And influential manipulators!

Trampling over those they are supposed
To protect from institutional abuse,
Without shame or remorse for
The blatant manipulation of the
Rights they are supposed to defend and preserve
For the well fare of their societies and nations!

Why the so called international outcry
When one abuser is removed
By the exasperation and rebellion
Of the otherwise timorous and resigned?

Times may come
When the caged and the handled
May devour their abusive
And merciless cagers and handlers,
Bringing down the betrayers
Of their duty to preserve
Their nations and peoples´ justice, peace,
And social understanding,
Support and cooperation.

We must not forget that the nations
Are like companies
And the peoples, as a whole,
Are the shareholders
With the right to replace their corrupt
Or inefficient rulers, managers
And administrators!

The challenge is to do it civically,
Collectively, consciously and not violently!
Even at the cost of facing off
The institutional bureaucracies
And foreign and selfish
Interests and conveniences!

To not fall into the abyss
Of the societies that live subjugated
By the violence of the masses,
Ignorant and manipulated
By these callous and remorseless
Manipulators and leaders!

There is a fact that seems
To be ignored, unseen or forgotten!

We all navigate in the same boat,
Small or big as you prefer,
But the same one,
Even if we don´t like it.

We will arrive to port
Or irremediably sink into the abyss
Of the turbulent seas of human stupidity!

No name calling, finger pointing,
Blame adjudication, responsibility dismissal,
Or violent reaction
Will alleviate the already compounded crisis,
But our honest appraisal,
Righteousness and integrity restitution,
And real change
For the positive and the better!

We have made the world what the world is today!
By our action or inaction!
By our activism or our procrastination!
By our greed or let it be-ing!
By our Pharisee-ism or radicalism!

The time has come to stop and do something about it!
We the righteous or indifferent bystanders!
We can be the destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
Or the repentant Nineveh!

The already crushed and destroyed,
The suffering and the oppressed,
The jailed with no hope of redemption or freedom,
The innocent to come to face the chaos
We are leaving behind,
Demand it so!
We owe them!

Change is always possible, if desired.
It us up to us what type of change is wanted!
For the worse or the better!
And consequently, depending on
What types of actions are taken!

Let´s start changing ourselves,
And work influencing others
By example and deeds,
In a widening and restoring circle!

And if we are ignored,
Dismissed, attacked or rejected,
Let´s rest in peace
Knowing that we did
What we were supposed to do,
Despite any outcome or circumstance!


Anonymous said...

whats up everyone

Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

Anonymous said...

Hello dude!

It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!

Anonymous said...

Hello Fellow Forumites

Looks like really could be a excessively great forum for me
I am pleased to have stumbled upon it.

In the beginning just remember it was darked and then someone smiled! try this: Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :


Anybody have an interest in Surf Fishing

Looking forward to a good long stay here!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WHAT IS IT? WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?":
Great help, I am new to this site, but learnt a lot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WHAT IS IT? WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?": Great post as usual - here is a little something that made me smile :) If god is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.