Checking some of the messages my classmates send me, I found a wonderful continuance to my thoughts about the young and older girls of my country, and in them the ones in every culture compatible with our “Christian” understanding of a foundational commitment to righteousness and a mutual respect as the basis of a sensible and transcending individual and family values and behavior.
After doing so until, late last night, I went to bed. My wife of 46 years was deep in her sleep but when I rested by her side, she lazily woke up, kissed me and took my hand and placed it under her face as a living pillow. Then... placidly went to sleep again while I was wondering how blessed I have been, having found a girl I made a woman and a wife, who became a faithful companion and supporter, in the good, the bad and the worst circumstances of our life together.
This made me realize the priceless treasure of finding a girl with well founded moral values. I am not talking about a shy and timid one. She was vivacious, socializer, fun to be with, daring and adventurous. We were a favorite dancing couple in soirees and official government parties, being called to dance all type of songs, from soul and foxtrot to ardent and sensual Caribbean rhythms and cadences.
But she was a solid and a steady girl. And I was the first man and the only one in her life that I hope will not end until we reach the age of the 104 young at heart, and if the Lord allows it, even beyond that golden point.
After doing so until, late last night, I went to bed. My wife of 46 years was deep in her sleep but when I rested by her side, she lazily woke up, kissed me and took my hand and placed it under her face as a living pillow. Then... placidly went to sleep again while I was wondering how blessed I have been, having found a girl I made a woman and a wife, who became a faithful companion and supporter, in the good, the bad and the worst circumstances of our life together.
This made me realize the priceless treasure of finding a girl with well founded moral values. I am not talking about a shy and timid one. She was vivacious, socializer, fun to be with, daring and adventurous. We were a favorite dancing couple in soirees and official government parties, being called to dance all type of songs, from soul and foxtrot to ardent and sensual Caribbean rhythms and cadences.
But she was a solid and a steady girl. And I was the first man and the only one in her life that I hope will not end until we reach the age of the 104 young at heart, and if the Lord allows it, even beyond that golden point.
It is not necessary to be a Christian to be able to realize how fundamental this is… poets, writers, photographers, lauding the women beauty does not have any other way to exalt the moral values of self and mutual appreciation, understanding, and love and respect…
But… in what is the most important aspect of all human relations… the transcending spiritual realm we must obligingly realize that there are 2 sides to the relational coin.
One... the imposed by the world through liberal approaches to freedom and its consumism oriented and female degrading fashions, even if we refuse to recognize it.
The present days uncontrolled craving for acceptance from your peers even if this requires giving up all your inner treasures, your self-esteem, your right to choose and not to be chosen, the right to wait to be courted, the right to say no, the right to be seen and treated with the utmost tenderness and respect.
But… in what is the most important aspect of all human relations… the transcending spiritual realm we must obligingly realize that there are 2 sides to the relational coin.
One... the imposed by the world through liberal approaches to freedom and its consumism oriented and female degrading fashions, even if we refuse to recognize it.
The present days uncontrolled craving for acceptance from your peers even if this requires giving up all your inner treasures, your self-esteem, your right to choose and not to be chosen, the right to wait to be courted, the right to say no, the right to be seen and treated with the utmost tenderness and respect.
But… I would like to ask you, my dear girls… is it necessary to renounce to your natural beauty and countenance just for the sake of temporary sensual sharing or acceptance?
Do you really think that you will be considered as the “for life partner and companion” by your temporary acquaintances?
Do you really think that you will be considered as the “for life partner and companion” by your temporary acquaintances?
You got a natural destiny: to give love to the future generations out of the love you will give and receive from your husband to be...
Just remember that you are intended to become wives and mothers as the cradle of the future.

How sad would it be that you, instead, were considered as the flirtatious woman of Sirah 26: 9-12! “By her eyelids and her haughty stare an unchaste wife can be recognized. Keep a strict watch over an unruly wife, lest, finding an opportunity, she make use of it;

Follow close if her eyes are bold, and be not surprised if she betrays you: As a thirsty traveler with eager mouth drinks from any water that he finds, So she settles down before every tent peg and opens her quiver for every arrow”.

If you are still a single and beautiful and freedom hungry girl, just replace the word “wife” for the generic “woman” and see how aptly the message applies to any every present daring, intentional or not, but always undiscerning behavior, yours or of your friends.

Don´t you think it would be and feel better to receive the praise and understanding of your future in laws and everyone in town, at least the ones whose opinion should count…? as in Proverbs 5: 18-19 “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love”.
Or the joyful praise from your partner in life´ friends, for having chosen you as the wife in Sirah 26: 1-4…? “Happy is the husband of a good wife, twice-lengthened are his days; A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life. A good wife is a generous gift bestowed upon him who fears the LORD; be he rich or poor, his heart is content, and a smile is ever on his face.
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