When analyzing the social struggles spectrum in any society we can approach the issues from the greater to the smaller, from the complex to the simpler ones. But for the purpose of our analysis our basic premise is that everything starts with the individual within his/her family environment.
Any structural change, advancement, recession, denial, compromising, perceptions and attitudes toward individual and family values will inevitably affect the community and the whole social fabric of intermingling material and spiritual concepts and the correspondent perceptions and behavior.
There is another undeniable premise. Every culture has its own matrix for the individual and family structural nature. Logically there will be similarities but there will always be a definite and specific one that must be analyze with the deepest respect avoiding the imposition of our own natural predispositions and prejudices born out of our particular cultural environment.
The final premise consequently should be that all similarities, differences, struggles and challenges, solidarity and support must be mutually respectful, bowing only to the higher than any social set of circumstances, which is the higher spiritual laws and designs of our Creator.
Any structural change, advancement, recession, denial, compromising, perceptions and attitudes toward individual and family values will inevitably affect the community and the whole social fabric of intermingling material and spiritual concepts and the correspondent perceptions and behavior.
There is another undeniable premise. Every culture has its own matrix for the individual and family structural nature. Logically there will be similarities but there will always be a definite and specific one that must be analyze with the deepest respect avoiding the imposition of our own natural predispositions and prejudices born out of our particular cultural environment.
The final premise consequently should be that all similarities, differences, struggles and challenges, solidarity and support must be mutually respectful, bowing only to the higher than any social set of circumstances, which is the higher spiritual laws and designs of our Creator.
I refer myself to what has been and is being considered the traditional Nicaraguan family structure and behavior. The model we tried to instill in the hearts, minds and spirit of the children and former co-workers these past six years.
It has nothing to do with material advancement or lacking and unsatisfied needs. The solid values and structure do not depend on them. I have said time and time again that there can be a more solid family foundation in a humble home, where on the solid and well swept earthen floor real love, care and concern for each other flourish, than in any marble floored mansion where consumism, convenience, greed and ambition permeates the inner being of its inhabitants.
The family that I fondly remember is that one where lines or authority and respect, mutual acceptance and clearly defined lines of acceptable behavior were the rule of life. A family nucleus where you could count with each other for encouragement, protection and support!
The family that I fondly remember is that one where lines or authority and respect, mutual acceptance and clearly defined lines of acceptable behavior were the rule of life. A family nucleus where you could count with each other for encouragement, protection and support!
Where women were respectfully loved and men were taught and ingrained themselves in the concepts and consequent and willful compliance with the precepts of responsibility, hard work, provision and support, and I say it again, natural, omnipresent and mutual respect.
It is against these parameters that we should compare and analyze the present social failures and conflicts. It is paramount to emphasize the constituting and essential values for our restoration and advancement as individual, families and societies.

For the girls, you all, the younger and the older abused ones: You will have a second chance! God will give you that! BUT… Respect yourselves! Learn to choose the best! Do not resign yourselves with what you feel is no good, just available! Do not accept to be chosen! Raise yourselves above the rationalized acceptance of less than desired, just acceptable circumstances! Abuse only temporarily affects your inner being! You can always overcome and become the woman of Proverbs chapter 31, Verses 26 to 30

You do not have to be a committed Christian to appreciate a good woman.
Next time I will address you boys! For the time being, you girls enjoy what follows.
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