Saturday, July 3, 2010

The “Fresh Air Fund Friendly Town trips for the summer” have already come!

A few days ago I received from my dear friend Sarah from the Fresh Air Fund organization, the great news that just this just past June 30th they started the first departure of the Fresh Air Fund Friendly Town trips for the summer.
She excitedly shared that they are all thrilled that this day is here and that all of the families are so excited that the children are coming into their homes and towns as this is the first day visiting for summer 2010.
This made me realize that what God desires from each one of us is that we all, as those who have been chosen of Him, holy and beloved,

Put on a heart of compassion (love)

And kindness (generosity),

Humility (not feeling superior nor rejecting those in scarcer circumstances),

Gentleness (treating them as if they were our own flesh and blood) and patience (accepting the disruption of our complacency, set ways, and egotistical comfort) Colossians 3:12
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17

If you want to join the joy and the excitement, just check, for information the link….

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