Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today, one of my granddaughters reaches one of her early life milestones, the age of 10 innocent and happy years, lived in the comforting haven of a loving home.

All the girls in the family, from grandma to the three little ones, plus her closest friends, are celebrating this morning with an orphanage children, giving a little of the lot of love, care and protection our omnipotent, and omnipresent, God has lavished upon us all, throughout all our lives.

Yesterday afternoon, as a dutiful grandfather, I enjoyed up to the hilt of my emotions, her pre-day celebration in the company of 5 of her closest little young friends.

I videotaped them dancing, laughing, prancing around, joking, running all over the gardens of the place we live in, and all of this made me recall some thoughts, that I shared during a blissful time, spent in the company of another one of my granddaughters, less than two years ago.

These thoughts came into existence while sharing my understanding about life, while I was conversing with my third grandchild, Andrea, who had to write an essay on this subject, last year, almost at the completion of her senior High School.

It did also happen she just had arrived to her seventeen year of blissful living, and was dreaming with following her father, my oldest son, steps, in college.

She got an “A” grade, and was rightfully elated, and in the following months it was so delightful to see how without any spectacular outward symptom she became the wonderfully poised gal, who is now, outstandingly getting excellent grades in her “Industrial Engineering” college courses.

With an expanding love for her classmates and friends, who are fond of getting together at my sons home, to study and rejoice as the exuberant teenagers they are, I now want to extend these thoughts to all those, young or older, who, by chance, read them.

Because we want the best of all, the real best of all, not the masquerades and the illusions and faked contraptions of this accelerated world where you, the younger ones than us, live and will have to live.

As one of my dearest friends shared with me, just a few days ago, quote, “I am happy that you find enjoyment in study, writing, and applying the lessons of life to thoughts on paper.

It will be a wonderful legacy for you to leave to your children and grandchildren. We have to pass it a mentor to the generations that succeed us.

We are blessed to know the joys that only older warriors know...those who have earned their ribbons and their rank, not on the parade field but in the trenches of life, unquote.

So, and getting to the point and from the core of my feelings that spread out as a spring from the pond of my experiences, enjoy the thoughts that I offer you now.

Reflections for the teenagers and young adults,
who are just starting life in these tumultuous days!

An elderly woman asked some youngsters
why they were so electrified by the deeds of people
who would never know they existed,
and why they were so anxious to get,
at any cost,
the newest trinkets and gadgets in the market.

This should made us, all, wonder that…
as strong as we could be or think we are we cannot evade,
or run away, from the storms in our lives!

The disappointments, the losses, or to say it simply,
our non reciprocated expectations,
are the things that, independently from our age,
state of mind, or social standing,
make us feel at times, as defenseless oldsters,
or little ones, in need of caring for, and protection.

And this is not always an easy thing to admit,
because of our need to have, and keep alive,
our own identity,
thus, assuring our authenticity and independency.

In these my olden days, I do want to share with you,
what my understanding Is, about these concepts,
and what I would desire for you,
to have a meaningful, and transcending Life,
despite all adverse circumstances.

To you all, who deal with an uncertain future,
I would like to remind you,
so these thoughts become our permanent companions
and parameters throughout your whole lives,
and what you, today, so happily enjoy
as your rightful, and venturesome, time in life,
turn into the firm and everlasting foundations and ambience,
where the concepts turn themselves
into, solidly based, realities in your lives.

The authentic!

The righteous and truthful!

The fundamental!

By their own nature are intimately, and indissolubly,
linked with the self assurance and reliance
in relation to you.

If you are sure about what you really are,
and what you want to be,
undoubtedly you are authentic!

But, if by any chance, a personal insecurity
is present in your life…
it is possible that you cannot overcome,
or even, maybe will try to cover up
through the easy way of posturing as you are not,
because you visualize yourself otherwise, very deep inside.

And in these circumstances is where
it is, so easy, to confuse
authenticity with eccentricity or superficiality.

The real problem is not to be emotive
or loving the good things of life,
such as clothing, music, socializing,
or admiring the fads or fashion figures of this world.

The problem is the “conscious or unconscious” imitation.

The problem is to subordinate yourself to the group´s pressures,
or to the fashions´ whims.

The problem is to, constantly desire to have
more than what you already have,
just because someone else has more than you.

Enjoy life!

But within your own and authentic identity parameters!

Your potential!

Your abilities!

Your perseverance!

And your enthusiasm,

without allowing yourself to be carried away
by the collective pressure
for posturing and behaving as the rest of the gang!

Be, always, as you are in within yourself!

At home!

Among your relatives, and those who love you,
as if you were their own,
because they will be, at any time,
and in every circumstance, your refuge and comfort
along the walking paths of life!

From your walking the paths of life beginnings,
until your sundown, sedately,
dips itself,
at the far limits of your horizons!


To complete these reflections, I want to extend my thoughts to the young and older alike, as we all are part of the living fabric that make this world to be what it is.

I do not want to avoid or close the eyes to the hard realities that afflict all societies, and individuals, today.

But, also, and to be faithful to the moral values I learnt since my early childhood, I need to state that they are not strong enough to crush your will or destroy your integrity.

To all I tell, believe me, that it is worthy trying to be real and standing tall before life´s contrivances, temptations and fateful pressures.

We must really understand that fate can be overcome, hopes are an indispensable ingredient of a plentiful life, and fears will sprout, sooner or later.

They will do so wherever and whenever, we hesitate, doubt or claudicate before the subtle or gross and forceful threats to our rightful understanding of life and our consequent behavior.


The Fear of Life, the Fear of Man, and the Fear of Peers´ pressure!

Everything comes down to the basic question of
and then, facing the consequences.

Consciously determining who you are and who you want to be!

Deciding, foremost, who you want to be when there are no witnesses around!

Accepting as a fact that God has a plan and its timing for your life!

Usually, people fear death, whether in its natural form,
or in that of loneliness, and rejection by peers, acquaintances or friends!

And, because of it, allow the “fear to live” to enter in their lives,
avoiding taking risks and standing firm
in their rightful beliefs and convictions.

Giving up to the pressure and the manipulation
of the natural impulse to become accepted
by the peers and companions in their walking through life.

One thing should be learnt along the way.
Not to have fear of the world,
nor of death or life!

Nor of compulsory compliance with any “group demanding”
exigency or behavior.

And as we walk along the way, we cannot but be,
at the same time,
Vertical and uncompromising in our belief,
tolerantly understanding the reality of ours and other people´s weaknesses
without appeasing the unrighteousness,
just because it is simply convenient!

Part three: IN PEACE !

If we keep ourselves faithful, resilient, and persistent, it will come a day when we will, exultantly, and accurately, be able to proclaim, for all to hear, that we are in peace!

Since my High School years I have always liked poetry. I even wrote and won some minor prizes under a pseudonym while I was a military cadet.

One of the poems that I liked most, even if, at that time, the least I could think was that it would apply some day to my life, was, and still is, with real cause today, the poem written by the Mexican poet and diplomat Amado Nervo, IN PEACE.

I have come to learn that living life to its fullest extent is not to climb and desperately stick ourselves to the top of the mountains, at any cost, despite the snow, freezing winds and emptiness that usually come as a collateral to the worldly prize of recognition and success.

Worst of all is to synthesize success as just the mere acquisition of social standing and financial abundance or excess, at the expense of inner peace, and the blissful solitude and enjoyment of the memories that tell you, once and then again, that you overcame with honors the uproar of the compromising storms that attacked your integrity and self-esteem.

Being in peace, while we live through our golden years is not the end of the road. It is, instead, the fundamental phase in life where the meaning and transcendence reside in the passing out the baton of the accumulated experiences.

By doing so, the new generations, at least, will not conveniently say that they did not know where the fateful detours and mistakes were waiting to deviate them from the straightforward path that would lead them to the higher levels of fulfillment in what it really matters in this life.

I truly hope, that someday, every one of you, those who, even if for a fleeting moment pay attention to these words, will be able to say, as I say today: Life, you owe me nothing! Life, we are both in peace!




I bless you life as I get ready to leave you,

because you never gave me failed hopes,

unjust labors or unmerited sorrows.

Because at the end of my rough life´s walking,

I see I was the architect of my own fate and destiny.

And if I extracted honey or bile from occurrences,

it was because I had, firstly, placed in them bile or tasty honey:

when I planted rosebushes I always harvested roses.

Certainly my springs will be replaced by winter:

but you never told me May would last forever!

No doubt that I felt unending the nights of my sorrows;

but you never promised I would only have good ones;

and in exchange I had some of them saintly unruffled.

I loved. I was loved. The sun caressed my face.
Life, you owe me nothing!
Life, we are both in peace!


Sunday, July 4, 2010


Some months ago my oldest son in an email told me that wisdom is to know, and agree with the phase of life we are in, and living it, accordingly.

It was his core comment on how biological rhythms and behavioral priorities change in what is circumstantial, but when integrity, at all costs, is sought and preserved, convictions and fundamental beliefs mature, stronger than ever before, even if becoming mellower and seasoned, as very special crops wines.

This is only possible when we are consequent and consistent in the way we understand and face life, and live it to its fullest extent, without compromising the fundamental values that made us what we were and continue to be.

This is the only existing way, in these tumultuous, seedy, corrupting and manipulating times, that allows us to rightly define what our hopes and our fate should be.

This is the only way to have inner peace despite any outside and conveniently luring, lurid or corrupting pressures, or the oppression that prey on our natural fears and desire to feel accepted by the collectivities that surround us.

We should never fear those who can materially oppress, and kill for all purposes, and by all means, our body life.

On the contrary, we should never, consequently, allow these predators to corrupt the essence of our spirit´s life, and our behavioral accomplishment accumulated through the years, rain or shine, storm or lightning.

Today, this 4th. of July 2010, is a special day to be grateful for and rejoice! 50 years of having reached adulthood, by way of getting the professional tools to make the fundamental decisions to live independently, and be ready to marry and start a family, and build a future.

Circumstances, 50 years ago may have been different. They inevitably have varied. As life went on circumstances may have been negative, and way of living changing.

But who we were, who we are, and who we will be until placed to rest in our graves, will remain as the fruit of our willingness to face life, so we can leave, a valuable for its consistency, legacy to our families, friends and foes, and life journeys partners and companions.

In my personal life there has always been a favorite song marking the essence of the successive life periods. When younger, “The Impossible Dream”! then as the years passed they took turns, back and forth, from sentimental to pop, to soul and country!

But always present, there has been one that has marked the way I was, and I intend to be until my last day on this planet. MY WAY! NOT A WHIMSICAL OR EGOTISTICAL WAY, BUT THE FOUNDATION FOR AN EVER GROWING SPIRITUAL, AND MATURER, WAY OF LIVING!

Listen to it, enjoy it, and think about its message about standing tall, while you see the phases of my live displayed in my following video.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The “Fresh Air Fund Friendly Town trips for the summer” have already come!

A few days ago I received from my dear friend Sarah from the Fresh Air Fund organization, the great news that just this just past June 30th they started the first departure of the Fresh Air Fund Friendly Town trips for the summer.
She excitedly shared that they are all thrilled that this day is here and that all of the families are so excited that the children are coming into their homes and towns as this is the first day visiting for summer 2010.
This made me realize that what God desires from each one of us is that we all, as those who have been chosen of Him, holy and beloved,

Put on a heart of compassion (love)

And kindness (generosity),

Humility (not feeling superior nor rejecting those in scarcer circumstances),

Gentleness (treating them as if they were our own flesh and blood) and patience (accepting the disruption of our complacency, set ways, and egotistical comfort) Colossians 3:12
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17

If you want to join the joy and the excitement, just check, for information the link….