Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LOVE AND SHARING! IN ALL THEIR FACETS AND THEIR CONTENTS! My message to my friends at the end of this year!

The persistence and preponderance of Love! Love in living! With no hurry! With no fear! Transcending time and circumstances! Overcoming time and circumstances! Extending itself beyond time and circumstances!

I have been lately engulfed in the consideration and analysis of the oftentimes dizzying, confusing, usually illogical and biased, social and political upheavals that overwhelm the media and the people of our increasingly violent nation’s populations.

Then, Christmas time arrived and sort of imposed a halt, and a “taking a breath” of relief, to my mind and my spirit. By no means has this meant the forgetting about the causes and effects of our individual, communal and institutional pride, egotism, greed and insensitivity before the plight of the lesser favored or abused.

But it made me ponder over the transcendental statements of Ephesians 6:12 that clarify for all who care to see, the fact that we are no fighting against the blood and flesh people, but against the spiritual forces of this wickedness in the heavenly places.

Because the fight is that of the personalities and rulers , the powers and the world forces of this darkness of the higher levels of the artificially conceived social financial and political concepts versus the unavoidable and rightful positioning of mankind in relation to God, Nature and one another.

A beautiful Christmas card presentation, with a deeply felt message did arrive to my laptop to compound the need to stop, ponder, analyze and pay attention to the real concepts that should lead us to the rightful way of living until the final rest and glory comes and engulf us, raising us up to the place of eternal living.

I started to ponder again about the fundamental tenets of Faith, and Hope, and Love. Love remaining after faith and hope fade in the folding pages of our earthly passage through life down here.

Repeating what I wrote at the beginning, what is fundamental is the persistence and preponderance of Love! Love in living! With no hurry! With no fear! Transcending time and circumstances! Overcoming time and circumstances! Extending itself beyond time and circumstances!

I had to recognize, as I have pondered about in other comments that follow in this series of postings, that mankind is unredeemable and unrepentant when left to its own will and the greed and ambition of its earthly leaders separated from their Creator and Savior.

But it was also comforting to see Faith, Hope and Love in action through the vision, the resolve and the deeds of so many dedicated people that have transcended their time and circumstances.

In the realm of the Christians love expressed in the ministries oriented to the help and support of the dispossessed and abused, there is a continual growth and renovation.

I have been blessed and privileged, having had the opportunity to serve with some of them, or being a friend of others like the one I dedicate this end of the year message, and in him, to all the others that I respect and encourage to keep alive the freshness of their vision and their actions to transcend the years, as this “Fresh Air Fund” has done for more than already a century.

You do not have to be complex and complicated when you stand on firm grounds of beliefs and resolve. I hope to see all of them, a hundred years from now, being able to summarize what a man of faith, hope, love and resolve started in 1877.

The Fresh Air Fund History: In 1877, the Reverend Willard Parsons, minister of a small rural parish in Sherman, Pennsylvania, asked members of his congregation to provide country vacations as volunteer host families for children from New York City tenements. This was the beginning of The Fresh Air Fund tradition.

By 1884, Reverend Parsons was writing about the Fund for New York´s Herald Tribune, and the number of children served grew. In 2008, close to 10,000 New York City children experienced the joys of summertime in Friendly Towns and at five Fund camps in upstate New York.

Check http://freshairfund-newsrelease.com

I truly hope this example multiply itself in all our countries through the efforts of dedicated and unselfish Christians. To them, in the words of the following Christmas message, my encouragement and the assertion that Love, in its purest expression of unselfish sharing what we have and others need, will overcome the maladies, the injustices and the abuses of this confused and violent world.

The best of all should be that ministries were short-lived because by alleviating the sad consequences, the unjust causes that inspired them were erased by the positive changes in societies.

Unfortunately this is still and for times to come will still be just a dream, and ministries will have to multiply themselves, with my hope and prayer that their vision and expansion are not impaired or stagnated by human circumstances and weaknesses, that could impede their existence through the years and the centuries.

Because life has not to be like it is nowadays. Life is beautiful as Nature is beautiful. Life is challenging but should not be oppressive and destructive. And human beings, especially those in the higher social, political or financial positions should think it twice before destroying, by corruption or rejection, the people under their sphere of influence and power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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