One day the stone said…
I am the strongest!
Listening this, the iron said:
I am stronger than you.
Do you want to see it?
Then both fought until the stone
was reduced to dust and pieces.
The iron then said: I am strong!
Listening this, the fire said:
I am stronger than you!
Do you want to see it?
Then, both fought
until the iron melted down.
The fire said, when it won:
I am stronger!
Listening, the water rumbled: wait a moment!
I am stronger than you.
Do you want to see it?
Then both fought until the fire
fizzled out and turned to ashes.
The water then said: did you see?
I was stronger!
But the clouds exclaimed: No!
We are stronger than you!
Then they fought until the water evaporated.
The clouds exhulting said:
surely, we are strong!
Listening this, the wind said, wait!
I am stronger!
Then, they fought until the wind
chased the clouds away
and got them out of the horizon.
The wind victoriously said: did you see?
I was the stronger!
Listening this the mountains said:
watch out, we are stronger!
Then they fought
and the wind
ended up
caged within the mountains.
The mountains bragged:
we won because we are the strongest!
And then, man intervened saying,
oh no, do you want to see it?
And with intelligence and skills
perforated the mountains,
and let the wind go free,
ending thus
with the power of the mountains.
The man said:
I am the strongest creature alive,
until death came around
and with just an stroke
erased man from the picture.
Death was still exhulting
until GOD, “become man”,
After just 3 days
raised himself from the tomb,
Conquering death
and being given all power in heaven
On earth and above all Creation.
Despite this and since then
an unending struggle has been going on.
Not wanting to understand
that real freedom is
And can only be given by God,
not by men.
And is only lost
if individually given away
because it cannot
Be taken away
or imposed by others, to their liking.
The struggle being the inflicted pain,
the abuse and the fight
of men against men
and men against Nature!
Men always trying to usurp
by all means
the Place,
the Authority
and the Power of God
over Mankind
and the whole Creation!
The “setting of” of logical priorities and ways out of this universal mess and wrongly provoked chaos will be the subject of the next blog postings.
We will keep on pounding over the inner motivations of the myriad of arrogant, haughty, bold and violent uncontrolled little human gods so rampantly acting on the international scenarios.
We will also keep on trying to analyze the why and how of the proliferation of the international court of jesters and peddlers of favors, notoriety and their fleeting moments of fame, who crowd the waves of the television and internet media.
But AGAIN, WE MUST PONDER over the transcendental statements of Ephesians 6:12 that clarify for all who care to see, the fact that we are no fighting against the blood and flesh people, but against the spiritual forces of this wickedness in the heavenly places.
Because the fight is that of the personalities and rulers , the powers and the world forces of this darkness of the higher levels of the artificially conceived social financial and political concepts versus the unavoidable and rightful positioning of mankind in relation to God, Nature and one another.
Because there is an undeniable fact. No one, and this goes for all those fond of name calling, name branding, name attributing. No one side is exempt from responsibilities. Nor the capitalists, or the newly arrived to the top revolutionaries. Nor the conservative, or the liberals. Nor the bankers and financial speculators, or the grasping lenders without analysis.
Everyone of us must stop, think, meditate, pray, and change. But change for the better. Let´s remember and do not forget we all are just passing through the pages of life and Nature.