In one of my last postings I was referring myself to the need of having the most complete and firm conviction in relation to our individual worth because of having been made at the image and similitud with God, our Creator.
If we were really conscious about it. If we could perceive in others that image and similitud. If we could understand it, then, despite the apparent differences in color, race, nationality, social status and life styles, how different our attitude towards life could be.
Then, we could again become the children the Lord tells us about in His Word, when saying that if we do not become like them we will not be able to enter the Kingdom of God, His Kingdom.
We do not need to wait until afterdeath to consider ourselves immigration candidates in full, with all the spiritual visas conceded and applied, presented and stamped at the heavenly customs posts, as in this so divided and discriminating world.
We can become citizens of this Kingdom while we still linger around in this earthly world, so saturated of pain, injustices, crisis and problems of every imaginable type.
This brings to my memory those statements about how the Kingdom is to be conquered by violence. But not violence as we understand it and we have got used to, up to the point that it seems that we rejoice in it, when endured by others.
The violence I refer to, in my limited understanding and discernment, is the necessary shaking up of our inertia, our blind egotism, passivity, complicity or even worst, our implicit acceptance of abuse, as the inevitable condition to attain what we visualize as our progress, comfort or convenience.
I AM A MAN. I am supposed to protect, provide, give and share love, give and share assurance and trust.
I understand this as a natural responsibility when talking about our own ones. But I do not consider it essential in relation to the rest of the people. THIS HAS BEEN THE EGOTISTICAL REASONING OF THE GREAT MAJORITY OF CARNAL MEN THROUGH AL GENERATIONS PAST AND PRESENT.
BUT, at the first clash with the trials and adversities, as Adan we give up and choose our women as the scapegoats justifiers of our cowardly claudications.
And consequently, carried away by envy and rancor with ourselves, as modern Cains, we martirize the brother or sister who finds acceptance, benevolence and grace in God, for having a clean heart and presenting to him a total and plentiful offering of his or her beings, deeds and actions.
So, this way, after oppresing and abusing even those we consider our own, we end up considering the rest as rightful recipients of our prime and first responsibility of our existence.
Let´s reflect, meditate and recapacitate, so we can become aware and certain about the fact that all love and tenderness revolves around the children. As the mothers who sing lullabies and carry them in their arms or on their backs snugly wrapped in the warm sarapes of their love.
If we were really conscious about it. If we could perceive in others that image and similitud. If we could understand it, then, despite the apparent differences in color, race, nationality, social status and life styles, how different our attitude towards life could be.
Then, we could again become the children the Lord tells us about in His Word, when saying that if we do not become like them we will not be able to enter the Kingdom of God, His Kingdom.
We do not need to wait until afterdeath to consider ourselves immigration candidates in full, with all the spiritual visas conceded and applied, presented and stamped at the heavenly customs posts, as in this so divided and discriminating world.
We can become citizens of this Kingdom while we still linger around in this earthly world, so saturated of pain, injustices, crisis and problems of every imaginable type.
This brings to my memory those statements about how the Kingdom is to be conquered by violence. But not violence as we understand it and we have got used to, up to the point that it seems that we rejoice in it, when endured by others.
The violence I refer to, in my limited understanding and discernment, is the necessary shaking up of our inertia, our blind egotism, passivity, complicity or even worst, our implicit acceptance of abuse, as the inevitable condition to attain what we visualize as our progress, comfort or convenience.
I AM A MAN. I am supposed to protect, provide, give and share love, give and share assurance and trust.
I understand this as a natural responsibility when talking about our own ones. But I do not consider it essential in relation to the rest of the people. THIS HAS BEEN THE EGOTISTICAL REASONING OF THE GREAT MAJORITY OF CARNAL MEN THROUGH AL GENERATIONS PAST AND PRESENT.
BUT, at the first clash with the trials and adversities, as Adan we give up and choose our women as the scapegoats justifiers of our cowardly claudications.
And consequently, carried away by envy and rancor with ourselves, as modern Cains, we martirize the brother or sister who finds acceptance, benevolence and grace in God, for having a clean heart and presenting to him a total and plentiful offering of his or her beings, deeds and actions.
So, this way, after oppresing and abusing even those we consider our own, we end up considering the rest as rightful recipients of our prime and first responsibility of our existence.
Let´s reflect, meditate and recapacitate, so we can become aware and certain about the fact that all love and tenderness revolves around the children. As the mothers who sing lullabies and carry them in their arms or on their backs snugly wrapped in the warm sarapes of their love.

Or as the elderly men and women, who, gradually, and hopefully gracefully, as their age approches the twilight of their lives, become like children needing love, protection and support,

Only by transforming our external strenght and experience, into the apparent weakness and expectancy about life, that children posses as the prime gifting of their starting life, we will be able to experience the real nature of love. The love that God had planned for us all in Adan and Eve, our primigenial parents.
There are two images indelibly printed in my memory. Images that, in my heart, my spirit and mind, embody the essence of God´s love and image, to which the video refers to.
That of a young mayan girl, walking along the cold roads of the high lands of the Guatemalan mountains, with her breat open to the air, giving to her child her nourishing milk of life, oblivious to any wrongful understanding or curiosity of the passerbyes.
The other one, that of another young mayan girl, with a wrinkled and demaciated body, looking like an old rag, already marked by the rutlesness of life, vicissitudes, and trials, sitting on the border of a busy sidewalk.
She was holding her child protectively on her lap. He was not only minusvalid but looked even older and wrinkled than her.
She had bought a soda pop and a piece of bread and was wetting the bread and masticating it so she could, lovingly kissing her child, make possible for him to swallow it.
For all this, and only this way, we can understand to its fullest extent the human parable of the child and the couple of elders you will see in this enclosed video.
Both women and elders and the children in each case are the corresponding sides of the equation of love, of the image and similitud of God in every human being, pressed and indelibly printed, again by love, in every one of us.
Because this is the natural and supernatural destiny of men, women, children and older. To reach the total communion, silent by its plenitude, with Him, so beautifully described in the sharing of the vivifying nourishment we receive throughout the length of our journey on this earth.
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