The present President of the United States in response to the diatribes and harangues from the limelight seeking people, placed in positions of societal directions, because I would strongly doubt they hold real positions of power, said. It is imperative to learn from history but not to remain trapped by it.
It is laughable that every one of these interlocutors, at the same time that embark in such, at least wanting to offend and pressuring want to keep on receiving gifts, privileged, free access to the so offended markets and people, disguised as international cooperation without any corresponding commitment or compromise toward the givers and the intended given people.
They insist in historical debts and abuses, to justify their pretended right to be always on the free receiving end that usually end up lining their pockets.
We should accept the hard fact and reality of having to be a corresponding partner, or no partner at all. There is no such equation of only one ended transaction.
There is no logical, rightful or practical rationale in wanting to trade the natural resources for the money of the people these pretended leaders want and send our connationals to live, work and send back the monies that will support the people our own governments should be supporting by providing the opportunities that the forced migrants find in the so vilipended country.
But images are stronger than words. Let´s review the background of the also stated words that all countries have been initially exploited by the abusers of their time.
All countries, but especially our countries, need to find the way to get ahead and prosper, through moral stamina and resolve to start walking, without complaining, the hard road to the future., instead of offending and at the same time extending our hands as beggars with sticks instead of willful cooperation and enthusiasm to find our own way to progress.
The present President of the United States in response to the diatribes and harangues from the limelight seeking people, placed in positions of societal directions, because I would strongly doubt they hold real positions of power, said. It is imperative to learn from history but not to remain trapped by it.
It is laughable that every one of these interlocutors, at the same time that embark in such, at least wanting to offend and pressuring want to keep on receiving gifts, privileged, free access to the so offended markets and people, disguised as international cooperation without any corresponding commitment or compromise toward the givers and the intended given people.
They insist in historical debts and abuses, to justify their pretended right to be always on the free receiving end that usually end up lining their pockets.
We should accept the hard fact and reality of having to be a corresponding partner, or no partner at all. There is no such equation of only one ended transaction.
There is no logical, rightful or practical rationale in wanting to trade the natural resources for the money of the people these pretended leaders want and send our connationals to live, work and send back the monies that will support the people our own governments should be supporting by providing the opportunities that the forced migrants find in the so vilipended country.
But images are stronger than words. Let´s review the background of the also stated words that all countries have been initially exploited by the abusers of their time.
All countries, but especially our countries, need to find the way to get ahead and prosper, through moral stamina and resolve to start walking, without complaining, the hard road to the future., instead of offending and at the same time extending our hands as beggars with sticks instead of willful cooperation and enthusiasm to find our own way to progress.
let´s analize what this country, we want to bleed, did, to do the same and maybe someday return the gifts they gave us in the first place. HARD WORK IS THE UNAVOIDABLE REQUISITE FOR SUCCESS.

to relentlesly seek it through patient dedication to the adquisition
of the necessary educational and training skills.

To not despair when facing hard and uncomfortable circumstances.

To preserve at all cost our dignity and personal respect.

To see as a positive one any potential activity, that could foster
our personal seeking of self support, and satisfaction of our material needs.

To expect without any irrational outburst of pretended abuses, debts,
offenses or whatever else,
the natural breakdowns of our means and ways.

To not despise any productive activity despite its humblessness
or strong requirements for untiring and not well paid labor.

Having always in our minds that if we do not presently see
the nicer end products of our efforts, some of our descendant
not only will see them but enjoy them.

Emphasizing at all times that what we cannot lose for any reason or excuse
is the optimism and resolve to keep on racing, and kicking ourselves up
while striving and runing the marathons
of the adverse or challenging circumstances.

Without refusing to engage in works and projects just because
they seem difficult, dangerous
or not intended for our personal gain or profit.

Without dispairing if we see ourselve broken down on the roads,
time after time.

Because hard labor and sweatshops are not
the invention of the present days.
Hard labor and sweatshops were the craddle
where the resolve of the valiants was born
and the furnace where their emotional strenght
was hardened to become
the steel structures of their descendant´s future.

And love did flourished always despite the harder
or the dire circumstances of the times where individuals had to migrate,
to find their future, their mates and their new forming family nucleus that,
on time, made the chosen country powerful,
strong, dependable, and worth to live in.
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