Monday, February 9, 2009


These reflections were borne out of a conversation with my second oldest granddaughter, nearing her 17 birthday celebration and her soon coming start of college.

As I desired her to meditate on this I would, similarly, like to dedicate these thoughts to all those young promises that are starting to bloom, to all those very soon wonderful women to be.

Even if the joy we all experienced while sharing the pictures of her merry times with family and friends,
I consider that the concepts that formed the words because of my longing for a better future and consistency in their lives, are the real substance of my joy for the promise that already have started to transform itself in living entities,
as well as the pain and the sorrow for the mercantilist manipulation of the enthusiasm for the novelties and what is in their minds considered as sophistication.

The motivation for spelling out my considerations is my respect for the innate good and common sense imbedded by God in the conscience of every human being
and my desire to see these young girls and boys striving to find themselves and forge a future for their lives,
in their pursuing of the dream of becoming genuine, authentic, healthy and wholesome and conquering victors
in the challenging feat of confronting the future circumstances of their lives.

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