My next comments would logically be to address the girls and women´s counterparts (the boys and adults) but this would be the subject of the next to these ones for several and good reasons.
In the early sixties when I studied finances in the States we were confronted with many faked, distorted, even Machiavellian schemes, even dollar forgeries trends among other issues. We were told that the fastest, easiest way to walk away from the labyrinth was to set up the analytical parameters on what was the right and correct or desirable objectives.
In any society not everyone can become a member of the higher social classes, nor is desirable to equalize everybody down there to the bottom of the social pit just because of an irrational obsession for leveling and making everyone equal to everyone, even if in social, economic and moral bankruptcy. The positive developing societies base their progress in a vitally existing and working middle class (a mixture of a low, average or high middle class if possible, non depending from both ends of the social struggling concepts of wild capitalism or socialism)
I was born in an average middle class family and environment where education, moral values, integrity (your word was worthier than any law gimmick or coercion) were the rules of life. We, as individuals and family have gone up and down as in the popular song… That´s life! We, individually and as a family, have been up and down, in and out, popes, pirates, clowns (in other people´s eyes, not in ours or in the eyes of the people who really got to know us), but we have always been back on top and right back on the race every time. We did it before, we do it now, and will keep on doing it as long as we live because we were taught vertically and uncompromisingly to stand up despite any unfavorable circumstance or enticement.
In the early sixties when I studied finances in the States we were confronted with many faked, distorted, even Machiavellian schemes, even dollar forgeries trends among other issues. We were told that the fastest, easiest way to walk away from the labyrinth was to set up the analytical parameters on what was the right and correct or desirable objectives.
In any society not everyone can become a member of the higher social classes, nor is desirable to equalize everybody down there to the bottom of the social pit just because of an irrational obsession for leveling and making everyone equal to everyone, even if in social, economic and moral bankruptcy. The positive developing societies base their progress in a vitally existing and working middle class (a mixture of a low, average or high middle class if possible, non depending from both ends of the social struggling concepts of wild capitalism or socialism)
I was born in an average middle class family and environment where education, moral values, integrity (your word was worthier than any law gimmick or coercion) were the rules of life. We, as individuals and family have gone up and down as in the popular song… That´s life! We, individually and as a family, have been up and down, in and out, popes, pirates, clowns (in other people´s eyes, not in ours or in the eyes of the people who really got to know us), but we have always been back on top and right back on the race every time. We did it before, we do it now, and will keep on doing it as long as we live because we were taught vertically and uncompromisingly to stand up despite any unfavorable circumstance or enticement.
We could go on and on, but as is generally said pictures, and better off videos are worthier than words. Nowadays we are back into our middle class way of living, as gracefully living grandparents, enjoying the fruits of the values and life guidance given to our sons.
This is what we desire for all those children and younger generations, in our country and everywhere. To live and progress through dedication and hard work, without negative aggressiveness, undue sense of entitlement, with a solid moral, spiritual, mental, emotional solid and integral foundation. This is the only way to enjoy and reap what we patiently did sow
We can and we must enjoy ourselves without despising the less blessed ones but willing to share our blessings with them so they someday become one of ours, socially speaking middle class people.

We have all the right to feel good and enjoy the pleasant things of life, but not to cheapen ourselves just for looking for or getting from others an emotional acceptance through unnecessarily enticing attitudes or attires!
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