I am planning from now on, as I will enjoy ample time to dedicate myself to put on writing my remembrances of my former secular life as well as the missionary ones as well as those concerns I have accumulated after dealing even in a limited way with the social maladies of my country, and in doing so addressing also the similar ones that are effectively affecting all societies all over the world.
Unfortunately for all those who have a short span of attention I will not be able to compress in very short sentences and paragraphs all the richness of the accumulated experiences, now that I have reached the golden age bracket of the 70 well and abundantly lived years of my life.
I am planning from now on, as I will enjoy ample time to dedicate myself to put on writing my remembrances of my former secular life as well as the missionary ones as well as those concerns I have accumulated after dealing even in a limited way with the social maladies of my country, and in doing so addressing also the similar ones that are effectively affecting all societies all over the world.
Unfortunately for all those who have a short span of attention I will not be able to compress in very short sentences and paragraphs all the richness of the accumulated experiences, now that I have reached the golden age bracket of the 70 well and abundantly lived years of my life.
Anyway, the comprehension of these complex challenges is not for them even if they dedicate their efforts or make their livelihood out of serving as intermediaries between the good faith supporters of solutions or initiatives oriented to the improvement of individuals and societies.
But for those who are patient enough to listen to older guys like me, I promise you will not be bored at all.
God has taken me by my hand and guided through many and very intricate paths!
Nothing now is new to me. If someone gets hit on the head by the nails of the circumstances I can humbly state that I was hit precisely there many times before.
And now … As I mentioned in my last posting in our blog while witnessing the pervasive stimuli that lure the younger generations through their enticements to live freely, without limits and concerns, in a revolving cycle of relativism and moral decay, I mentioned that I did not wanted to be seen as another older guy furtively glancing at the beautiful, young, enticing, coquettish girls that walk around almost everywhere.
This is one of the distasteful facts nowadays. Nicaraguans have always been known as consciously raised ladies chasing males, confusing masculinity with a no limits reign of uncontrolled virility. I do not want to make excuses, but things have gone from bad to worst.
In our younger years it was unconceivable to look at children as sexual objects of desire. Males preferred their women bosomy, good looking, of legally consenting age, coyly sensual but hard to get at the same time.
Nowadays, the rampant abuse takes a dual form where the males have become consuetudinary abusers.
The first, and in my eyes the foundation for the rampant family irresponsibility and sexual abuse that every day that passes are affecting our younger children, males and females, is the blatant parasitical behavior that erupt in the physical violence of males toward their adults partners and that usually goes unnoticed, or taken for granted or unpunished.
Because of the already more than thirty years of political turmoil, a civil war with the inevitable bloodshed of the males that could not evade being conscripted by force by leaving the country, there is now a great majority of females at all ages brackets, with the distasteful consequence that males have become no more nor less than social parasites that the females have to accept because of lack of worthier choices.
This can be observed just walking by or watching the news. Bare-chested, hugely potbellied, with floppy shorts and the omnipresent dirty rubber sandals, men and young of all ages gather everywhere, sitting on the sidewalks, sharing the cheapest liquors that they were able to buy, many times as early as seven in the morning.
At the same time their usual behavior is to insolently ask for money to any passerby to continue in their drinking, and viciously insulting when refused, and lasciviously watching the girls and women passing by, neatly, provocatively, comely, and usually better attired than any of the males around, while on their way to work in any type of the available job opportunities that the males despise while arguing for unearned rights.
One and very popular saying that you can read on the buses says “working is good for the health… So, get to work… you, all the sick ones”
And this attitude is not reserved just to the adults. Their negative behavior is promptly adopted by the younger ones, becoming the gang members who dominate the streets.
Unfortunately for all those who have a short span of attention I will not be able to compress in very short sentences and paragraphs all the richness of the accumulated experiences, now that I have reached the golden age bracket of the 70 well and abundantly lived years of my life.
I am planning from now on, as I will enjoy ample time to dedicate myself to put on writing my remembrances of my former secular life as well as the missionary ones as well as those concerns I have accumulated after dealing even in a limited way with the social maladies of my country, and in doing so addressing also the similar ones that are effectively affecting all societies all over the world.
Unfortunately for all those who have a short span of attention I will not be able to compress in very short sentences and paragraphs all the richness of the accumulated experiences, now that I have reached the golden age bracket of the 70 well and abundantly lived years of my life.
Anyway, the comprehension of these complex challenges is not for them even if they dedicate their efforts or make their livelihood out of serving as intermediaries between the good faith supporters of solutions or initiatives oriented to the improvement of individuals and societies.
But for those who are patient enough to listen to older guys like me, I promise you will not be bored at all.
God has taken me by my hand and guided through many and very intricate paths!
Nothing now is new to me. If someone gets hit on the head by the nails of the circumstances I can humbly state that I was hit precisely there many times before.
And now … As I mentioned in my last posting in our blog while witnessing the pervasive stimuli that lure the younger generations through their enticements to live freely, without limits and concerns, in a revolving cycle of relativism and moral decay, I mentioned that I did not wanted to be seen as another older guy furtively glancing at the beautiful, young, enticing, coquettish girls that walk around almost everywhere.
This is one of the distasteful facts nowadays. Nicaraguans have always been known as consciously raised ladies chasing males, confusing masculinity with a no limits reign of uncontrolled virility. I do not want to make excuses, but things have gone from bad to worst.
In our younger years it was unconceivable to look at children as sexual objects of desire. Males preferred their women bosomy, good looking, of legally consenting age, coyly sensual but hard to get at the same time.
Nowadays, the rampant abuse takes a dual form where the males have become consuetudinary abusers.
The first, and in my eyes the foundation for the rampant family irresponsibility and sexual abuse that every day that passes are affecting our younger children, males and females, is the blatant parasitical behavior that erupt in the physical violence of males toward their adults partners and that usually goes unnoticed, or taken for granted or unpunished.
Because of the already more than thirty years of political turmoil, a civil war with the inevitable bloodshed of the males that could not evade being conscripted by force by leaving the country, there is now a great majority of females at all ages brackets, with the distasteful consequence that males have become no more nor less than social parasites that the females have to accept because of lack of worthier choices.
This can be observed just walking by or watching the news. Bare-chested, hugely potbellied, with floppy shorts and the omnipresent dirty rubber sandals, men and young of all ages gather everywhere, sitting on the sidewalks, sharing the cheapest liquors that they were able to buy, many times as early as seven in the morning.
At the same time their usual behavior is to insolently ask for money to any passerby to continue in their drinking, and viciously insulting when refused, and lasciviously watching the girls and women passing by, neatly, provocatively, comely, and usually better attired than any of the males around, while on their way to work in any type of the available job opportunities that the males despise while arguing for unearned rights.
One and very popular saying that you can read on the buses says “working is good for the health… So, get to work… you, all the sick ones”
And this attitude is not reserved just to the adults. Their negative behavior is promptly adopted by the younger ones, becoming the gang members who dominate the streets.

A very sad consequence is the steadily increasing number of adolescents pregnant and before the right time single mothers, as well as children in some cases as young as 7 years being repeatedly raped by stepfathers and close relatives inside the family and community environments.

This is a daily occurrence in the newspaper pages, from where we have taken these pictures.
Another misguided stimulus for these aberrant behaviors is the daily exposure to the crude and bloody videos of the television newscasts. They irresponsible contribute to this taking for granted and a normal occurrence the violence, the abuse on all sides, authorities, families, individuals and whatever else, competing among themselves in their relentless quest to show what they stupidly call the news as they are and as the people want it, taking their cameras and microphones to the most shocking extremes just for the sake of vividness
It is wisely said that in order to get ready for healing we must realize how sick and desperate we are. The purpose of these comments is not to become a participant for participation´s sake in this gross exposition of our social maladies.
Our purpose is to pave the way for the rightful analysis and decision making that could allow the implementation of permanent and realistic alternatives for our society. We all deserve, but especially our younger generations, not just to survive but to effective and positively change from inside out to become a healthy society as the Lord intended all his children to live in.
I strongly feel that all the people, despite their social, educational, economic or emotional background, have the right to enjoy a peacefully earned through opportunities and hard work, responsibility and dedication, what the traditional and Christian oriented middle class families rightfully enjoy.
What you see in the following collages of a child birthday celebration should be the daily occurrence in the healthy social environment we dream, someday we will see in every country.

Wait for more!
Awesome site, I had not come across emiliopadilla.blogspot.com earlier during my searches!
Keep up the good work!
This is a message for the webmaster/admin here at emiliopadilla.blogspot.com.
Can I use part of the information from this blog post above if I give a link back to your website?
Hi there,
This is a message for the webmaster/admin here at emiliopadilla.blogspot.com.
May I use part of the information from your blog post right above if I give a link back to your website?
On 2010/11/23 I received this message again. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Some of the negatively influencing factors in the ...": Hi there, May I use part of the information from your blog post right above if I give a link back to your website? Thanks, Jules My answer, again is, sure. Jules. As I do not have your email address to answer directly, in here I tell you that yes, you can do it, as the purpose of the blog is to encourage sharing and brainstorming for the benefit of any caring reader, not necessarily to agree with me.
how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do
how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do
Nice work, regards
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