As part of the thoughts and planning analysis we have to make in this beginning month of 2008, as well for ourselves as for the controls required by the Government through its children´s protection agency MIFAMILIA.
One of the requisites is to report how the installations possessed has been and will be the basis for the welfare of the children, in a chronological order and justification. In their eyes this is a fundamental requisite for the continuing renewal of our official accreditation as approved protection centers.
This naturally leads us to review and to justify in a graphic way how the ministry has developed by the generosity of our donors and supporters and what we are planning to do in this year of the Lord 2008
It has already been in my mind for a long time to organize a pictorial of beginnings, the move to Las Palmas and all the installations built in Jinotepe through Andy Salisbury generosity. I feel it is time to give him and his friends a long overdue recognition and expression of deeply felt gratefulness, even if we know that they in their hearts have already felt our Lord´s pat on the shoulder because of a well done job by His leading for His children.
One of the requisites is to report how the installations possessed has been and will be the basis for the welfare of the children, in a chronological order and justification. In their eyes this is a fundamental requisite for the continuing renewal of our official accreditation as approved protection centers.
This naturally leads us to review and to justify in a graphic way how the ministry has developed by the generosity of our donors and supporters and what we are planning to do in this year of the Lord 2008
It has already been in my mind for a long time to organize a pictorial of beginnings, the move to Las Palmas and all the installations built in Jinotepe through Andy Salisbury generosity. I feel it is time to give him and his friends a long overdue recognition and expression of deeply felt gratefulness, even if we know that they in their hearts have already felt our Lord´s pat on the shoulder because of a well done job by His leading for His children.
Here is where we were in 2002. We had the Lomas de San Judas place

New staff was added. More children were received.
As in a kaleidoscope names appear in our memory.
Robert Benson our Founder and CEO, Spencer Manners our Board President, our local Nicaraguan Board members, our Pastor Eugenio, myself and my wife Gladys, in charge of the ministry as National Directors, Directors of the homes in Managua and Jinotepe, and Girls tutor parents since April 2002, were mesmerized by the living waters flood of support and friendship from so many dedicated Christians who had our children in their hearts.
And the gift goes on… the list of friends is unending. They are the loving structure of our ministry, the stones that support the house piled up upon the stone without which nothing can be built, our Lord.

Christian dentists came to take care of our children and staff. Aliza and the Canadians, Earl Floyd and his private practice team and friends
Christian organizations like Cross International too, to walk shoulder to shoulder alongside us by helping with the educational expenses.
A team from California came to see what we were doing and find ways to support our or any other ministries or project focused on the welfare of so many needed children or people in Nicaragua.
And this almost at the same time the Brobecks, a Christian family we met last March 2007 at the Children at Risk Conference in Anaheim has committed to fund the building of a 3rd. home for children in memorial of their daughter and sister.
Christian organizations like Cross International too, to walk shoulder to shoulder alongside us by helping with the educational expenses.
A team from California came to see what we were doing and find ways to support our or any other ministries or project focused on the welfare of so many needed children or people in Nicaragua.
And this almost at the same time the Brobecks, a Christian family we met last March 2007 at the Children at Risk Conference in Anaheim has committed to fund the building of a 3rd. home for children in memorial of their daughter and sister.

What a sight! What a time! You should have been here with us at the Huembes market to watch the girls and boys
You know how girls are. A guy selling posters came by and started showing pop singers and groups and the girls started yelling, Abuelito, Abuelito, buy me that, buy that other one, and the boys followed wanting football teams posters.
It was a racket, everybody yelling… me, Abuelito! Me, Abuelito! Trying to convince me to buy a poster for everyone! Girls, girls, girls! Believe me there have never been 10 dollars from my pocket better spent.
You know how girls are. A guy selling posters came by and started showing pop singers and groups and the girls started yelling, Abuelito, Abuelito, buy me that, buy that other one, and the boys followed wanting football teams posters.
It was a racket, everybody yelling… me, Abuelito! Me, Abuelito! Trying to convince me to buy a poster for everyone! Girls, girls, girls! Believe me there have never been 10 dollars from my pocket better spent.

God is good! He is faithful! He is our provider through the deeds of His faithful followers and servants! He protects our supporters and does not allow any worldly interference with His plans for His children! It is not the gratefulness seeking from the needy and sometimes ungrateful recipients of what we do or give what he asks and expect from us but our gratefulness for being chosen to serve Him! We all are the apples of His eyes!
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