Thursday, January 3, 2008


Christmas this year was a very happy time, and New Year´s Eve was a comforting one. The whole year long was a whirl winding round of transitional events.

But as one poet said, and paraphrasing him we see it in the joy of the children we see growing up and going through their growing pains, conflicts, expectations, failures and successes… “when you have put your trust in God and walked along with Him… when you have felt his guiding hand day after day, but now see that your steps are leading you through different paths that you did not expected to… start again… keep going on…

Life is an unceasing step by step process. each one of them brings its particular challenges. The children will grow up. Some willl persevere. others will try their wings even if they are not yet ready for it and probably will leave.
But none of these circumstances are the parameters of failure or success. Only the Lord knows for sure. we all are only the means and the hands of the Lord, ministries, sponsors and the rest of all of us the day to day involved because of our love for them. wht the Lord ask us is to do our best.
Younger ones will come to the shadow of our arms, of our hearts, if we keep ourselves as living trees along the shores of the living waters of the Grace and the Mercy of the Lord. and as in the poem... we will start again. we will keep on going on.

This Christmas we enjoyed the company of two of our sons and their wives and children.
And we also enjoyed the laughter and the merriment of our ministerially adopted ones. See them too, enjoy them too, pray for them too, and pray for the ones to come as we prepare the building up of another home for younger ones.

Getting ready at Las Palmas home to go to Jinotepe to spend Christmas, New Year and the reminder of the school vacations
Luisa Aurelia, Yessenia, Gioconda Sthefani, and then again Yessenia and Gioconda Sthefani
Allan de Jesus, Fabián Antonio, Jefri and Franklin Deyling
Gioconda Sthefani, Her sister Reina Valeria and Luisa Aurelia
Yessenia and Angie Nahomi on New Year´s Eve

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