Unexpectedly all these past weeks I have been seeing ghost herds stampedes and ghost riders in the skies. I have been an unwilling witness as the old cowboy Dean Martin sings about. And this has made me go back to my music files to listen to that song and turn it into this opening video.
These past two weeks have been some exceptionally trying ones. I have been witness to some, at times, incomprehensible actions and circumstances that test, down to the innerest levels of my heart, my trust and confidence that truth and righteousness somehow would prevail over the hardness and abuses of this world.
I have heard a former soldier under my command, crying on the phone with despair, seeing how a dear friend of him was kidnapped and murdered because drug traffickers were pressuring his father to get involved in the transportation trade.

I had seen faithful employees of powerful corporations being fired, and their future destroyed,
for not going along with their financial shenanigans,
and just because its executives needed scapegoats if they could not get accomplices.
These past two weeks have been some exceptionally trying ones. I have been witness to some, at times, incomprehensible actions and circumstances that test, down to the innerest levels of my heart, my trust and confidence that truth and righteousness somehow would prevail over the hardness and abuses of this world.
I have heard a former soldier under my command, crying on the phone with despair, seeing how a dear friend of him was kidnapped and murdered because drug traffickers were pressuring his father to get involved in the transportation trade.

I had seen faithful employees of powerful corporations being fired, and their future destroyed,
for not going along with their financial shenanigans,
and just because its executives needed scapegoats if they could not get accomplices.
I had seen very young girls, in my neighborhood, scanty shorts dressed, boldly and daringly kissing boys, the chubbier ones inciting the slenderer ones to do so, probably because the warm and probably in their eyes boring afternoons did not let them find better ways to play.
Or maybe because in their immaturity they believe it’s the best and fastest way to popularity.
Or maybe because in their immaturity they believe it’s the best and fastest way to popularity.

What I find more immature is that they do it in a provoking, as well as a defiantly challenging way towards us, the passerbys and bystanders.
It seems they do not understand that they are only provoking worser excesses by their also immature counterparts,
They do not realize that their playmates, the almost kids, because they are not even whole teenagers, or the older ones will only see an easy opportunity to convince them to enter in sexual relationships that surely end in unwanted pregnancies.
And every one of them will end up as a loser even before starting life in their own.
Is is more frequent nowadays to see young girls holding in their arms babies almost as big of them. I can only guess the whole messing up of their still not developed lives, as well as that of their parents, who have to take care of such unwanted family expansion.
And this, if they do not recur to the “who cares” attitude”, “it´s only youthful exuberances” or “that´s what life and new moral values and ways are today and we must accept or tolerate them”, that will only expose their young uproots to wider, and worser promiscuities.
This was just happening very close to a group of adults, as well as also older men, sitting on the benches of our little park, drinking liquor in disguised cardboard cups, noisily exchanging crude jokes about sex, and stupid things alike, spicing up their conversation with drunken laughs, that only showed their crass mediocrity, and bad behavior, before the youngsters!

And outside our place, the news kept ragging thunderously on the media and internet screens. Fighting and death all over the places! Libya, Ivory Coast, Middle East.
And just around the corner, in our city, surrounding places and our countryside. Extortion and death at the hands of what is seemingly uncontrollable by the security forces of our State!
And coming back to the roots of society, the perversion, destruction and the distortion of the roots of everything for good or bad, which is the family.
And in the family the origin of it, which is a man and a woman, getting together, living together, initiating the indissoluble links, whatever the religion or set of spiritual belief under its “auspices of” they do so, Catholic, Evangelical, Mayan, Buddhist, you name it, according your preferences or convenience.
To be specific about it, how could we accept that breaking such links, making they disappear for the sake of a so called love for the country, feeling called to rule it at the expense of the sacred vows, accepted and proclaimed one day?
How could we accept such a blasphemy, when we have sacrificed countries and places of birth, for the sake of the preservation of our families?
How could we accept such an act when we see these sacrifices occurring every day, every hour, and every place, whatever the culture we could refer to?

All of this has made me remember the lyrics of a song I have liked a lot, before, sung by Dean Martin: Ghost Riders in the sky.
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day.
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way,
And in the family the origin of it, which is a man and a woman, getting together, living together, initiating the indissoluble links, whatever the religion or set of spiritual belief under its “auspices of” they do so, Catholic, Evangelical, Mayan, Buddhist, you name it, according your preferences or convenience.
To be specific about it, how could we accept that breaking such links, making they disappear for the sake of a so called love for the country, feeling called to rule it at the expense of the sacred vows, accepted and proclaimed one day?
How could we accept such a blasphemy, when we have sacrificed countries and places of birth, for the sake of the preservation of our families?
How could we accept such an act when we see these sacrifices occurring every day, every hour, and every place, whatever the culture we could refer to?

All of this has made me remember the lyrics of a song I have liked a lot, before, sung by Dean Martin: Ghost Riders in the sky.
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day.
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way,
of red eyed cows he saw
A-plowing through the ragged sky
and up the cloudy draw.
Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel.
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel.
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky,
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky,
for he saw the Riders coming hard,
and he heard their mournful cry:
Yippie yi Ohhhhh, Yippie yi yaaaaay,
Ghost Riders in the sky.

As the riders looped on by him he heard one call his name.
If you want to save your soul from hell a-riding on the range,
then cowboy change your ways today, or with us you will ride

As the riders looped on by him he heard one call his name.
If you want to save your soul from hell a-riding on the range,
then cowboy change your ways today, or with us you will ride
across these endless skies.
The ghost herd in the sky!
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