At first sight his thoughts did sound convincing and logical. But later on, in my mind and my spirit sprouted the question I am phrasing after each of this writer phrases.
Then, as a second part of the development of my own thoughts and concerns, came out the interrogation born out from the second presentation on the offenses and reactions and responses, the winds of time and the permanence of the rocks imbedded in our memories.
This has led me to the final conclusion that even if we do not have the answers nor have done always what was correct and consistent, something good can come out from our experiences, even if for the statement of having stumbled twenty years ago over the same obstacle or circumstance.
STATEMENT: What is what it makes you react to? Reality? Or the fiction you believe is real?
QUESTIONS: Is it worthy to live like this, as leaves gyrating in the wind?
Or confronting rejections and loneliness for the sake of integrity and self being?
STATEMENT: What is wrong with the ideals is that if you live according to them all… it is impossible to live with you.
STATEMENT: People do not want the truth! They want appeasing promises!
STATEMENT: When your shoes fit you, you forget your feet;
STATEMENT: When the belt does not tighten you, you forget your waist;
QUESTION: Deceptive self-esteem?
STATEMENT: When all goes well, you forget your “ego”. Then, What´s the use of abstaining?
STATEMENTS: How could I be a great man… like you? And why to be a great man? Just to be a simple man is a great achievement!
COMMENTS: But… Why to give in to the lies and snares of this manipulating world?
We can overcome, even if only in our inner world!
Even if the price to pay for it may be so painful!
A friend of mine some days ago reflected on the problems faced when trying to stay honest and faithful to what he defined as the fundamental values of a genuine middle class people.
He defined them as being only about 5% of the societies where less than 1% controlled about 80% of all generated income, manipulating the overwhelming majority that struggles and unendingly compromises in order to survive while the middle class values sink under the pressure and the ruthless whims of the powerful.
The only answer I had for him was that everyone has its own breaking point. And everyone has to decide what to do when forced to make fundamental decisions such as following the crowds or standing tall for what he knows is right and fundamental.
It is inevitable to face the natural consequences. Surviving at the cost of our own conscience… or sinking under the pressure of abuse, dismissal or rejection.
What we can control in this case is our responses to these painful consequences, understanding that all reduced itself to a simple sharing between us and the people we interact with.
It is up to us to live with peace despite the hardship and the hurting, burying them under the sands of times and circumstances, without forgetting to be grateful when we receive good for good done in our part.
Gratefulness that we should chisel on the rocks of the remaining standing rocks after all the sand of the abuse and selfishness has flown away, spirited out by our resilience and integrity.
We should always remember that we can live a simpler life, enjoying the technological progress of today, without being anxiously seeking, to get and make our own, what it is incessantly presented to us as needed to have to satisfy our craziest cravings.
We must realize there is an ultimate need, that of avoiding to be absorbed by the artificially mesmerizing but addicting myriads of trinkets that saturate every second of our present lives.
COMMENTS: But… Why to give in to the lies and snares of this manipulating world?
We can overcome, even if only in our inner world! Even if the price to pay for it may be so painful!
Balance! Wisdom! Awareness of what is real, right and fundamental, are the keys for a life to be worth its while.
There is no need to recur to extreme examples of human resilience as the Japanese people are showing in the midst of their almost unbelievable crisis.
But, we have a lot to learn from them in moments like these.
No looting! No opportunistic speculation! Supermarkets selling first need goods at reduced prices! People gathering together for mutual support! Still being able to smile after losing everything while locked in in a car in the midst of the tsunami!
Gratefulness for being alive and still having hope to recover what was lost because we trust in humans capable of helping other humans, despite offenses incurred, despite circumstances endured, despite whatever wrong could have been inflicted on us! This is the message of the following tale of THE SANDS AND THE ROCKS! Meditate on it and decide what way to go while living.
Two friends were crossing a desert… They started to discuss and one slapped the other…
Hurt, but silent, he wrote on the sand… MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME, TODAY.

After recovering his breath, he chiseled on a stone… MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE TODAY!
The one who had slapped and later saved his friend, asked him: When I did hurt you, you wrote on the sand, and now you chisel it on a stone. Why?
The other friend answered: when someone hurts us we must write it on the sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it.

We must learn to write our wounds on the sands of time and chisel our fortunes on the lasting stones of our deserts.
For these reasons I am sharing my life´s actions and experiences to chisel on the rocks of our memories, the friends, the journeys´ partners… and all those whose diverse actions and opinions did influence the routes of our life, and realistically showed us the encountered crossroads.
If somehow or some times we offended you, forgive us. If we did something good, keep us, alive, in the vaulty rocks of your memories. MAY GOD BLESS YOU!
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