Monday, July 20, 2009


There is a very popular Mexican song that nonchalantly proclaims: I stumbled again, and over the same rock. What a lesson! Not a very encouraging one, but an almost doomed and tragic one!

One thing is clearly evident. We are seeing it today, in all the news, in all the international scenarios. Hypocrisy is the name of the game! And pharisaical hypocrisy is the worst of them all!

and it is not for lack of knowledge, information or inevitability that humans fail, wickedly behave, unremorsefully deceive, oppress, manipulate, inflict pain, and destroy not only reputations but also opportunities to work, to advance, to improve, as well as physically eliminate people as well.

In times or centuries past there was no hypocritical justifications as today. Force was understood as the usual means to impose doctrines, mores, social structures, empires, benefit for the powerful, when deployed by the powerful, the daring and the strong.

Nowadays, the mediocrity of the innerly weak but disguised as democrats, defenders of what is humanly good and desirable, if it goes according to their purposes and greed, is what it reigns.

Apparently, today is universally rejected the use of the force, incarnated in the widely vituperated military unless they are aligned with the self-called and self-appointed revolutionary democrats of the world, supporting and repressing the ones who dissent from their screaming and uncontrolled dreams.

Because of this omnipresent and pervading weakness trait that feeds itself to find strength in the anonymity of or the populist strength of the masses, all concepts of values have been tragically distorted.

Pompous and empty perorations replace the righteousness and assertiveness of truth and logic. And individuals, societies and nations have to endure or survive among the consequential chaos and divestment of what is rightfully ours, our personal and collective freedom and the right to progress along positive, not weird or distorted paths.

We have conveniently forgotten, if we are part of the privileged circles, or the national or international bureaucratic supporting leaches, the, at the same time, greatness of humankind within our earthly perception, as well as our minuscule being in relation to the greatness of the University, God´s creation, as a whole, as so pertinently and vividly a recently received message displays.

The whole human tragedy does not resides in the inflicted pain, but in the stubborn reluctance to recognize that we are temporary, and no one will live not even a century and half as the oldest patriarchs of before. And consequently we will only leave behind a cruel and stupid course on how to oppress and destroy, oppressing and destroying ourselves while doing so.

Because it is not an easy life that of the despot and oppressors! It is not a 24 hours a day task! It could be considered a 48 or even a 72 hours a day nightmare, because of the accelerated and deeper destruction of peace and inner well being, on their part, due to the unending and ever increasing stress that constitute the worst drug addiction of all. The drug of unlimited and wicked, unmerciful, and self-destructing greed for power and control!

And all within the confines of this minuscule but wonderful planet and world that has been given to us as our inheritance and the sublime mission to care for and protect, enjoying it but not destroying it because of insatiable cravings that bring so much confusion, manipulation, suffering, pain and abuse.

All above and around the Universe revolves, and our planet is just a minuscule speck of dust within the confines of its magnificence!

It is a beautiful place! But within that minuscule little dot we are all together: All our wars… All our problems… All our greatness, our pettiness and misery!

Within that minuscule little dot lies: All our technology, our art, our accomplishments! All civilizations, past and present.. All fauna and flora… All races and religions… All governments, countries and nations… All our love, our hate, our greed, our abuses, pains and defenselessness…

Six thousand millions souls in constant convulsion! Something to think about!

If we cared we could take this photo of the earth, gyrating around in the immediacy of the rings of Neptune, as a humbling lesson.

On one side, our insignificance in relation to the whole Universe, and about how irrelevant our problems and differences are, when seen from this greater perspective.

On the other side, our unbelievable hypocritical manipulations of the less privileged people to keep them under the yoke and the leash of our greed and ambitions!

Because of our incredibly misguides obsessions we are living in a vast and repetitive domestic abuse, at every social level from the individual, to the family, communal, national and international scopes.

We are incessantly repeating this despicable pattern of violation, rape, physical and psychological abuse within our personal circles of coexisting and living. The ones supposed to care, nurture and protect, on every side of the social equation, are the rapists of the human right to live in peace and progress.

This has become a spiraling disease, the worst pandemia of all them all. Because the rapists and the abusers become the raped and abused by the corresponding higher notch or this nightmarish and uncontrolled chaos, debacle and evil done!

I include in this every pseudo leader and agitator of this world. Even the most pompous and high fallutin, grave and sonorous, cynical and unremorseful social puppet or puppeteer!

And the most despicable thing is that all is being done in the name of human rights, dignity and democracy for all.

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