All these days there has been an ongoing and unending carnival and charade, in the social, political and media world, because of the unfortunate circumstances of a weak country, because of its “international poverty level” and lack of influence, finances or natural resources.
While assassinations, murders, repression, blatant human rights abuses of all types go unpunished when committed by the powerful of this world, all types of pharisaical prophets,
analysts, politicians, international officials, clamoringly pontificate against the unforgivable sin
of the paupers, daring to challenge the stalwart defenders
of the restoration of a broken democracy,
despite the existing and invoked reasons to expell a political abuser.
But, really, all this shouting and clamoring is really about, and in defense of, vested interests,
political corrupt juggling and shenanigans,
or fears of legitimate reactions by the peoples
oppressed in the name of similarly manipulated and corrupted democracies.
One thing that appalls is, that while is widely recognized
that imperfect democracy reigns all around,
theoretical but highy perjudicial financial ukases are being imposed
crushing the right of a nation to decide its own destiny,
within its own boundaries and its legally internal bounding political regulations.
And all this is, ironically done in the name
and on behalf of a convenient democratic control
and shielding of the abuses of the rulers or manipulators
of more affluent even if similarly corrupt nations.
One thing and a paramount one that is being manipulated, disguised or ignored
is the issue of the presence, influence or recurrence to the military
by the civilian players of societies, wherever or whatever they could be.
It is widely proclaimed the subjection to the civilian powers of society.
And it should so be.
But the roots of corruption lie within the civilian sectors of the society as such.
Civilians are the candidates to become part of the military to start with.
Civilians, who want to be part of this influential sector because they feel attracted to the mystic traits of discipline, honor and service to the country.
But also, some civilians, who want to access to the opportunity
to come out of the lower ranks of society and make a place for themselves,
even as populist presidents
if necessary to become so.
And civilians, who see in the military
the opportunity to become professionals of disciplines apart of the pure military ones,
or in the worst of the alternatives,
politicians who use the military
or military willing to be used by the politicians.
No one is born a military.
Let´s take for example the latest example of such a great political uproar.
It was wrong to use them to expel an abusing official,
but it is even contradictory
and wrongest that the deposed call upon them to be replaced.
It is absurd to call them gorillas and assasins one second
and defenders or paladins, the next,
if they accept to plot to recover what it was lost according to the civilian law,
or to become the mercenaries of what is being considered
the new fashion of populist governments of this world.
because that´s what they become when they are appeased
by being given newer toys like tanks, planes, uniforms, and political positions
in exchange of support of the coercive control of the populists
over the populations of the nations they have been able to officially lead.
Civilian issues should be solved through civilian channels
assuring that corruption and Constitutions or political and financial abuses
are not allowed and corrected.
In my eyes inmunity should not serve as a hiding shield
by the ones most responsible for the justice and justness of societal management.
The higher the position, the higher the responsibility
and the punisment in case of failure, abuse, corruption and greed.
The questions to answer are: are we or are we not?
Are we corrupt or are we not?
Are we corrupting or are we not?
Are we democrats or are we not?
Are we the cause or are we not?
Are we corrupting or are we not?
Are we manipulating or are we not?
Are we conveniently letting pass what we know is contradictory or untrue or are we not?
Are we profiting from the resulting chaos or are we not?
Are we inciting the violence or are we not?
Are we using the ignorant to serve as our shields or excuse or are we not?
Our world is made of beauty, music and harmony by God. But we do our outmost and our best to ruin it as if we could not live but in the midst of the cacophony of violence, disorder, injustice, chaos and abuse.
But this is only the negative side of the living coin of our lives. I still believe that man can straighten behaviors and paths. I still believe that as believe in music, harmony, music, truth and righteousness, capacity to correct mistakes and change ourselves and what is outside or ourselves.
For these reasons I present as the solution and way out what so many other good faith people believe. As every one of them I believe. I believe in God and I believe in man. And with the ones who sing and send messages of hope I say: I Believe In Music.
I could just sit around making music all day long. As long as I'm making my music, ain't gonna do nobody no harm. And who knows? Maybe I'll come up with a song to make people want to stop all their fussing and fighting long enough to sing along.
I believe in music. I believe in love. Music is love, and love is music, if you know what I mean. People who believe in music are the happiest people I've ever seen. So clap your hands and stomp your feet and shake your tambourine, and lift your voices to the sky; tell me what you see. I believe in music. I, I believe in love.
Music is the universal language, and love is the key to peace, hope, and understanding, and living in harmony. So grab your brother by the hand, let's sing along with me, and lift your voices to the sky; tell me what you see.
I hope we all will see the
And be able to tell one another:
Open your heart´s window and let your soul aerate itself! The mold´s odor you smell is that of aged dreams that did not before. Let the winds of hopes and change carry them away!
Liberate yourself from the bitter leftover from pains and rancors. Do a thorough cleaning of your heart´s window panes. If you do so you will have a better view of what goes on outside your closed “living in”.
Let light inundate everything, erase the dissapointments, the sadness of failures,
and the vice of suffering for suffering´s sake!
And above everything else, allow the sun to thaw the ice of solitude and loneliness...
Fall in love with a smile, and smile back in return! Light up the windows of your eyes!
Draw to you the hummingbirds, the butterflies and the fireflies!
Love the person you see every morning on your mirrow!
Open all the windows of your longings spilling over dreams.
No one dreams in vain!
It is not true that dreams flee. The people desist and it is then that they die!
Reinforce your longings basing them upon firms foundations. Build them up and day by day. Firm up your steps until you reach your rightful destination.
Do not allow darkening shadows, nor winds constraining walls, nor life silencing sounds.
Devise horizons beyond your windows,
enhancing the coloring of the available joyful circumstances.
Spread out truth and righteousness, encouraging words and generous attitudes all around.
Surely someone will be rescued from the darkness of gullibility, naiveté and deception!
And despair will become renewed hope
because of your encouraging actions, deeds and doings.
Reestructure your beliefs, clarify misunderstandings, correct mistakes
and forgive what needs to be forgiven!
Recognize the persons´worthiness, as well as what is most valuable in yourself.
And remember that:
There are three things in life that, when leaving, never come back to our lives:
Three things in life that can destroy any person:
Let´s not ever allow ourselves to lose three things:
Three things in life have the highest values:
Three things in life are unpredictable and uncertain:
Three things in life are character building:
There are only three truly constant and unfailing persons:
I ask GOD to guide you and protect you while and through your walking!