Monday, March 30, 2009

Realism? Tolerance? Wisdom? Acceptance? ¿Escapism?

The venomous asp of the relativism, rationalization, distortion and self-deception, can hide in the midst of the exuberance, the perfume and taste of the apples, and the beauty of the universe.

It must never be forgotten that the absolute realities and values, by God´s design, are immutable. And besides, for our benefit and profit, He has placed the idea of the infinite in our heads and the eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Humans are fallible, and, per se, are not capable to understand the amplitude of God´s designs, but again, for our benefit, He has impressed, imprescriptibly, the desire to seek and search what´s certain, righteous and correct.

Within this spiritual ambience, and because of this supreme need, let´s analyze whatever that could lead us to the deceitful relativism, distortion and self-deception in the midst of the truths, and the beauties, of the messages from well, or best intentioned journey partners, who travel alongside us, in this temporal and finite span of life.

Let´s analyze not only what is obviously optimistic, up to the point, or correct, but, also, everything that could be open to accommodate our limited perspectives, or egotistical perceptions, of the essential and supreme, not the virtual, reality of our lives and its purpose.

Let´s analyze the route, the opportune warnings, the life{s road signposts, and define the destination, the speed and the distance, within the infallible parameters of the design, the purpose and plans of God for every human being.

Eclesiastés 3:11. The idea of the infinite in the mind and the eternity in the hearts of men!

Mathew 25: 14:30. Talents distributed in correspondence with everyone´s potential. The lazy and the uninvolved will see them taken away and given to the one who used the, in a wiser way. But? What if the one who received more behaves as the laziest one? Or. What if he ignores the lesser ones having the opportunity to support, to help, and assist?

Mathew 6:19-20 and Luke 12:33-34. Riches treasured in heaven.

Mathew 6: 23-23 and Luke 11:34-36. The body as a lamp.

Mathew 6:24 and Luke 16:13. No one can serve 2 masters. To God and the riches of this world (money, social position, convenience, privileges, luxuriousness, indifference or insensitivity towards misery and poverty around). Because this leads and ends up in depression and anxiety for what is wanted and still not possessed. ((You are not depressed! You are distracted! (Unfocused))

Mathew 6:33. Distraction, wrong focusing or concentration upon. “But seek first His Kingdom and Hils righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you”

Based on all this let´s analyze, spiritually, the true concept of the following text, referenced in the beautiful message we are referring to.

(You are distracted. Besides, life does not take away things. It liberates you from things. It lightens you so you can fly higher, so you can reach plenitude
From the cradle to the tomb it is a school: for this reason, what you call problems are just lessons. And life is dynamic! Por this reason it is in a constant movement. Because of it you only must be attentive to the present.
Because of it my mother used to say: I take care of the present. The future is God´s business. Because of it Jesus used to say: tomorrow does not interests, it will bring new experience. Every day has enough with its own toils.

Beware! We have to have in mind the whole concept and content, not only what attracts us or can it our limited perception or convenience.

Mathew 6:34. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow. (Anxiety, concern, depression, desperation for. But anything of this means lack of interest, at all)

For tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (in the correct sense and meaning of taking care of, pay attention to, do what is required to be done, without getting anticipatedly, unnecessarily, anxious for it).

(because what it is done or taken care of, today, will have an influence upon tomorrow, and if we give, today, our expectations to the Lord, this surrendering or ours will be the base of the solution for tomorrow)

For our edification and guidance, let´s keep on keeping upon us the same spiritual perspective, shown by the Word of God in its different parables, in relation to the reason to be, and the understanding of the wrong or right human behavior.

Happiness! Pain! Sadness! Suffering! Mind! Heart! Spirit! Emotions and feelings! What is… and what it should be!

(You do not find happiness, and it is so easy. You only have to listen to your heart, before your head intervenes.

Because it is controlled by your memory, and complicates everything with old times past things, with prejudices that sicken you, that chain you.

The head that divides, in other words, impoverishes. The head that does not accept that life it is as it is, not as it should be.)
Do only what you love and you will be happy. The one who does what he or she loves, is blessedly condemned to success, that will come when it must come. Because what is to be, will be, and will naturally come!

Do not do anything out of obligation or compromise, but out of love. Then, there will be plenitude, and in that plenitude everything is possible and effortless.
God entrusted a human being to your care and that one is yourself. You must make yourself free and happy! Afterwards, you will be able to share the real life with those around you. Remember Jesus: love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

Reconcile yourself with yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and think that that creature you see is God´s making. And decide, right at that moment, to be happy. Because happiness is to be conquered! It is not something that will come to you from outside.
Besides, happiness is not a right but a duty. Because if you are not happy you are messing up, embittering all those around!
There are so many things to enjoy and our passing through earth is so short, that suffering is a waste of time.

Waste of time?

Can we avoid suffering? Can we deny suffering? Can we make pain disappear? Can we insulate ourselves from our own and others ´pain and suffering? Or, can we, for love, through love, because of love, transform that suffering and pain?

If we only focus ourselves in the temporary delights and distractions offered by nature, as well as by the human imagination and inventive, can we naively, insensitively, live in the midst of pleasures, alongside the consuming suffering, and the real, not the virtual or imagined, negative and painful, we, widespreadly, see around?

We have for our joyness, the wintery snow and the spring flowers, the chocolate from Perusa, the French baguettes, the Mexican tacos, the Chilean wine, the oceans and the rivers, the Brazilian football.

The thousands and one night tales, the Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, the Manzanero bolero songs, Whitman´s poetry, Mahler´s music, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven. The Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Picasso and Tamayo paintings, among so many marvels and wonders!

but what about?

And if you get Cancer or Aids, two things can happen and the two of them are good.

If it defeats you, it liberates you from the so bothersome body. I am hungry! I am cold! I am sleepy! I want! I am right! I doubt!

And if you overcome it, you will be humbler, more grateful. Consequently, easily happy! Free from the cumbersome burden of guilt, responsibility and vanity. Ready to live intensely, every moment, as it should be.

And do not allow yourself to be confused by some scarce homicidal and suicidal. Goodness is majority. But it is not noted because is silent.

A bomb is noisier than a caress. But for every bomb that destroys there are millions of caresses that feed life.

Goodness feeds from itself. Evilness destroys itself. If the evil ones knew what a good business is to be good, they would be good, if only for business.
You are not depressed! You are distracted!

For all of that. For all that has been stated before. For all that you prefer to listen or accept. For all that attracts your interest or convenience. For everything said or could have been said. For all that I have left in my inkwell.

I just want, my dear friend, to remind you the ineffable gifts poured upon us by God´s infinite munificence.

The immutable idea of the infinite, in our minds!
The eternity impressed on the deepest of our hearts!
And the free will to decide individually, for better or worse, of ourselves and those who live in our sphere of influence.
For better or worse of those who expect from us solidarity, love, understanding, help, encouragement and support.

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