Friday, March 6, 2009


During my already lived seventy two years I have seen the significant changes in the generational cycles of our societies.

A recurrent and easily discerned circumstance is the cyclical occurrence of trends shifting from one end to the other of the living equation

From Puritanism to liberalism! Always tending to excess and extravagancies! From hippies to yuppies! From baby booming to pro-choice and selfish control and decisions!

From Gayness meaning happiness to aberrant sexual ways of living! From Fundamentalism to esoteric confusions! From austerity to uncontrolled consumism and greed leading to the logical consequence of the present international financial crisis!

Thanks God all this has generated an expanding basis of conceptual understandings. If we err or if we inadvertently or purposely deceive ourselves, is not because of lack of rightful parameters but because of willful rationalizations and egotistical decisions.

We are not isolated islands deprived of opportunities for the betterment of our living. We are all capable of discerning the best in everything we face, even if many times we choose what it seems easier and pleasanter even if hurtful and wrong at the end of the day.

Nowadays it is easy to complain and easier to evade the issues if they do not affect our personal and family well-being. Even easier than all this is to hide behind our retirement age when deciding to see the parade comfortably seated along the sidewalks of life.

It is necessary to pinpoint and define what afflicts our younger generations. It is not an easy task for our children and extremely detrimental the collective pressure of the present technological developments on the natural cravings of our growing grandchildren.

A few days ago my wife and I, sitting at a cozy park bench, shared the wonderful but at the same time explosion of so many gadgets that crowd the span of attention and desires of possession of our present generations.

And we decided that we, the already going out generation cannot just stay idle and passive, but with a gentle quietness and steadfastness must stay as the beacons of light that warn about the limiting cliffs along the highways of our offspring’s living.

In relation to this there is a growing awareness of this need among the golden agers. Just twenty hours before I had received a message I turned into the video you will see at the end. The message text that follows, very adequately, describe our feelings and our intended purposes until we are finally called to rest. Analyze and meditate on these concepts as everyone will sooner than later reach our age and will face the same dilemma

“That because of my age I should not stay involved in controversies just to stay faithful to what I always believed and stood for? Why not!

I´m as old as I feel and want to be! The age when I can, unfearfully, shout what I think! Do what I want even if I fail! And calmly face the uncertain and unknown! Because I have the experience of my lived years and the strength of my convictions and desires

Who cares how old I am! I do not want to even think about it! Because some say I am too old! But others? That I am at the “apogee of my life!

My age is neither what matters nor what the people say… But what my heart feels and my brain dictates

I am old enough to shout what I think, to do what I want, to acknowledge my mistakes, to rectify my paths and to treasure new accomplished goals.

Now, no one can tell me that I am too young, and will not make it, nor that I am too old and will not also make it!

I have the age when things are calmly seen but as interested as always. I have the age when dreams are still caressed with our fingers and longings still remain as potential hopefuls. I have the age when love is still a flare up, impatient to consume itself in the passion it longs for… and other times is a peaceful pond, or a seashore sunset

So… what about how old am I? I do not need a number, nor remember how many… because my fulfilled longings, my victories, the tears poured over illusory hopes and visions… Are a lot worthier!

Who cares if I am already in the forties, the fifties, in within the seventies or almost reaching the nineties? What it really matters is… not how old… but how mature I feel! My age is that I need to live free of bondage and fears. To eagerly follow the present paths, with my baggage of accumulated experiences and the strength of my yearnings!

Who cares how old I am, what I possess or what I wait for if with the years I learnt to only want the necessary and to take only the good I found?

If you don´t think the same or somewhat alike… Is up to you! Anyway! You are you! And your Life is your Life! Me? I am as old as I feel and I want To be !

And you all old timers as we, do not allow yourselves to be taken away from this wonderful site in life and perspectives about it. Live as superior and unselfish minded people for the benefit of the newer generations and even those mediocre thinking ones who despise being shaken out of their froggy swimming in the ponds of greed, egotism, ambitions and pervasive compromisin


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