Wednesday, December 30, 2009


As the end of the year is just a very few and short days away, and after the joy of Christmas celebration of God born unto us for our salvation, I want to share, concisely and precisely, the messages that dear friends shared with me, joined in prayer for one another and for the needed and confused of this world.

For this time and this time alone, let´s keep away the analysis and concerns. Let´s meditate over the contents of the messages, and pray.


They are the time and the circumstances, but it´s not the time or the circumstances what matters but us and our attitude towards them.

The distracted keeps on stumbling upon them, all the time.

The violent use them as projectiles to attack instead of contributing to the collective well being.

The entrepreneur builds with them.

The tired working ones use them to sit and relax before keeping on going.

They are toys and fun for the children.

David, with one killed Goliath and saved the day for his people.

And Michelangelo made the most beautiful sculpture out of it.

In all these cases the difference was not the stone itself but man´s attitude, will and decisions.

There are no “stones” on our path that can stop us or can´t be used for our betterment, growth and future…

1 comment:

Emilio Padilla Morales & Gladys de Padilla said...

(AlyciaSweat posted a comment: it is good to write human things)