Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It has been some time since I posted my thoughts and feelings about what is going on all around us.

It is not that I have missed events. On the contrary, there has been a deluge of news, comments, TV watching and wondering.

Wondering about the whys and hows of the incessant and repetitive pounding on our emotions!

I have, even, had discussions with some friends, who have been subject to the consequences of their straight even if somehow naively dealings with the uncaring factors and actors of greed, power and control.

And consequently, unwittingly and adversely paying the negative consequences!

It is a sad, but a logical reality that their lives have been changed, and bitterness and distrust have become a seemingly unavoidable stain in the fabrics of their life.

I truly hope that time and willingness to learn from failures and injustices received will heal them and make them better than they were before, because of the wisdom acquired through such painful incidents and times.

But I cannot but wonder, as they do, and ask with painful awareness in my heart… ARE WE MISSING SOMETHING VITAL IN THE FABRICS OF THIS LIFE?
Friends send me a lot of messages and reflections. I will not be as prolific with my personal thoughts as I have been before. There is no need to reinvent the iced water or the wheel, nor ride over the prairies of sorrows like the lone ranger of our childhood days.

Instead, I will try to put together in an orderly way, the abundant messages that are floating on the air, somewhere, everywhere, exchanged back and forth through the internet waves.

I had turn the ones that have touched deeper the raw fibers of my spirit, my emotions and my mind.

Enjoy them; meditate on them, starting with what I said before… ARE WE MISSING SOMETHING VITAL IN THE FABRICS OF THIS LIFE?

Now, the question is… Why can we not live in peace with other people?
Could it be just because they are different?

Or because we, rightfully, know they have chosen the wrong paths of life itself,
just because they confuse freedom, and equality,
with deviate, perverse or wicked ways?

Could it be that we are missing something vital in the fabrics of life?

My personal answer is. Yes! With loving righteousness!

This does not mean unrighteous justifications!
Because love does not preclude Knowledge and Discernment!


One of my sons, the other day, commented that I paid too much attention, and got at times dispirited, at times concerned, agitated, mad as hell when seeing in action the puppeteers of the political world, and the sycophants of the media, while the manipulators of the greed and wealth, callously take advantage of the, in my book, unending and artificial crisis, and convoluted financial schemes of today.

He was of the opinion that the present generations widely differ from ours in that they live in a fast and furious pace, but are conscious that almost everything presented to them is just entertainment or doomed to failure in their efforts to convince them, as the books of the past and the words of our elders, did so well when we were younger.

I cannot but disagree, because I daily see the outbursts of the wicked, or the uncontrollably violent upsurges of the masses, in every realm of societal life. And the fire is incessantly fed and stimulated with all types of wiles and ruses.

What I see, all around, is the widespread lack of integrity, the numbing selfishness and the callousness that kills all sensitivity and awareness, immersed as we are in the ruthless pressure of the consumism that devours and destroy every sense of decency, decorum and priorities.

If we could stop believing that hedonism and crass sexuality and greed is all about, and that love, the real one, the real McCoy, as the early publicists used to say, is what it really matters.

And it matters because it enforces our strongest inner-hood potential, and this way we could, maybe be able to turn things about, and make the difference for the good, the real good and the better in this world.

Everybody talks about love, professes love, and defines love as the expression of the uncontrolled freedom to live if in the most deviated and perverted ways, but do we really understand what love can be?


Love shows itself in the art of caring,
in generous giving, in unselfish sharing.

In just being there, when it means very much,
with a comforting smile, an affectionate touch.

Love has its own way of looking and seeing,
its own gentle manner, its own special being.

It lasts and supports us through problems and sorrows.
It´s something we know we can count with

in our tomorrows.

How rich we are, how safe, how secure,
when we have love that will endure.

1b. Love and Un-love are the two sides of the coin of life, gyrating out of control these days!

Let´s meditate on the shaking testimonies of the children, as well as that of the elders who really care, and see the disastrous effects of the abuse inflicted by the lack of love.


I must be stupid! I must be bad! Because, what other reason my mom could have, to be angry with me?

I would like to be a better one! I would like not to be ugly anymore! Maybe, then, my mom would like to hug me as I would like to be!

I must not talk! I must not misbehave! If I do so I would be locked in the closet all day long!

When I wake up I am always alone! The house is dark for hours and hours!
When mami comes back I will try to be a good girl, even if she does not love me nor hugs me because she feels sorry to do so.

Do not make the slightest noise! I just heard the door is opening;
my dad has come back, drunk, from a bar.
I hear him angry, shouting my name,
and against a wall I tried to push myself.

I try to hide from his horrible stare.
I cannot hold my crying. I am scared.
He finds me, crying. He insults me.
He tells me I am the cause of his problems.
That all of them are my fault!

He starts hitting me! Keeps on shouting at me!

I escape from his grip, and run away, still crying.
I fall down, my bones hurting.
My dad tells me words that I do not understand.

Please forgive me, I shout at him. But it is too late.
His angry face looks like it is burning.
The punches and the words do really hurt.

I ask Father God for mercy,
but my dad does not seem to hear or care

Finally he ends and walks out the door,
while I lie almost dead, on the floor.

My name was Sarah.
I was only three years old.
Today, my father killed me
without mercy and remorse.